Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他眯着两眼。
    He appears to have two slits for eyes.
  • 穿上你的大衣,不然你会凉。
    Put on your overcoat, or you will catch cold.
  • 将军赞扬士兵们穿整齐。
    The general praised the soldiers for their smart appearance.
  • 我闻到厨房里有什么东西烧了。
    I can smell something burning in the kitchen.
  • 男女演员在演出结束时微笑招手示意。
    The actors and actresses smiled and waved at the conclusion of the performance.
  • 她紧紧抓自己的钱包,生怕小偷把包抢去。
    She clutched her purse tightly , fearing that a thief might snatch it.
  • 发出吼叫的声音或者带吼叫的声音移动。
    make a snarling noise or move with a snarling noise.
  • 两只狗对狂吠,接开始厮斗。
    The two dogs snarled at each other, and then started fighting.
  • 穿没有系紧鞋带的运动鞋蹒跚的孩子们。
    teenagers slopping around in unlaced sneakers.
  • 在过去发展党的组织的工作中,虽然中央重地提出了“大胆发展而又不让一个坏分子侵入”的口号,但实际上是混进了许多投机分子和敌人的暗害分子。
    During the expansion of the Party's organizations, a good many careerists and enemy saboteurs did succeed in sneaking in despite the fact that the Central Committee stressed the slogan "Expand the Party boldly, but do not let a single undesirable in".
  • 埋伏等待,举动鬼鬼祟祟或者偷偷摸摸。
    lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner.
  • 他插嘴,脸上带几乎是恶魔似的讥笑。
    he interrupted, with an almost diabolical sneer on his face.
  • 带有轻蔑暗示的表情,带有轻蔑地咧嘴笑。
    a suggestive or sneering look or grin.
  • “哼!”他嘴唇一撇地讥笑
    " bah ! " he sneered with a curl of his lip.
  • “祝贺你了,”盖斯靳轻蔑地笑说。“现在告诉我,为什么你手里还拿一支箭。”
    "Congratulations!" said Gessler, sneering."Now tell me why you took a second arrow."
  • 傲慢的笑翘起了他的嘴唇;以轻蔑、嘲弄的口吻说话;做出了许多尖锐的比较但没有一个是低劣的或者嘲弄的。
    curled his lip in a supercilious smile; spoke in a sneering jeering manner; makes many a sharp comparison but never a mean or snide one.
  • ‘我并不相信这些风俗,’他嘲笑说。
    `I don't believe in these customs,' he said sneeringly.
  • 我的下一站是洛杉矶;一下飞机,我就深深地吸了一口充满了烟雾的空气,我的双眼开始淌眼泪,我开始打喷嚏,于是我觉得自己再次像一个全新的人了。
    My next stop was Los Angeles, and when I fot off the plane, I took one big deep breath of the smog?flled air,my eyes started to wator, I began to sneeze, and I felt like a new man again.
  • 短促、突发的喷嚏意味感染。
    Short bursts of sneezing suggest infection.
  • 到处都是灰尘,他不停地打喷嚏.
    With all that dust about, he couldn't stop sneezing.
  • 那个可怜的家伙到家时全身湿透了,他诉说自己怎样掉进河里时,不住地打喷嚏。
    The poor fellow arrived home soaked to the skin, and his account of how he had fallen into the river was liberally interspersed with fits of sneezing.
  • 傲慢的笑翘起了他的嘴唇;以轻蔑、嘲弄的口吻说话;做出了许多尖锐的比较但没有一个是低劣的或者嘲弄的。
    curled his lip in a supercilious smile; spoke in a sneering jeering manner; makes many a sharp comparison but never a mean or snide one.
  • 到下午四五点钟时她们跑到门边,和邻居相见,大家谈谈天,吸吸新鲜空气,到了晚上,他们带疲乏的身体再上床去睡。
    By four or five o'clock they come out on their doorsteps to chat with and look at their neighbors and get a sniff of fresh air. Then night falls, they are dead tired and go to sleep again.
  • 他放纵地嗅香水的味道。
    he sniffed the perfume voluptuously.
  • 我们嗅海上的空气。
    We sniffed the sea - air.
  • 多阿哭鼻子说:"成为殉道者。"
    To be martyred,"Doa sniffled.
  • 一些经济学家蔑视他们的其他社会学科的同事;傲慢的贵族;他傲慢的态度令人讨厌;大摇大摆地走;傲慢的违反礼节;他母亲以一种傲慢的态度看我的衣;毛发蓬松的傲慢的骆驼;比平时更傲慢的态度-w.l.斯若尔。
    some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines; haughty aristocrats; his lordly manners were offensive; walked with a prideful swagger; very sniffy about breaches of etiquette; his mother eyed my clothes with a supercilious air; shaggy supercilious camels; a more swaggering mood than usual- W.L.Shirer.
  • 或者说嫌犯用这个故事暗示了自己的作案手法?像故事中的兔子那样唱歌,就像《蝙蝠侠》中的反派一样?
    Or was the sniper perhaps giving the police a clue to his technique, like a villain on "Batman," with the words of the rabbit's song?
  • 离"犹他海岸"(其真名为拉维维尔海滩)5英里的内陆小镇圣母教堂,因为"进攻日"那天美国伞兵部队在此陆,并且在教堂塔楼里与德国狙击手展开了英勇战斗,从此一举成名。
    Five miles inland from “ Utah Beach” ,whose real name is Ravernville- plage,Sainte- Mere- Eglise soared to instant fame when on D- Day American paratroopers landed here and fought a daring battle against German snipers inside the church tower.
  • 过于考究、过于花哨或过于昂贵都会使人认为你根本就不知道工作时什么行为是适当的,或者认为你势利、轻浮。
    Clothes which are too elaborate, too colorful, or too expensive suggest that you do not understand what behavior is appropriate for the job or that you are snobbish or frivolous.
  • 当你睡不觉的时候,你的肉体和精神都会蒙受损失。
    Physically and mentally, you lose when you don't snooze.
  • 一天深夜,我丈夫在电视机前打盹,我正忙收发电子邮件,这时,一条新到的信息出现在屏幕上。
    Late one evening, as my husband snoozed in front of the television and I was catching up on my e-mail, an "instant message" appeared on the screen.