  • 他用一粗大的木头把墙撑住。
    He shored up the wall with a thick balk of wood.
  • 哈姆莱恩一个二年级学生詹·鲍克说:“你知道,20年前本不是这样的,那时都是男人去上学,得到好的工作,那时是这样的男女界线。
    "You know, 20 years ago it was not this way at all," says Jen Balk, a Hamline sophomore. "It was all the men going to school and getting the good jobs, and there was such a barrier.
  • 我认为,从本上讲,这是南斯拉夫主权范围之内的事,是南斯拉夫的内部事务。
    In my view, this is Yugoslavia' s internal affair and should be dealt with by the Yugoslavian government.In the Balkan region, relations among nationalities are very complicated.
  • 每个人都认为如果莱特曼离去,国家广播公司已经有卡维等候接替。可是一位国家广播公司的高级主管说,“事情本尚未销定。”首先,卡维并未接受。
    Everyone presumes that NBC has Dana Carvey waiting in the wings if Letterman bolts. But, says an NBC executive,"that's a long way from a lock." For openers, Carvey is balking.
  • 每个人都认为如果莱特曼离去,国家广播公司已经有卡维等候接替。可是一位国家广播公司的高级主管说,“事情本尚未销定。”首先,卡维并未接受。
    Everyone presumes that NBC has Dana Carvey waiting in the wings if Letterman bolts. But, says an NBC executive, "that's a long way from a lock." For openers, Carvey is balking.
  •  五、选举委员会据提名的名单,经一人一票无记名投票选出行政长官候任人。
    5. The Election Committee shall, on the basis of the list of nominees, elect the Chief Executive designate by secret ballot on a one-person-one-vote basis.
  • 美洲西部一个粗糙草本植物属,有大,含有芳香胶。
    genus of coarse western American herbs with large roots containing an aromatic balsam.
  • 香胶属的一种植物,具有白色绒毛的叶子,开黄花,包含有散发香味的香液的长
    a plant of the genus Balsamorhiza having white-downy leaves in a basal rosettend yellow flowers and long balsam-scented taproots.
  • 难或麻烦的源(尤对某知名人物、组织等而言)
    Put a ban on the import of alcohol
  • 他中饭吃一香蕉和一块楔形的奶酪。
    He had a banana and a wedge of cheese for lunch.
  • 热带美洲藤蔓植物,有绳子一样悬挂的,结香蕉菠萝味道的柱形果实。
    tropical American vine having hanging cord-like roots and cylindrical fruit with pineapple-banana flavor.
  • 蘖,出苗植物底部长出的嫩,例如香蕉、菠萝或甘蔗等的嫩
    A shoot sprouting from a plant base, as in the banana, pineapple, or sugar cane.
  • 她用一橡皮筋扎头发。
    She used a rubber band to tie her hair.
  • 用一橡皮筋扎在这些书上。
    Put a rubber band round these books.
  • 从北卡罗来纳州查珀希尔到加利福尼亚理工学院的实验室,到密歇州安阿伯的中心地带,数以百计的研究员和科学家聚集一堂,全力研制下一代互联网。
    From Chapel Hill North Carolina to the labs of Caltech, to the Nerve Center in Anarber Michigan, hundreds of researchers and scientists are banding together, to craft the next generation of the Internet.
  • 匪徒们用粗绳子把他捆绑在一木桩上。
    The bandits bound him to a stake with a strong rope.
  • 海绵体一个由可延伸的团块或分叉的腱带组成的身体部位,象腿或
    A body part consisting of elongated masses or diverging bands that resemble legs or roots.
  • 当里显然快要当选的时候,大家都开始倒向他的一边了。
    When it became apparent that Reagon was going to win the election, everybody began climbing on the bandwagon.
  • 酗酒是他一生的祸
    Drink was the bane of his life.
  • 虽然过量的广播是网络管理员的祸,但有些广播是基本的。
    And although excessive broadcasts are the bane of network administrators, some broadcasts are essential.
  • 不管天晴下雨,杂草对园艺家来说总是祸
    Wet of fine, weeds are always regarded as the bane of a horticulturist’s life.
  • 本不可能使他改变主意,她简直是在白费口舌。
    She hasn't a hope of getting him to change his mind. She's just banging her head against a brick wall.
  • 中国革命据地金融事业
    banking in Chinese revolutionary base area
  • 革命根据地银行
    banks in the revolutionary base areas
  • 印度的一种无花果树,以其巨大和长寿而著称,;缺少印度榕树的支柱
    fig tree of India noted for great size and longevity; lacks the prop roots of the banyan.
  • 他不停地锉那金属棒
    He filed away the metal bar.
  • 他有一根铁棒。
    He has a bar of iron.
  • 为他作传记的斯图亚特曾明白指出,他的研究从一开头所据的就是这样一个原则:“为促进公共福利而订立的国家规章大部分是多余的,一个国家要从落后的未开化状态转变到尽可能最高的进步状态,无需什么别的,只需合理的租税、公正的司法与和平。”
    Moreover, according to the explicit remarks of his biographer, Dugald Stewart, his investigations from the commencement are based upon the principle that 'most of the State regulations for the promotion of public prosperity are unnecessary, and a nation in order to be transformed from the lowest state of barbarism into a state of the highest possible prosperity needs nothing but bearable taxation, fair administration of justice, and peace.'
  • 日本战争的退步性和野蛮性是日本战争必然失败的主要据。
    The reactionary and barbarous character of Japan's war constitutes the primary reason for her inevitable defeat.
  • 这是据敌人战争的退步性野蛮性而来的,“在劫难逃”,于是形成了绝对的敌对。
    This rage is engendered by the reactionary and barbarous character of Japan's war -- "there is no escape from fate", and hence an absolute hostility has crystallized.
  • 再则,当日本举行战争的时候,正是世界各国或者已经遭遇战争或者快要遭遇战争的时候,大家都正在或准备着为反抗野蛮侵略而战,中国这个国家又是同世界多数国家和多数人民利害相关的,这就是日本已经引起并还要加深地引起世界多数国家和多数人民的反对的源。
    Moreover, Japan has undertaken this war at a time when many countries have been or are about to be embroiled in war, when we are all fighting or preparing to fight against barbarous aggression, and China's fortunes are linked with those of most of the countries and peoples of the world. This is the root cause of the opposition Japan has aroused and will increasingly arouse among those countries and peoples.
  • 这个地方不宜烧烤,一火柴就可能使整个森林着火烧起来。
    This is a bad place to barbecue. A match could set the whole forest on fire.