  • 你过地夸大了一件鸡毛蒜皮的小事
    You have grossly magnified a trivial situation.
  • 过去国际贸易和投资数额不大,各国之间商品交换关系比较简单,按原产地统计大致可以反映国与国之间的工、贸易关系以及相应的利益格局。
    In the past when cross-border trade and investment were scarce and commodity exchange ties among countries relatively simple, statistics based on the origin of goods could grossly reflect the division of labour, trade relations and corresponding pattern of interests among countries.
  • 除了个子十矮小之外,他还有一个长得奇形怪状的驼背。
    Along with a rather short stature, he had a grotesque hunchback.
  • 然而,用词的不同,即令不是出于意见的歧,也决不是不重要的;
    Differences of language, however, are by no means unimportant, even when not grounded on differences of opinion;
  • 这种担心有一定道理。因为至今还有一些地区、一些部门的领导班子没有整顿好,一些帮派子可能利用提拔中青年干部的名义,把他们的党羽提拔上来。
    Their concern is not entirely groundless, because the leading bodies in some localities and departments have yet to be well consolidated and factionalists might seize upon the promotion of young and middle-aged cadres as an opportunity to upgrade their own followers.
  • 但用户们正在为用对象中间件构造布式应用程序打基矗
    But users are laying the groundwork to build distributed applications with object middleware.
  • 我们可以把动物成很多种类。
    We can group animals into many types.
  • 这些资料可以为三大类。
    The data can be grouped under three heads.
  • 分组讨论;集体努力
    A group discussion; a group effort.
  • (从较大的团体中)裂出来,组成小派别
    From a larger group; form a splinter group
  • 等级森严的组织按上述办法划的集团
    The group so categorized.
  • 一种作业的组方法,这些作业在执行时要求相同的一组资源。类别有两种:输入类和输出类。
    A means of grouping jobs that require the same set of resources for their execution. There are two classes: input class and output class.
  • 没有成任何特定的类别。
    not arranged in any specific grouping.
  • 根据等级或种类或者大小组。
    grouping by class or kind or size.
  • 门别类的一群事物。
    the grouping of things by classes or categories.
  • 动植物种类进化史生物物种或更高类组的演化发展和历史
    The evolutionary development and history of a species or higher taxonomic grouping of organisms.
  • 新的班法意味着每一班的人数比原来的多。
    The new grouping of classes means that there are larger numbers in each class.
  • 类学按生物间进化关系或结构关系类的系统方法;类学
    The systematic grouping of organisms into categories on the basis of evolutionary or structural relationships between them; taxonomy.
  • 这就要求敌人的前进,虽暂时地丧失部土地而不惜。
    This requires that the enemy should advance, and we should not grudge a temporary loss of part of our territory.
  • 他外表粗鲁,心地却十善良.
    Beneath his gruff exterior he's really very kindhearted.
  •  大学生毕业后就业在中国有充的保障。
    College graduates' employment is fully guaranteed in China.
  • 在每一个会中,两个组区的第一名可稳操决赛的入场券。
    In each conference the two division winners are guaranteed a playoff spot.
  • 边境防守十严密,没有一个人能越过。
    The frontier so well guarded that no one can get across.
  • 英国的一种台球,用短球棒把木制的小球打入洞中;如果桩子被撞翻就被罚
    (British) a table game in which short cues are used to knock balls into holes that are guarded by wooden pegs; penalties are incurred if the pegs are knocked over.
  • 另有一部散在社区群众家中寄养,福利院对其实行监护;
    some orphans are brought up in citizens' homes under the guardianship of welfare institutions;
  • 该院目前监护养育着500余名儿童,大部为身患残疾的儿童,其中包括接受社会寄养的100多名伤残儿童。
    The institution now oers guardianship and rearing to more than 500 children, most of whom are disabled, including over 100 disabled children entrusted to its care by the society.
  • 该院目前监护养育着500余名儿童,大部为身患残疾的儿童,其中包括接受社会寄养的100多名伤残儿童。
    The institution now offers guardianship and rearing to more than 500 children, most of whom are disabled, including over 100 disabled children entrusted to its care by the society.
  •  截止1995年底,由各地政府投资举办的儿童福利院73所,监护养育孤儿和被遗弃的病残儿童8900人,全国城市的1200多个社会福利院和部农村敬老院,也监护养育部孤儿和被遗弃的病残儿童,还有一些孤儿和被遗弃的病残儿童或散在群众家中寄养,或由群众依法收养。
    By the end of 1995, there were a total of 73 welfare homes for children set up by local governments, oering guardianship and rearing to 8,900 orphans and abandoned ill or disabled children. More than 1,200 social welfare institutions in urban areas and some homes for the aged in rural areas have also oered guardianship and rearing to orphans and abandoned ill or disabled children. Some orphans and abandoned ill or disabled children are under the care of or legally adopted by common people.
  • 截止1995年底,由各地政府投资举办的儿童福利院73所,监护养育孤儿和被遗弃的病残儿童8900人,全国城市的1200多个社会福利院和部农村敬老院,也监护养育部孤儿和被遗弃的病残儿童,还有一些孤儿和被遗弃的病残儿童或散在群众家中寄养,或由群众依法收养。
    By the end of 1995, there were a total of 73 welfare homes for children set up by local governments, offering guardianship and rearing to 8,900 orphans and abandoned ill or disabled children. More than 1,200 social welfare institutions in urban areas and some homes for the aged in rural areas have also offered guardianship and rearing to orphans and abandoned ill or disabled children. Some orphans and abandoned ill or disabled children are under the care of or legally adopted by common people.
  • 儿童福利院和其他也监护养育部儿童的社会福利院监护养育的儿童主要是因天灾和不可预测事故失去双亲的孤儿,同时也监护养育因身患难以完全康复的智残、肢残等重残或因严重疾病而被父母遗弃的儿童,目前,这类在院监护养育的儿童共有2万名左右,约占中国未成年人总数的十万之五左右。
    The welfare homes and some social welfare institutions that also accept orphans oer guardianship and rearing mainly to children who have lost their parents during natural disasters or accidents, and also to those abandoned by their parents because they are seriously or almost irremediably disabled mentally or physically, or because they have contracted a serious illness. Currently, there are about 20,000 such children under the guardianship and rearing of welfare institutions, accounting for five per one hundred thousand of the total number of juveniles in China.
  • 儿童福利院和其他也监护养育部儿童的社会福利院监护养育的儿童主要是因天灾和不可预测事故失去双亲的孤儿,同时也监护养育因身患难以完全康复的智残、肢残等重残或因严重疾病而被父母遗弃的儿童,目前,这类在院监护养育的儿童共有2万名左右,约占中国未成年人总数的十万之五左右。
    The welfare homes and some social welfare institutions that also accept orphans oer guardianship and rearing mainly to children who have lost their parents during natural disasters or accidents, and also to those abandoned by their parents because they are seriously or almost irremediably disabled mentally or physically, or because they have contracted a serious illness. Currently, there are about 20,000 such children under the guardianship and rearing of welfare institutions, accounting for five per of one hundred thousand of the total number of juveniles in China.
  • 一对仅一岁的危地马拉连脑女婴在经历了一场马拉松式的手术之后,终于被开了。手术于8月6日早上结束,但不幸的是仅仅在几小时之后,其中一名女婴因头部出血而被再次送回手术室。
    One-year-old Guatemalan twins joined at the head were separated in a marathon operation that ended early Tuesday,but one sister was returned to surgery a few hours later because of bleeding on her brain.