  • 布巴内斯瓦尔印度中东部一城市,位于加尔各答西南。以其印度教和佛教的神殿而闻。人口219,211
    A city of east-central India southwest of Calcutta. It is known for its Hindu and Buddhist shrines. Population,219, 211.
  • 目前,全球经济正面临不同程度的衰退,股市一蹶不振,在这样的经济环境里,即使是世界排前几位的亿万富翁们也吃到了苦头。
    Even the world's richest people feel the sting of a depressed economy and shrinking stock portfolios.
  • 某位著的犯罪学家曾说过:“人首度接触到罪行的时候,会厌恶罪行。
    Stated in the words of a famous criminologist, "When men first come into contact with crime, they abhor it.
  • 由于一种莫的精神错乱,他把自己的字忘了。
    Owing to a strange mental aberration he forget his own name.
  • 十五岁时,他开始有充裕的时间在多伦多一家著的喜剧俱乐部“亚克亚克斯”进行表演,在那儿他得以完善自己的特殊才能。
    At 15 though,he had enough time to start performing at Yuk Yuks,a famous Toronto comedy club where he began to perfect his shtick.
  • 五胞胎降生第二天,六十记者和摄影师乘同一驾飞机飞抵阿拜丁镇。
    The day after the birth of the five children, an aeroplane arrived in Aberdeen bringing sixty reporters and photographers.
  • 甚至连那些一向在媒体面前保持低调的明星也发现这种颁奖盛典的确可以帮助自己扬立万,宣传自己的作品。
    Even spotlight-shunning stars find themselves sucked into festivities to plug their work.
  • 前两者和年资、收入有关。制订裁员单时,一些公司发现裁掉他们,成本可省得最多;
    They are also likely to be shunned in any recruitment exercise because their salary is generally higher than young new recruits due to their longer length of service.
  • 不到一勺子的碳疽病菌,只如此微乎其微的一点盛放在信封中的病菌便于2001年秋使整个美国参议院瘫痪,数人员接受紧急治疗,两邮政工作人员丧生,这一切只因信封中如此微量的碳疽病菌而致。
    Less than a teaspoon of dry anthrax, a little bit about this amount--this is just about the amount of a teaspoon--less than a teaspoon full of dry anthrax in an envelope shutdown the United States Senate in the fall of 2001. This forced several hundred people to undergo emergency medical treatment and killed two postal workers just from an amount just about this quantity that was inside of an envelope.
  • 在西北利亚当一伐木工人,生活一定很艰苦。
    It must be a hard life, working as a Lumberman in Siberia.
  • 以腹部骨盆鳍著的鱼类;鯔科;银汉鱼科;x科。
    fishes distinguished by abdominal pelvic fins: families Mugilidae; Atherinidae; Sphyraenidae.
  • 你若问一个普通的英语源流新加坡华人,他的曾祖父母和他们兄弟姐妹的姓是什么,相信他会答不上来。
    If one asks the average English-educated Chinese Singaporean to name his great-grandparents and their siblings, it is probable that he would be unable to do so.
  • 史蒂文斯最近拍摄的一部获奖影片反映了他设法寻找生身父亲和大约200同父异母兄弟姐妹的经历。他正参与游说加拿大政府让人工授精孩子了解关于捐精者更多情况的活动。
    Stevens, who recently made an award-winning film about trying to track down his biological father -- and perhaps 200 half-siblings -- is part of a lobby pushing the Canadian government to give DI offspring more details about donors.
  • “我跟这个傻瓜打交道是搞不出什么堂来的,”他默默地自语道,“我竟在这儿夹在了一个是醉鬼,一个是懦夫中间,这真让我不安,可这个迦太罗尼亚人那闪光的眼睛却象西班牙人、西西里人和卡拉布兰人,而他不仅将要娶到一位漂亮的姑娘,而且又要做船长,他可以嘲笑我们这些人,除非——”腾格拉尔的嘴边浮起一个阴险的微笑——“除非我来做点什么干涉一下。”他加上了一句。
    "I shall get nothing from these fools," he muttered; "and I am very much afraid of being here between a drunkard and a coward. Here's an envious fellow making himself boozy on wine when he ought to be nursing his wrath, and here is a fool who sees the woman he loves stolen from under his nose and takes on like a big baby. Yet this Catalan has eyes that glisten like those of the vengeful Spaniards, Sicilians, and Calabrians, and the other has fists big enough to crush an ox at one blow. Unquestionably, Edmond's star is in the ascendant, and he will marry the splendid girl--he will be captain, too, and laugh at us all, unless"--a sinister smile passed over Danglars' lips--"unless I take a hand in the affair," he added.
