  • 潜艇的流线型指台外壳
    The bridge and conning tower on a submarine.
  • 担负战略核反击任务的核动力潜艇部队,直接由中央军委指
    The nuclear-powered submarine force, which assumes the strategic nuclear counterattack mission, is under the direct command of the CMC.
  • 多年来,金融服务业一直对我们的经济发展作出重要贡献,将来也会继续发重要作用。
    In past years the financial services sector has contributed substantially to our economy and will play an important part in our future.
  • 现代化战争,包括我们老同志在内,能力都不够。
    None of us, including the veteran comrades, is sufficiently capable of directing modern wars.
  • 广告多通过启发人的联想力而发作用。
    Most advertisements work through suggestion.
  • 乙烯一种易发的,极易燃烧的液体c2h5oc2h5,由乙醇与硫酸一起蒸馏获得,广泛用作试剂、溶剂和麻醉剂
    A volatile, highly flammable liquid, C2H5OC2H5, derived from the distillation of ethyl alcohol with sulfuric acid and widely used as a reagent, a solvent, and an anesthetic.
  • 管理人或指挥者
    A supervisor or superintendent.
  • 督学正在指,校长点明他的地位道;“这儿由我作主。”
    The superintendent was taking command when the president put him in his place by saying "No, I'm the boss here."
  • 总督察及警司在晋升至该等职级后一年内,会分别参加中级及高级指训练课程。
    Chief Inspectors and Superintendents attend the Intermediate and Senior Command Courses, respectively, within one year of promotion to each rank.
  • 充分发群众监督和社会监督的作用。
    Bringing into full play the role of public supervision?
  • 掌握最高指权的军官。
    the officer who holds the supreme command.
  • 设计e-4b的目的,是在各种规模的冲突中(包括核战争),为国家指当局提供指和控制部队的生存能力。
    The E-4B is designed to provide National Command Authorities (NCA) with a survivable capability to direct and control military forces in all levels of conflict,including nuclear war.
  • 他挥斧砍树。
    He took a swing at the tree with his axe.
  • 当投手把球投向击球员后,如果击球员捧而未击中,把球打入界外地区或球在好球区之内而来棒击球,都算是一击。
    When the pitcher throws to the batter, it is a strike if he swings and misses, if he hits the pitch into foul territory, or if he doesn't swing at a pitch in the strike zone.
  • 他手中舞着一根大棒。
    He is swinging a club with the hand.
  • 棒球运动中不拍打出的球。
    the act of hitting a baseball lightly without swinging the bat.
  • 动刀剑猛砍或猛劈某人或某物
    Slashbindicates damaging or injuring somebody or something with long swinging cuts of a knife or sword
  • 臂向球猛击,但是没打中。
    He swiped at the ball, but missed it.
  • 瑞士人在如何于民主制度发功效方面为人们提供了可资借监的实例。
    The Swiss are an objectlesson in how to make democracy work.
  • 在肩膀高度以下动手。
    with the hand swung below shoulder level'.
  • 手去打那人,没打着,自己却摔了一跤。
    She swung at the man, but missed and fell.
  • 起手臂,打了我一个耳光。
    He swung his arm and hit me in the face.
  • 伯恩斯坦,伦纳德1918-1990美国指家和作曲家,曾写过大量合唱交响乐作品,但以其音乐喜剧最为著名,如西部故事(1957年)
    American conductor and composer who has written numerous choral and symphonic works but is best known for his musical comedies, including West Side Story(1957).
  • 首席小提琴手在交响乐队中的第一小提琴手兼助理指
    The first violinist and assistant conductor in a symphony orchestra.
  • 科学园按组群概念发展,为租户提供适切的工作环境及其他支援服务,促进租户之间的合作,发协作效应,务求令香港的长远经济发展更见繁荣。
    Built under the concept of clustering, the Science Park will provide an effective working environment and support services to facilitate collaboration and synergy among its tenants and ultimately enhance Hong Kong's long-term economic success.
  • 要求战役指员和战术指员了解某种程度的战略上的规律,何以成为必要呢?
    Why is it necessary for the commander of a campaign or a tactical operation to understand the laws of strategy to some degree?
  • 那匹马急速动尾巴。
    The horse whisked its tail.
  • 部队士气低落,对上级指官失去信心。
    The troops got their tails down and there was no confidence in the higher command.
  • 部队士气低落,对上层指官失去信心。
    The troops had their tails down and there was no confidence in the higher command.
  • 伯恩:所以,万一我的筷子不听人指,我就用刀叉。
    So, I'1l also use ki1ife and fork in case I have problems taming my chopsticks.
  • 我们党要始终代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,就是党的理论、路线、纲领、方针、政策和各项工作,必须坚持把人民的根本利益作为出发点和归宿,充分发人民群众的积极性主动性创造性,在社会不断发展进步的基础上,使人民群众不断获得切实的经济、政治、文化利益。
    To always represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, our Party must, in all kinds of work including Party's theory, line, program, principle and policy, persevere in taking the fundamental interests of the people as the starting point and purpose, bring into full play people's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and enable the people to constantly obtain tangible economic, political and cultural benefits through continuous social development and progress.
  • 如果说台湾已发了自己的潜力,大陆的潜力还没有发,肯定会很快发出来的。
    Taiwan has already tapped its potential, while the potential on the mainland has not yet been tapped and certainly will be soon.