  • 合资格的准屋租户,包括轮候册申请人,不久将可以选择购买而非租住屋单位。
    Eligible prospective tenants, including Waiting List applicants, will soon be offered an option to buy their housing units instead of renting them.
  • 简介对某事,比如司、教学计划,尤指对入股投资的主要特点进行阐明的文件。此文件是为潜在的顾客、投资者或参加者而备
    A document describing the chief features of something, such as a business, an educational program, or especially a stock offering or mutual fund, for prospective buyers, investors, or participants.
  • 这种房屋的起价约为13.15万美元(约合9.2万英镑)。如果某个未来的买主还没有计算机,他们就会安装一台ibm司的xt型计算机(pc),并增加2500英镑的押金。
    The houses begin at about $ 131,500 (about £ 92,000) and if a prospective buyer doesn't already have a computer they'll put in an IBM PC XT and add £ 2, 500 to the mortgage.
  • 经检讨后,由二零零一年五月起,香港注册司的发售章程若发给专业投资者,可获豁免遵守有关中英对照及内容方面的规定,以及《司条例》之下其他与发售章程有关的规定。
    This led to the exemption of Hong Kong incorporated companies' prospectuses — issued to professional investors relating to debt securities — from the dual language and content requirements, and other prospectus-related requirements under the Companies Ordinance, which have become effective since May 2001.
  • 细看内容:信誉好的岸外基金中心规定基金管理司必须发出详尽的计划书。
    Check the "small print" - Established locations require fund companies to issue a detailed prospectus.
  • *细看内容:信誉好的岸外基金中心规定基金管理司必须发出详尽的计划书。
    Check the "small print" - Established locations require fund companies to issue a detailed prospectus of the offer being made.
  • 随著新主席的到来, 司也开始有了起色.
    With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper.
  • 有了她当主管, 司开始兴旺起来.
    With her at the wheel, the company began to prosper.
  • 在小司取得成功的最佳方法之一,就是以与发起人同样优先的资格入股,随着司的发展一起繁荣。
    One of the best ways to succeed in a small company is to get in on the ground floor and prosper as the company expands.
  • 他的公司兴旺发达。
    His company is prospering.
  • 有很多民取得了成功,但也有人开始怀疑,怀疑我们自己的国家所许下的诺言,甚至怀疑它的正。
    While many of our citizens prosper, others doubt the promise, even the justice, of our own country.
  • 祝贵司开业大吉,繁荣昌盛。
    Wish prosperity your new company
  • 他把那家司办成了一个兴旺发达的企业。
    He worked the business up to a prosperous concern.
  • 有商业头脑的领导人往往能有助于司兴旺发达。
    Heads with good business sense often can help their companies grow prosperous.
  • 滥用职职权得到回报。
    prostitution of talents or offices or services for reward.
  • 这种家庭只是在资产阶级那里才以充分发展的形式存在着,而无产者的被迫独居和开的卖淫则是它的补充。
    In its completely developed form this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.
  • 反面主角叙事文学或戏剧中与主人或英雄相对立的主要人物
    The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero of a narrative or drama.
  • 第四、我们要采取内望策略、施行保护主义,还是开放经济给外来投资、使司在进行合并和收购的时候更加便利?
    Fourth, we face the choice of turning inward and becoming protectionist or opening up our economies to foreign investment and facilitating mergers and acquisitions;
  • 当孩子们被不平地处罚时,他们表示抗议。
    The children protested when they were punished unfairly.
  • 新教派别包括卫理会派、 长老会派、 浸礼派.
    The Protestant denominations include the Methodists, the Presbyterians and the Baptists.
  • 有些抗议的人聚集在这家商行的办室外面。
    A group of protesters gathered outside the firm's office.
  • 司围绕着试图建立协议来替代提供服务而运作着。
    "Vendors are running around trying to establish protocols instead of providing services.
  • nass采用标准的文件访问协议,如nfs(网络文件系统)、微软司的服务器报文块,以及直接与网络上客户机通信的网络协议等。
    NASS uses standard file access protocols, such as Network File System and Microsoft Corp.'s Server Message Block, as well as network protocols to communicate directly with clients on a network.
  • 司在展览会上展示了这种新模型的原型。
    The company showed the prototype of the new model at the exhibition.
  • 专门进行政府资助的纳米技术研究的迈特司纳米技术部负责人詹姆斯·埃伦博根说:"几年前我说到2005年才会有原型的产品现在已经问世了。
    “ The things I said a few years ago would be prototypes in 2005 are here now,” James C. Ellenbogen, who heads the nanotechnology division at the Mitre Corporation, which specializes in government-supported technical research.
  • "他非常傲慢,不愿在共场所被人看见和衣衫褴褛的母亲在一起。"
    He's too proud to be seen in public with his poorly-dressed mother.
  • 他骄傲地把最大的一只羊指给我们看,它已经有50斤重了。
    He proudly pointed out the biggest sheep, which already weighed50 kilograms.
  • 他骄傲地把最大的一只羊指给我们看,它已经有50斤重了。
    He proudly pointed out the biggest sheep, which already weighed 50 kilograms.
  • 当然,没有任何一个头衔能让我比作为一个美国民更为自豪的了。
    But there is no title I will wear more proudly than that of citizen.
  • 推理的用未经证明的条件来推理已知理的
    Proving a known truth by reasoning from that which is to be proved.
  • 你到此地来访对本司帮助很大。
    Your visit here prove great help throughout.
  • 实话被证明或认为真实的陈述
    A statement proven to be or accepted as true.