  • 坦克吃力地爬行着,一堆士缩在后面跟着走。
    The tank laboriously crawled on with a huddle of soldiers hanging behind.
  • 美国空军配备优越,力雄厚,在各国从事大规模的人道主义救援工作中采主导地位。
    The U.S. Air Force, with its superior equipment and troop strength, has taken the lead among nations in the massive humanitarian effort.
  • 催着囚犯快点走。
    The guards hurried the prisoners up.
  • 们养精畜锐,节约粮草,以期反击敌人的进攻。
    The soldiers husband their strength and their food, waiting for the enemy to attack.
  • 轻骑穿在肩上的夹克。
    a hussar's jacket worn over the shoulders.
  • 士兵的高招
    A Soldier's Brillient Idea
  • 他的祖父是二战时的老
    His grandfather was a veteran of the World War II.
  • 工厂在二战中是很重要的。
    The armories were important in the World War II.
  • 没有经验的志愿炮;仍未经受战争的考验;没有尝试过壁画的插图画家。
    unseasoned artillery volunteers; still untested in battle; an illustrator untried in mural painting.
  • 聪明的敌人例如李文彬,近来也仿效我们的办法,不杀俘虏,医治被俘伤
    Clever people on the enemy side like Li Wen-pin have recently imitated us by stopping the killing of prisoners and by giving medical attention to the wounded.
  • 们在穿越那一地带时,必须与恶劣气候抗争,因为恶劣气候可能使得那些原始的道路让人无法通行。
    The soldiers moving through the area had to struggle against the bad weather, which could render the primitive roads impassable.
  • 要是我们习惯了用华文思考,这就等于须经历另一段翻译过程,不利于唇枪舌剑的短相接。
    If we are accustomed to thinking in Chinese, this would mean we have to go through an additional process of mental translation which will impede spontaneous exchange and debate.
  • 俘虏们被士们用来福枪的枪托推着向前走。
    The prisoners were impelled forward by the butt ends of the soldiers' rifles.
  • “相公,”吉斯盖特连忙说,语气急促,就像水闸打开似的,或者说,就像女人横下了心。“那位在剧中将扮演圣母娘娘的大,您是认识的罗?”
    “Messire,” began Gisquette with the impetuous haste of a woman taking a resolve, “it appears you are acquainted with the soldier who is going to play the part of Madame the Virgin in the Mystery.
  • 在现在时期,敌人如同过去进攻武汉那样的大规模战略进攻行动,由于他所受中国过去二年余的英勇抗战的打击,由于他的力不足和财力不足,其可能性已经不大了。
    In the present period the enemy is not likely to launch big strategic offensives like the one against Wuhan, because of the blows dealt by China's heroic resistance during the past two years and of the inadequacy of his armed strength and financial resources.
  • (九二)中国版图广大,员众多,但军队的技术和教养不足;
    92. China has a vast territory and an immense number of soldiers, but her troops are inadequately equipped and trained;
  • 这个军队也不是一开始就像现在的情形,它也曾经过许多的改造工作,主要地是肃清了军队内部的封建主义,实行了官一致和军民一致的原则。
    At its inception the Red Army was not what it is today; it, too, has undergone many reforms, the main ones being the weeding out of feudal practices within the army and the application of the principles of unity between officers and men and unity between the army and the people.
  • 为地面士提供更加有力的武器。
    providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons.
  • 科学家通过一系列化学方法把鲜肉密封起来,这样可以防止细菌的滋长。并且他们已经制作出了意大利香肠和烤鸡肉两种口味的"防水三明治"。尽管一些士愿意尝试这种新型的三明治,但是他们对此还是报以小心翼翼的态度。
    Using an array of chemicals to seal the meat and inhibit bacterial growth, the scientists already have produced pepperoni and barbecue chicken indestructible sandwiches,which have been given a cautious welcome by soldiers who agreed to try them.
  • 站印度的永久性军事设施
    A permanent military installation in India.
  • 第五条修正案无论何人,除非根据大陪审团的报告或起诉,不得受判处死罪或其他不名誉罪行之审判,惟发生在陆、海军中或发生在战时或出现公共危险时服现役的民中的案件,不在此限。
    Article V.No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger;
  • 在今天,坚持个人主义的小资产阶级立场的作家是不可能真正地为革命的工农群众服务的,他们的兴趣,主要是放在少数小资产阶级知识分子上面。
    Today, writers who cling to an individualist, petty-bourgeois stand cannot truly serve the masses of revolutionary workers, peasants and soldiers. Their interest is mainly focused on the small number of petty-bourgeois intellectuals.
  • (一○三)日本军队的长处,不但在其武器,还在其官的教养——其组织性,其因过去没有打过败仗而形成的自信心,其对天皇和对鬼神的迷信,其骄慢自尊,其对中国人的轻视等等特点;这是日本军阀多年的武断教育和日本的民族习惯造成的。
    103. The strength of the Japanese army lies not only in its weapons but also in the training of its officers and men -- its degree of organization, its self-confidence arising from never having been defeated, its superstitious belief in the Mikado and in supernatural beings, its arrogance, its contempt for the Chinese people and other such characteristics, all of which stem from long years of indoctrination by the Japanese warlords and from the Japanese national tradition.
  • 当时,要想诱使伊拉克士出阵交战几乎是不可能的。
    It was almost impossible to induce the Iraqi soldiers to fight a pitched battle.
  • 步兵防守甚佳。
    The infantry are defending well.
  • 我们的步比敌军少。
    We have less infantry than the enemy.
  • 仍然是现代化军队中的一个重要的组成部分。
    The infantry is / are still an important component of the modernized armies.
  • 步兵进攻了。
    The infantry went in.
  • 徒步或乘装甲输送车、步战车实施机动和作战,由山地步、摩托化步、机械化步(装甲步)组成。
    The infantry, maneuvering and operating on foot or on armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles, is composed of mountain infantry, motorized infantry and mechanized infantry (armored infantry).
  • 步兵步兵部队的士兵
    A soldier in the infantry.
  • 两个步师留作后备军。
    two infantry divisions were held in reserve.
  • 中午以前,战斗规模缩小到步之间的交锋。
    Before noon the fighting shook down to an infantry battle.