  • 狄赛尔,鲁道1858-1913发明内燃机并对之拥有专利(1892年)的德国工程师
    German engineer who devised and patented(1892) an internal-combustion engine.
  • 我儿子生病时,丈给了我极大的安慰。
    My husband was a great comfort to me when my son was ill.
  • 他们生活得很优裕;自从她丈死后,她一直生活得很富裕。
    They live well; she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died.
  • 贝克人一面对失去孩子的母亲表示同情,一面又对这位母亲说,这得怪她自己没有早些将孩子送进医院。这样贝克人本来是想安慰这位母亲但实际上却增加了她的痛苦。
    Mrs Baker is a Job's comforter. While sympathizing with the mother who had lost her child, she told the mother that it was her own fault not sending the child to hospital sooner.
  • 长古罗马军团的百人队指挥官
    The commander of a century in the Roman army.
  • 这一年正逢罗曼诺王朝(俄国封建王朝,始于1613年,1917年被俄国二月革命推翻)执政300年的周年纪念,皇室贵族之间流行互赠礼物。就在这一年的复活节,费伯奇向沙皇献上了这枚彩蛋,这枚彩蛋比他以往所献上的任何以每彩蛋都要精美的多。
    It was the commemoration of three centuries of the Romanov Dynasty and all the imperial family was lavished with gifts and when Easter came up Faberge came up with a far more elaborate egg than he did in the years before."
  • 她的丈,到死的那一天,还不曾有个儿子,他的小姨,在他死后的第二年十二月,才生一个儿子在她自己的母家,他的木主上是写着“嗣男文宗文魁同奉祀”几个字。为着这几个字,四孙舍和六孙舍,还不知吵了几次,因为他们都很热心的要把个儿子让给死者。
    Even up to the day of his death, her husband had no son. His concubine finally gave birth to a child in her parents' home in the 12th month of the second year of his death. On his commemorative wooden tablet were written these words "Sons: Wen-zong and Wen-dou jointly offer this sacrifice" On account of these few words, 4th Sun-she and 6th Sun-she had quarreled on several occasions, because they both earnestly wanted their sons to be given to the deceased.
  • 道歉会带给妻一个加深爱情和彼此相依好机会。
    An apology gives couples an excellent opportunity to deepen their love and commitment.
  • 我承认,在美国丈的影响下,我确实读了一些书,但并不是很信服。
    Egged on by my American entourage I admit I have, but I'm still non?committal.
  • 对犯夫怎样处罚?
    What are the penalties for committing a foul?
  • 如今,唐恩公司年销售额已逾五百万美元,这使他的公司控制了豪华移动马桶的市场,其客户包括像黑领带公司总裁戴·班岛斯基,他本人就是一名公厕供应商。
    Now, with more than $5 million a year in sales, his company dominates the carria ge?trade commode business, selling to people like Dave Bandauski, president of Black Tie services, a comfort?station supplier.
  • 桑佳本人也是平民出身,她和哈康五世苦等了9年,最终才得到哈拉德的父亲欧拉四世的同意,结为百年之好。
    Sonja herself was a commoner, and she and Harald waited nine years before his father, King Olav V, finally granted permission for them to marry.
  • 尽管墓志铭中提到的三个名字在当时都很普遍,但勒迈里估计说当时的耶路撒冷最多只有20个詹姆士有叫约瑟的父亲和耶酥的兄弟。
    All three names were commonplace, but he estimates that only 20 Jameses in Jerusalem during that era would have had a father named Joseph and a brother named Jesus.
  • 目前拥有旧时苏联四分之本国民的非苏维埃独联体宣布成立以后,戈尔巴乔先生所代表的克里姆林宫政府似已来日无多。
    With the proclamation of a Non-Soviet Commonwealth that now includes three quarters of the old union's citizens, the Kremlin Government for which Mr. Gorbachev stands, appeared to be on its last legs, …
  • 成功快乐的妻关系是友谊、激情和性的交融,此强彼弱,循环往复。
    Successful and happy relationships blend friendship and companionship with passion and sex in a cycle of ever-changing intensities.
  • 这对妻由于合不来而分手。
    The couple separated because they are not compatible.
  • 这对妻因不合而分居.
    The couple separated because they were not compatible.
  • 要是我的同胞居里人从未对自己说过“我不知道”,她可能会在一所私立女子中学给一些来自有钱人家的孩子教授化学,或会做一份不同于此但也完全受人尊敬的工作来了此一生。
    Had my compatriot Marie Sklodowska Curie never said to herself "I don t know", she probably would have wound up teaching chemistry at some private high school for young ladies from good families, and would have ended her days performing this otherwise perfectly respectable job.
  • 她被迫要求她的前具结不得伤害她。
    She was compelled to swear the peace against her former husband.
  • 谢泼德家的律师今天说,从挖掘出的塞姆·谢泼德大尸体中提取的新的dna证据提供了最令人信服的证明,说明四十多年前在使美国人民震惊的谋杀案中他被错判为谋杀了他的妻子。证据还有力地说明,正如谢泼德大所声称的那样,杀人犯确实是一个有浓密头发的入室行凶者。
    New DNA evidence taken from the exhumied body of Dr.Sam Sheppard provides the most compelling piece of evidence that he was wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife in a trial that transfixed America more than four decades ago, and suggests strongly that the killer really was a "bushy-haired" intruder, as Dr.Sheppard claimed, a lawyer for the Sheppard family said today.
  • 任何东西都无法补偿她失去丈
    Nothing can compensate her for the loss of her husband.
  • 死后,她得到一万镑的赔偿金。
    She received £10000 in compensation for her husband's death.
  • :比赛的规则是什么?
    Jeff: What are the competition rules?
  • :他们难道不抱怨吗?
    Jeff: Don't they really complain?
  • 她是位旧式的妻子,对丈百依百顺。
    She was an old-fashioned wife, entirely complaisant to her husband's will.
  • 像一个妻子有了情人但还是很殷勤的丈一样闭上了自己的眼睛;那个有礼貌的服务员并不急于让我们离开。
    to close one's eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover; the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave.
  • 他的丈对她有绝对的支配权。
    Her husband complete dominates her.
  • 可能混合了沃洛语honq[红的,粉红的,浅肤色的]。
    Possibly blend ofWolof honq[ red, pink, of light complexion ].
  • 认真说来,既然政府和各大机构都已宣布作足了防御电脑千年虫的功,我们又何必担忧呢?
    Seriously, why should one worry when the government and key organisations have declared that their systems are Y2K compliant?
  • 可是同时却较多情感上的纠纷,较多离婚的事件,较多不忠的丈晚上不回家,或妻俩晚上一同到外边去游乐放荡。
    But also more emotional complications, more divorce, more cat-husbands that don't come home at night, or the couple go prowling together at night, seeking some form of dissipation.
  • 建议卧床休息·她照着办了。
    The doctor recommended bed rest. She complied.
  • 请代我向你的丈问好。
    Please make my compliments to your husband.