  • 西西里①国王那八唱诗班童子,在圣小教堂唱七点钟大弥撒,我赶上听了第一节哩。”
    I heard the eight chanters of the King of Sicily start High Mass at seven in the Sainte-Chapelle.
  • 米克·克拉克,又锡德·布朗,被警方通缉审问。
    Mick Clark, alias Sid Brown, is wanted for questioning by the police.
  • 米克·克拉克,又锡德·布朗,被警方通缉审问。
    Mick Clark, alias Sid Brown, was wanted for questioning by the police.
  • 例如你应该解释某某奖是某某大学授与本科生在科研方面的优秀奖,每学年只有两获奖者。
    For instance,you might explain that the XYZ Award is given for excellence in scientific research by undergraduates at ABC University; only two students a year receive it.
  • spte-t3-b,九吨,发票号码是1558,船是[abc]号
    SPTE-T3-B, nine tons, invoice No. 1558 and the ship name was "ABC".
  • 尽管奥运会的地位不如世博会,可是它还是吸引了来自26个国防大学家的1225运动员。观众人数也许不如雅典奥运会多,但其声势要大于雅典奥运会。
    Despite their sideshow status, the Games attracted 1,225 athletes from 26 nations and enjoyed more publicity, if not bigger crowds, than in Athens.
  • 一九九二年九月,世界贸易组织的前身关税及贸易总协定理事会主席声明指出,在中华人民共和国加入关贸总协定后,台湾可以“台湾、澎湖、金门、马祖单独关税区”(简称“中国台北”)的义参加。
    " In September 1992, the chairman of the council of the predecessor of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), stated that Taiwan may participate in this organization as "a separate Taiwan-Penghu-Jinmen-Mazu tariff zone" (abbreviated as Chinese Taipei) after the PRC's entry into GATT.
  • 用来对程序进行引导的设备的缩写。例如,mdo为设备mddo的引导
    The abbreviated name of the device being used to bootstrap a program. For example, MDO is the boot name for device MDDO.
  • 是用於街道称中最常用的词,书写地址时常缩写为
    Road, Street, LanebandBAvenuebare the most common words used in street names and are often abbreviated in addresses toBRd, St, La, Ave. b
  • 名词片语缩写成np。
    Noun phrase is abbreviated as NP.
  • 西班牙派出130艘战船向英国进发。船上载有27,365士兵和水兵,还有马匹和攻城炮。
    130 Spanish galleons with 27,365 soldiers and sailors, horses and siege cannon set sail for Britain.
  • 神话中的希腊英雄(罗马尤利西斯);在荷马的奥德赛中,特洛伊被攻破后返回伊萨卡岛。
    a mythical Greek hero (Roman name Ulysses); his return to Ithaca after the siege of Troy was described in Homer's Odyssey.
  • 跨国公司来华投资日益增多,目前世界前五百家跨国公司中,有近四百家来华投资。摩托罗拉、西门子、贝尔、朗讯、三菱重工、伊藤忠商社、沃尔马特、飞利浦、波音、雀巢、惠普、联合利华、通用电气、荷兰皇家壳牌、诺基亚、爱立信、三星、松下电气、大宇等著跨国公司在华均有较大投资。
    Investments from transnational corporations are also on the rise. At present nearly 400 multinational corporations out of world's top 500 have investment in China, among them are Motorola, Siemens, Bell, Lucent, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Itochu, Walmart, Philips, Boeing, Nestle, HP, Unilever, GE, Shell, Nokia, Ericsson, Samsung, Panisonic, Daewoo etc.
  • 我忘记了她的字,我的脑壳像筛子,记性太坏。
    I don't remember her name. I have a head like a sieve.
  • 我总是记不住姓,因为我记性太差。
    I can never remember names because I've got a head like a sieve.
  • 从这张可能发言的人的单中挑出最重要的字来。
    Sift out the most important names from this list of possible speakers.
  • 也许最重要的是,这些选举将使大众认识新面孔,尤其是来自反对党阵营的。这样投石问路将会测如候选人的影响力,建立知度,并过滤问题。
    Perhaps most important, these elections will put new faces before the public, especially from the opposition camp. This testing of the waters will measure the impact of the candidates, build name recognition and sift the issues.
  • 在反复询问后,剑桥法庭的一职员终于在一个地下储藏室发现了布劳案件的证据箱。经过仔细查找,贝蒂·安妮终于发现了那些已有19个年头的血迹证据。
    After repeated inquiries, a clerk at the courthouse in Cambridge finally located the evidence box from the Brow case in a basement storage area, Sifting through it, Betty Anne came upon the 19?year?old bloody items.