  • 她是个好演员,但需要时间去熟悉她要扮演的角色。
    She is a good actress, but still needs time to grow into the part she is playing.
  • 旧没有满足的忌妒。
    a grudge that remained unfed.
  • 她对自己的宿仇然怀恨在心。
    She still nursed a grudge against her old enemy.
  • 由于他的卤莽无礼玛丽对他有不满情绪。
    Mary still bore a grudge against him for his rudeness.
  • 我们常常有点抱怨;但是彼此之间然相爱。
    We grumble a little now and then. But there's no love lost between us.
  • 这个新冰箱在保修期内
    A new refrigerator still under guaranty.
  • 虽然对手摆出防御姿势,但被他击中。
    He got in under his opponent's guard.
  • 但每人的计算机能很好地防卫可能的入侵者。
    But everybody's computer can still be well guarded against would-be attackers.
  • 我们的军队冒着重重炮火向下一个城市挺进。
    Our army is still thrusting towards the next city under heavy gunfire.
  • 当他处在困境的时候,他有勇气支持他的朋友。
    He had the guts to stand by his friend when he was in trouble.
  • 他勇气十足,虽然受了伤,然坚持战斗。
    He has a lot of guts; he went on fighting even though he had been hurt.
  • 虽然按道理被毁的霍姆斯特德空军基地应该关闭,布什然应允重建此一[每年]注入当地农业经济四亿元的基地。布什并同意豁免救灾费用由联邦与地方按75%与25%分摊的常规,由华盛顿全部负担。
    Bush promised to rebuild the gutted Homestead Air Force Base, which pumped about $400 million into the local farmbased economy, though logic suggested it should be closed. Bush also agreed to waive the normal 75-25 federal-local split on disaster costs; Washington will pick up the full tab.
  • 马蒂娜·辛吉斯击球准确,但尽管在赛场上竭尽全力,招架不住拍拍重扣。
    Martina Hingis hits the ball well but,despite a better effort in the gym,can't match punch for punch.
  • 虽然当局已采取各项缓解措施,但?于种种因素,例如住宅用地不足、交通网络集中、机场设于市区、房屋需求殷切,以及早期市区发展未有顾及环保,道路、铁路及飞机的噪音然是严重的问题。
    A combination of factors - such as scarce habitable land, concentrated transportation networks, an airport in the urban area, immense housing demand and a lack of environmental concern in the past - means noise from road, rail and aircraft operations continue to be major problem despite mitigation measures.
  • 尽管谈论黑客攻击的可能性涉及安全公司的利益,他们说有许多公司私下承认曾受到攻击。
    Although security companies have a vested interest in talking up the likelihood of hacking attacks, they claim that many companies secretly admit to having been hacked.
  • 祖父就要80高龄了,但精神矍铄。
    Grandfather will be80 years old, but he is hale and hearty.
  • 我的父亲尽管70高龄,身体很硬朗,还能把菜园子里的菜挑出去卖,以挣些零化钱。
    Being still hale and hearty in spite of his seventy years, my father was able to add to his pension by selling vegetables from his garden.
  • 那匹雌马尽管增加了负重而能获胜,可见很有耐力.
    She showed her mettle by winning in spite of her handicap.
  • 甚至在失去工作後,他然很骄傲,不愿接受施舍。
    Even after lose his job, he is too proud to accept handout.
  • 甚至在失去工作後,他然很骄傲,不愿接受施舍
    Even after losing his job, he was too proud to accept handout
  • 虽然汤姆并没有在这场窃案中被人拿获,他然显示出灰溜溜的样子。
    Tom had a hangdog air about him even though he didn't get caught in the theft.
  • 坚忍克己之人经受苦难能泰然自若。
    A Stoic person responds to hardship with imperturbation.
  • 尽管香港经历了艰难的经济调整,但劳资关系然和谐。
    Despite the difficult economic adjustment experienced by Hong Kong, labour relations remained harmonious.
  • 至于哈里特,奈特利先生之所以对她关注,是因为他确实想调查清楚姑娘对他的年轻佃户罗伯特·马丁是否有爱心。
    As for Harriet, when Mr. Knightley was paying attention to her, he was really trying to determine the real state of her affections for his young farm tenant.
  • 哈里特是私生女,其父何人是个谜。爱玛认为这女孩可能出身名门,便极力使她相信她以前交往的人都配不上她。
    Harriet was the natural daughter of some mysterious person, and Emma, believing that the girl might be of noble family, persuaded her that the society in which she had moved was not good enough for her.
  • 孵化后留巢的在孵化后留在巢内直到会飞为止的。用于鸟类
    Remaining in the nest after hatching until able to fly. Used of a bird.
  • (用于鸟)孵化后留在巢内一段时间的。
    (of birds) remaining in the nest for a time after hatching.
  • 他们仍然怒目而视。
    They still glared hatred at each other.
  • 战争年代的往事常浮现在我的脑海。
    The years of the war still haunt me.
  • 新学院然是有钱人及其子孙们经常光顾的地方,他们去那里的主要目的倒不一定是为了求学长才。就是今天,我们也可以把马领到河边,但却没法让它非喝水不可。
    New college remained largely the haunt of the well-to-do, their sons and their sons' sons, and the desire or ability to learn was a minor consideration. Even today you can take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.
  • 尽管被篡改的数据已经修复,但造成这些破坏的病毒然逍遥法外,并且随时会造成更大的破坏。
    Though the altered file may have been re paired, the virus that did the damage remains at large, ready to do wreak more havoc.
  • 正当军事版图改写,美国得了渔翁之利,成为20世纪末唯一的强权,但是部分美国人对文化的单向输出问题缺乏反省能力,政坛和舆论界鹰派人物对文化的霸权心态,让意识形态的对立无法在世纪末缓和。
    As military maps are being redrawn in the world, the United States has emerged as the sole superpower at the end of the 20th Century. However, some Americans lack the ability to reflect on the unilateral export of their culture. The cultural hegemony of the hawkish elements in political circles and the media makes it impossible to soften the impact of the clash between different ideologies.