Chinese English Sentence:
  • 生长于美国东部的秋天开花的榆树。
    autumn-flowering elm of southeastern United States.
  • 秋天里鸟都向南飞去
    Birds fly toward the south in autumn.
  • 收乙方提供的元件和辅助材料等将从日本装运至河
    The components and auxiliary materials, etc, supplied by party b are to be shipped from Japan to Henna.
  • 有没有旅游指南?
    Be there a tour guide available?
  • 有没有旅游指南?
    Is there a tour guide available?
  • 海军下辖北海、东海、海三个舰队和海军航空兵部。
    Under the Navy, there are three fleets, namely, the Beihai, Donghai and Nanhai fleets, as well as the Naval Aviation Department.
  • 英格兰西部一工业城市,也是一个港口,位于埃文河入海口。
    an industrial city and port in southwestern England near the mouth of the River Avon.
  • 部非洲深处汹涌的赞比西河上,有一令人叹为观止的雄伟瀑布。远在20英里之外,你就能看见它的水雾。
    Deep in southern Africa,on the mighty Zambezi River,there's a falling wall of water so awesome and powerful that you can see its mist from 20 miles away.
  • 有特色的是在开幕式上,来自印度部的34头大象一字排开,金盔银甲,好不威风!
    What was unique was that at the opening ceremony, 34 elephants from south India stood in one line, and dressed in golden helmets and silver armors. What an awesome bearing!
  • 洋杉一种生于美洲和澳洲的洋杉属常绿结球果的树,具有锥形叶和轮生树枝,包括智利洋杉及诺福克洋杉
    Any of several evergreen coniferous trees of the genus Araucaria native to South America and Australia, having awl-shaped leaves and whorled branches and including the monkey puzzle and Norfolk lsland pine.
  • 平衡环由两个环组成,各以适当的角度设在支架上,因此一个物体,如船的指针会在它们之间保持平衡,不管支撑点有何变动。常用复数
    A device consisting of two rings mounted on axes at right angles to each other so that an object, such as a ship's compass, will remain suspended in a horizontal plane between them regardless of any motion of its support. Often used in the plural.
  • 具有肉质化的根,直立的茎,狭窄、多汁的叶,每个叶腋上部有一朵橙红色的花;产自美国西部;印第安人曾烹制过其肉质的根。
    plant with fleshy roots and erect stems with narrow succulent leaves and 1 reddish-orange flower in each upper leaf axil; southwestern United States; Indians once cooked the fleshy roots.
  • 一种生在水中的东半球植物,叶片呈螺纹形、矛状,雌雄异株,花为单生、腋生;原生于旧大陆的植物,在美引种。
    submersed plant with whorled lanceolate leaves and solitary axillary flowers; Old World plant naturalized in southern United States and clogging Florida's waterways.
  • 矮小的植物,有密集的、狭窄、肉质的叶子,花较大、腋生、深粉色、好像坐在地上;产自美国西部。
    low plant with crowded narrow succulent leaves and fairly large deep pink axillary flowers that seem to sit on the ground; southwestern United States.
  • 球兰几种球兰属的常青爬藤或灌木,从印度及中国部至澳大利亚均为其产地,生有对生单叶及腋生的伞型花序
    Any of several evergreen climbing vines or shrubs of the genus Hoya, with a home range from India and southern China to Australia and having opposite, simple leaves and axillary, umbellate flower clusters.
  • 瓦哈卡墨西哥东部的一座城市,位于奥萨巴以。可能始建于1486年,是阿兹特克人驻守的要塞,并在1521年被西班牙征服。人口154,223
    A city of southeast Mexico south of Orizaba. It was probably founded in1486 as an Aztec garrison post and was conquered by the Spanish in1521. Population,154, 223.
  • 产于非洲部和东部的略带灰色的大狒狒。
    grayish baboon of southern and eastern Africa.
  • 非大狒一种产于非洲部和东部的灰黑色狒狒(山都狒狒属)
    A grayish-black baboon(Papio ursinus) of southern and eastern Africa.
