  • 经过讨论或商议得结论。
    reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation.
  • 非常匆忙做的,没有应有的思考。
    done with very great haste and without due deliberation.
  • 根据这个总体要求,考虑到十届全国人大一次会议将要进行政府换届,国务院经过认真研究,对今年的政府工作提以下建议。
    In keeping with these general requirements, and considering the upcoming election of a new government at the First Session of the Tenth National People's Congress, and after careful deliberation, the State Council wishes to put forward the following suggestions for the work of the government in 2003:
  • 例如,党内讨论重大问题,不少时候发扬民主、充分酝酿不够,由个人或少数人匆忙做决定,很少按照少数服从多数的原则实行投票表决,这表明民主集中制还没有成为严格的制度。
    For example, when major issues are discussed inside the Party, very often there is insufficient democratic deliberation. Hasty decisions are made by one or a few individuals and votes are seldom taken, as they should be under the principle of majority rule. This shows that democratic centralism has not yet become a strictly applied system.
  • 羊齿卷牙一种羊齿植物幼苗的卷牙,有些做来味道鲜美
    The coiled young frond of any of various ferns, some of which are considered a delicacy when cooked.
  • 一台精密的天平能称即使是一片羽毛的重量
    Even a feather will turn a delicate scale.
  • 她好似与琵琶达到了如此的默契和理解,以致于在演奏时人与乐器完全融为一体,所以音乐好象完全从这一"一体"中自然流了来,就如同一单纯的戏剧通过演员如此完全地反映来,使演员充分地进入到艺术本身。
    She seems to have arrived at a tacit understanding with the pipa so that the music plays itself out from this union as does a pure drama project itself through an actor -- so completely that the player is fully consumed by the art. Liu Fang's music is indeed the soul of its drama, from the crescendos that rise to great heights to the most delicately laced melodic notes.
  • 熟食店售此类食品的熟肉店
    A delicatessen specializing in such foods.
  • 她能用简单配料烹调美味的饭菜。
    She can produce delicious meal from very simple ingredients.
  • 猎人拿了非常美味的鹿肉招待我们。
    The hunter entertained us with venison which was very delicious.
  • 厨房里飘出了香味。
    Delicious smells wafted up from the kitchen.
  • 要是鲍勃有机会国旅行,他一定会高兴的。
    If a chance of traveling abroad happened Bob's way, he would be delighted.
  • 她高兴地发吃吃笑声。
    She gave a delighted giggle.
  • 这个捣蛋鬼一见到他,猛然一阵狂笑,全然不顾会不会打断演,会不会扰乱全场的肃穆,开心地嚷叫起来:“瞧!那个讨饭的病鬼!”
    A wild fit of laughter seized the graceless young rascal, and, unconcerned at interrupting the performance and distracting the attention of the audience, he cried delightedly:“Oh, look at that old fraud over there begging!
  • 这出戏很好看。
    It is a delightful play.
  • 我想不有什么更令人兴奋的。
    I can't think of anything more delightful!
  • 彼得用长笛吹一曲优美的旋律。
    Peter played a delightful melody on his flute.
  • 听到这消息我说不有多高兴。
    I can't say how delightful it was to hear that.
  • 第九条 各级文物保护单位,分别由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和县、自治县、市人民政府划定必要的保护范围,作标志说明,建立记录档案,并区别情况分别设置专门机构或者专人负责管理。
    Article 9 The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and of counties, autonomous counties and cities shall delimit the necessary scope of protection, put up signs and notices, and establish records and files for the historical and cultural sites to be protected at different levels and shall, in the light of different circumstances, establish special organs or assign full-time personnel to be responsible for the administration of these sites.
  • 上述分区直接选举的选区划分、投票办法,各个功能界别和法定团体的划分、议员名额的分配、选举办法及选举委员会选举议员的办法,由香港特别行政区政府提并经立法会通过的选举法加以规定。
    The division of geographical constituencies and the voting method for direct elections therein; the delimitation of functional sectors and corporate bodies, their seat allocation and election methods; and the method for electing members of the Legislative Council by the Election Committee shall be specified by an electoral law introduced by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and passed by the Legislative Council.
  • 第十二条 根据保护文物的实际需要,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,可以在文物保护单位的周围划一定的建设控制地带。
    Article 12 On the basis of the actual needs for the protection of cultural relics and with the approval of the people's government of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government, a certain area for the control of construction may be delimited around a site to be protected for its historical and cultural value.
  • 而逻辑失效现在信元轮廓丢失时。
    Logical failure is experienced when cell delineation is lost.
  • 描绘或测定由给定的或确定的输入数据产生欲求的输或智能信息所要求的特定步骤。通常人们都采用这种逻辑分析的方法来验证许多计算机过程、程序或运行的正确性。
    The delineation or determination of the specific steps required to produce the desired output or intelligence information from the given or ascertained input data. The logic studies are completed for many computer processes, programs, or runs.
  • 委员会由一名高等法院法官任主席,负责向行政长官提交地方选区和区议会选区的分界建议,就立法会选举、区议会选举和行政长官选举的实务安排订立规定,以及处理与这些选举有关的投诉。
    It is responsible for making recommendations to the Chief Executive on the delineation of geographical constituencies and District Council constituencies, making regulations on practical arrangements for the Legislative Council election, the District Council election and the Chief Executive election, and handling complaints relating to these elections.
  • 1991年第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一次会议颁布的《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》和1999年第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议颁布的《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》,都对保护青少年不受毒品危害作规定。
    Special provisions aimed at protecting young people from drugs are included in the Law of the PRC on the Protection of Minors issued at the 21st meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh NPC in 1991, and the Law of the PRC on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency issued at the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth NPC in 1999.
  • 律师们一旦违法,仍必要从他们当中选法官。这是他们的与众不同之处。
    Lawyer is the only civil delinquent whose judge must of necessity is chosen from themselves.
  • 但是过去这些年里,人们了解的却是一些更为严峻的说词:大量吸食大麻的人工作、学习表现差,步人歧途、现精神问题的几率较大,或者存在脑波异常。
    But over the years, much sEronger claims have surfaced: heavy marijuana users do badly at work or school, are more likely to be delinquent and develop psychiatric problems, or have abnormal brain waves.
  • 他们祈求上帝把他们从危险中拯救来。
    They prayed to God to deliver them from danger.
  • 打出一个回拳
    To deliver a counterpunch.
  • 背诵作出一段背诵
    To deliver a recitation.
  • 赎救从罪恶及其后果中把人解救
    To deliver from sin and its consequences.
  • 你能把一大包书寄去吗?
    Can you deliver a large package of books?