  • cablemodem把下行流射频转换成包,确定包的目的是指向一个特定的cablemodem和送到一台计算机,还是该modem客户端的局域网。
    The cable modem translates the downstream radio frequencies into packets, determines whether the packets are destined for that particular cable modem and sends the packets along to a computer or a LAN on the client side of the cable modem.
  • 新增投资计划已经全部下达,能在今年有效地拉动经济增长,关键是抓好落实。
    The programs for newly added investment have all been transmitted downwards. The key concerning whether they can effectively drive economic growth lies in implementation.
  • 你能为我们起草一份计划?
    Can you draft out a plan for us?
  • 我起草了一封措词强烈的投诉信;你看是要口气缓和一点?
    I've drafted a very strong letter of complaint; do you think I should tone it down a bit?
  • 关于是对铁路还要投资更多的钱一事,政府还要拖多久?
    How much longer can the government go on dragging its feet about whether to invest more money in the railways?
  • 问:假如战争拖得很长,日本没有完全战败,共产党能同意讲和,并承认日本统治东北?
    Question: If the war drags on for a long time and Japan is not completely defeated, would the Communist Party agree to the negotiation of a peace with Japan and recognize her rule in north-eastern China?
  • 她试演戏中一个角色看看是能够胜任。
    She tried a dramatic role for size.
  • 正是这第二个方面抓住了公众的想象力,因为它提出了一个激动人心的问题--克隆人这个科幻小说的梦想能实现。
    It is this second aspect that has caught the public imagination, because it has dramatically brought forward the question of whether it could be possible to realize the SciFi dreams of cloned humans.
  • 是否穿礼服自便。
    Formal dress is optional.
  • 衡量驾驶员水平的决定性考验, 就是看他在紧急关头能保持镇静.
    The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency.
  • 对於能信任那个男人,他感到有些犹豫。
    He was a little dubious about trusting the man.
  • 我犹豫不定是接受提供给我的那份工作。
    I am dubious about accepting the offer of the job.
  • 候选人可疑的过去;他有确实可疑的纪录;一个人发现是可疑而其他人发现是可疑的或明显虚假的东西;这个朋友是像他所认为的那样有影响力这不仅是可疑的-凯闰·好妮。
    the candidate's doubtful past; he has a dubious record indeed; what one found uncertain the other found dubious or downright false; it was more than dubitable whether the friend was as influential as she thought- Karen Horney.
  • 除非没有其他在环境上可行的处置方法,而把废物倾入海中又无不良影响,则环保署并不容许把多余的挖出物料及其他建筑废料倾倒入海。
    Marine dumping of surplus excavated material and other construction wastes is not permitted unless there is no other environmentally feasible disposal option and the marine dumping of the waste has no undue adverse impact.
  • 目击者认了先前的证词。
    The eyewitness contradicted earlier testimony.
  • 我们这本书是受欢迎,我没有把握--现在言之过早。
    I'm not sure if our book will be a success it's early days yet.
  • 除非你努力下功夫, 则你将永远打不好网球。
    You will never become good at tennis, unless you work at it earnestly.
  • 十日来电,务请认真考虑,则事情会越发严重。
    Your 10th special consideration earnestly request, as otherwise serious development fear
  • 我方郑重指出,成品的质量是合格,必须以来料质量是合格为前提。
    We wish to point out earnestly that the quality of the finished products depends of the quality of your materials.
  • 要严格控制开支,则,一个人很快就会感到他家中入不敷出。
    Unless a tight hold is kept on the purse-strings, a man can soon find that his family is spending more than he is earning.
  • 把灯往这个角落照照,看看丢失的耳环是在那儿。
    Throw some light on this corner to see if the lost earring is there.
  • 不管我们喜欢与,"中庸回教徒"这个标签将不会消失。因为这是分别一般回教徒和少数乖离回教的"不良回教徒"最容易的方法。
    Like it or not, the "moderate Muslims" label is likely to stay because it is the easiest way for the world to tell Muslims apart from small minority of "bad Muslims" who stray from their religion.
  • 则,电话的另一端只能通过vcr听到他们自已说话的回声
    Otherwise the other end of the call will hear an echo of themselves through the VCR
  • 中:我不知道能解释得清楚,因为我既不懂经济又不懂房地产和住房工程。
    Chinese:I don't know whether I can explain anything as I am no economist nor do I know anything about real estate and housing projects.
  • 则,我们自己在精神上解除了武装,还怎么能教育青年,还怎么能领导国家和人民建设社会主义!
    How can we educate the younger generation and lead our country and people in building socialism if we ourselves are unarmed ideologically?
  • 能够及早发现儿童是有特殊教育需要是十分重要的。
    Early identification of special educational needs is important.
  • 工会工作的好坏怎么样,影响着工人当家作主的权利行使得怎么样,也影响着企业管理的好坏怎么样,影响着集中领导能顺利进行。
    Whether the unions function well or badly affects the extent to which the workers exercise their rights as masters of the enterprise.It also affects the quality of management and the efficacy of centralized leadership there.
  • 你成功与取决于你的努力。
    Your success lies upon your effort.
  • 福克斯先生,那个问题能请您详细阐述一下?
    Can you elaborate on that, Mr. Fox?
  • 福克斯先生,那个问题能您详细阐述一下?
    Could you elaborate on that, Mr Fox?
  • 就是说,学生开始是知道集成电路是怎样工作的并不重要,更重要的是知道一个大型电路的功能及其使用方法。
    It is not important, to begin with, that a student know how a particular IC functions electrically, it is more important that a student know what its function is and how it can be used within a larger circuit.
  • 那是包括煤气和电?
    Does it include gas and electricity?