  • 美索不达米亚部的一个古代帝国;巴比伦尼亚于公元前世纪征服了以色列,把犹太人流放到了巴比伦,在此预言家丹尼尔成了国王的顾问。
    an ancient kingdom in southern Mesopotamia; Babylonia conquered Israel in the 6th century BC and exiled the Jews to Babylon (where the Prophet Daniel became a counselor to the king).
  • 巴比伦尼亚部的一个区域;苏美尔文明所在地,即建立城邦国家,公元前第三个千年一直繁荣。
    an area in the southern region of Babylonia; site of the Sumerian civilization of city-states that flowered during the third millennium BC.
  • 贝克尔在第六局也浪费了五次破掉对方发球局的机会,之后,他再也没有机会突破这位非选手的发球局。
    Backer had also wasted five break points in the sixth game and he was never able to break the South African's serve.
  • 非求变的压力升高,白人的敌意也加深。
    White backlash increase as the pressure for change in south africa mount.
  • 后台传来的响声把希吓坏了,她忘记了台词。
    The noise backstage scared Nancy and she blew her lines.
  • 方要改变贫困和落后,北方也需要方发展。
    The South wants to shake off its poverty and backwardness, and the North needs a developed South.
  • 可因,费迪德·尤利乌斯1828-1898德国植物学家,是细菌学的奠基人。首次认定细菌为植物
    German botanist who is considered the founder of bacteriology. He was the first to recognize bacteria as plants.
  • 非洲和亚洲部森林地带夜间活动形似獾的食肉动物。
    nocturnal badger-like carnivore of wooded regions of Africa and southern Asia.
  • 巴德兰兹达科他州西部及内布拉斯加西北部被严重侵蚀的贫瘠干旱的地区。达科他州的巴德兰兹国家纪念碑建于1939年,以保护这一地区的彩色岩石结构和史前化石
    A heavily eroded arid region of southwest South Dakota and northwest Nebraska. The Badlands National Monument in South Dakota was established in1939 to protect the area's colorful rock formations and prehistoric fossils.
  • 由卡尔·贝第科建立的一家德国公司出版的一系列旅行指
    any of a series of travel guidebooks published by the German firm founded by Karl Baedeker.
  • 靠近北纬度或纬度的无风的地带或区域。
    either of two belts or regions near 30N or 30S characterized by calms and light baffling winds.
  • 英里之处,埋葬着《旧约》中的先知以斯拉。在遥远的东方地平线上,幼发拉底河与底格里斯河在巴格达以英里处一片肥沃的平原上交汇。根据古老的创世传说,这里便是伊甸园。
    Thirty miles to the south,Ezra,the Old Testament prophet,is buried,while on the far eastern horizon,the Euphrates and Tigris 2 rivers meet,310 miles south of Baghdad,in a lush plain that the oldest creation legends hailed as the Garden of Eden.
  • 在目前的情况下,伊拉克应该是愿意提供合作的,我们在巴格达的时候,曾经与一个非政府的代表团进行过会谈,这个代表团正在向伊拉克阐明非是如何与国际原子能组织进行了两年的通力合作,取消了核武器项目,赢得了全世界的信心的,我已经得知伊拉克接受了非代表团的游说,派出了一个专家小组进行进一步的谈话。
    In the current situation, one would expect Iraq to be eager to comply. While we were in Baghdad, we met a delegation from the Government of South Africa. It was there to explain how South Africa gained the confidence of the world in its dismantling of the nuclear weapons programme, by a wholehearted cooperation over two years with IAEA inspectors. I have just learned that Iraq has accepted an offer by South Africa to send a group of experts for further talks.
  • 大土耳其位于巴哈马东大西洋的特克斯和凯科斯群岛的主要岛屿。大土耳其城(人口3,146)是群岛的首都
    The chief island of the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of the Bahamas. The town of Grand Turk(population,3, 146) is the capital of the island group.