  • 经过长途旅行由中国飞往美国之后,时感令他很不舒服。
    After the long journey from China to America, the jet lag made him uneasy.
  • 在芝加哥的头一晚上,由于时的原因使得他无法入睡。
    On the first night in Chicago, be couldn't fall asleep because of the jet lag.
  • 钢铁两头,采矿和轧钢,都得很多。
    We lag far behind in mining and steel rolling, the two sectors of iron and steel industry.
  • 在这方面不用说落后一二十年,即使落后八年十年,甚至三年五年,都是很大的距。
    In the latter, a lag of only three to five years -- to say nothing of 8 to 10 or 10 to 20 -- creates a really big gap.
  • 好,既然你们都过得愉快,也没有时反应了,现在该谈谈生意了吧。
    Well, since you both have had a good time and no longer suffer from the jet-lag, maybe it's time to take business now.
  • 苏联外交部发言人格拉西莫夫说,戈尔巴乔夫先生将在纽约度过第一晚,“我想是与时奋斗吧。”
    The Soviet Foreign Ministry spokesman, Gennadi I. Gerasimov, said Mr.Gorbachev would spend his first evening in New York "fighting the jet lag, I suppose."
  • 他们对问题学生或成绩较的一群特别关注,不惜去额外帮助那些需要帮助的学生。
    They pay special attention to the problem ones, as well as those who are lagging behind others in their studies, always ready to go an extra mile to help those in need.
  • 你有没有看过德克的网页?实在够的,可是他居然自以为很酷。
    Did you see Dirk's Web page? It's so lame, but he thinks it's cool.
  • 对某个错或不端行为的斥责。
    a reproach for some lapse or misdeed.
  • 不多十一点钟时,门闩轻轻地抬起来了,主人走进来。
    and, just about eleven o'clock, the door latch was raised quietly and in stepped the master.
  • “近几年不大出了。
    `Not of late years.
  • 南北距作为向北运动结果的两个地点之间的纬度
    The difference in latitude between two positions as a result of a movement to the north.
  • 让联赛中最劲的队打败了? 这是永远也忘不了的事!
    Beaten by the worst team in the league? They'll never live it down!
  • 然而,一些氯氟化碳会从渗漏的、保养的或丢弃的器件中溢出。
    However, some CFC's escape from leaking, poorly serviced, or discarded appliances.
  • 牛突然向前跳来,我一点没被撞倒。
    The cow leaped forward, and I got out of the way only just in time.
  • 我们必须缩小城乡别。
    We must lessen the differences between the city and the countryside.
  • 质量上比二等还要的。
    of lesser quality than second-rate.
  • 他很固执,她也是,只是程度些.
    He's stubborn, and so is she, but to a lesser degree, ie not as much.
  • 包交换技术提供的服务质量较,但它的优点是不牵连到电路。
    Packet-switched technology delivers a lesser quality of service, but it has the advantage of not tying up a circuit.
  • 总之,中等工作负荷下的管制工作质量最高,在工作负荷最低和最大时,工作质量最
    Notice that performance is typically best at moderate workload levels, and worst at both very low and very high levels of workload.
  • 后来克雷默当了陆军中尉,帮助基辛格在德国克雷菲尔德城谋到了一个负责改组市政府的事。基辛格干得很不错,当上了军士。
    Kraemer became a lieutenant and helped to install Kissinger in the city of Krefeld,Germany,in charge of reorganizing its municipal government,a job he carried out well.
  • 公主这事固然有许多好处——正如对于只有一辆爬坡都费力的老爷车的女孩子来说,豪华轿车实在是不可抗拒的诱惑;然而,米娅生性腼腆害怕皇室高位带来的聚光灯.
    The job carries plenty of perks - a limo is mighty tempting to a girl whose Mustang can barely make it up a hill - but Mia's a shy type who dreads the spotlight a royal perch would bring.
  • 此书和他以前的作品相比似乎很劲,他没有全力下功夫。
    This book seems a limp, two-finger exercise compared with his former publications.
  • 几次摔倒几次爬起来,在离终点仅15米的地方他又一次摔倒,怎么也爬不起来,一名新闻记者(据说是《福尔摩斯探案》的作者柯南道尔的父亲)和一名裁判赶过去扶起他,并搀着他一拐一拐地走到终点。
    Several times, he fell down and several times he stood up and continued running. He fell down again at a place only 15 meters from the finish. He could not get up this time. A journalist and a referee came to him and carried him to the finish limply.
  • 几次摔倒几次爬起来,在离终点仅15米的地方他又一次摔倒,怎么也爬不起来,一名新闻记者和一名裁判赶过去扶起他,并搀着他一拐一拐地走到终点。
    At that time he was not conscious, and he ran in the wrong direction. Several times, he fell down and several times he stood up and continued running. He fell down again at a place only 15 meters from the finish. He could not get up this time. A journalist and a referee came to him and carried him to the finish limply.
  • 某君在这一刻对全盘股市看跌(涨),他可以立刻卖出(买进)指数期货。如果他在五分钟后改变了想法,他可以立刻买进(卖出)、把盘口给盖了;除了价,只是损失了一点交易费用。
    If there is good liquidity of SiMSCI Futures to start with, a virtuous circle can set in to draw in more hedgers and speculators, leading to even lower transaction costs and higher liquidity.
  • 我听力很差。
    I have poor listening.
  • 新加坡人的教育水平不比先进国家低,为什么在“百万大赢家”的表现却如此劲呢?
    Why did Singaporeans fail to do better in this famous show, despite that our literacy rate and education standards are respectable and compare quite well with the established countries? There are no simple answers to it.
  • 城市差不多全毁了。
    The city was literally destroyed.
  • 第三,提高银行资金的运营效益。商业银行由于约束机制增强,对加工工业项目的贷款更加谨慎,存贷款额较大,增加了运营成本。
    3 The commercial banks, under stronger financial disciplines, have become increasingly prudent in lending to projects in processing industries. As their loanable funds build up, waiting for viable business, their operating costs have increased.
  • 一九九九年内,本地伦敦金价在251.7美元至338美元之间上落,一九九九年年底以287.5美元收市,与一九九八年年底的288美元不多。
    The price of Loco-London gold moved between US$251.7 and US$338.0 in 1999, and closed at US$287.5 as at end-1999, which was comparable to US$288 at end-1998.
  • 经度因为向西的运动而产生的两个位置之间的经度上的
    The difference in longitude between two positions as a result of a movement to the west.