  • 党的理论工作务虚会已经开了一段时了。
    This forum on the principles for the Party's theoretical work has been in session for some time.
  • 这两种学说之没有什麽关联.
    There is a distant connection between the two theories.
  • 剂量一种特定的治疗方法的用量,诸如药剂或药物等一次或一定隔的剂量
    A specified quantity of a therapeutic agent, such as a drug or medicine, prescribed to be taken at one time or at stated intervals.
  • 物理疗法和芳香疗法的专家简·贝蒂说:“我们将薰衣草油滴在一块垫子上,晚放在病人的枕头下,这样他们就不必服用安眠药,醒来时也不会显得困倦无神。”
    Physiotherapist and aroma therapist Jan Beattie says:“We put lavender oil on a pad under patients’pillows at night so they don’t have to take sleeping pills and wake up feeling drowsy.
  • 那儿有三间卧室。
    There were three bedrooms there.
  • 在此期未能提出申请的,可以给予六个月的宽展期。
    Where no application therefor has been filed within the said period, a grace period of six months may be allowed.
  • 国际社会应尽早谈判缔结必要的法律文书,禁止在外空部署武器和对空物体使用或威胁使用武力,确保外空的和平与安宁。
    The international community should negotiate and conclude the necessary legal instrument as soon as possible to prohibit the deployment of weapons in outer space and the use or threat of use of force against objects in outer space, so as to ensure peace and tranquility therein.
  • 随着资产阶级的发展,随着贸易自由的实现和世界市场的建立,随着工业生产以及与之相适应的生活条件的趋于一致,各国人民之的民族隔绝和对立日益消失。
    National differences and antagonisms between peoples are daily more and more vanishing, owing to the development of the bourgeoisie, to freedom of commerce, to the world-market, to uniformity in the mode of production and in the conditions of life corresponding thereto.
  • 整个班随即鼓起了掌;她随即离开了那个房;我随即收回了我的抱怨。
    thereupon the entire class applauded; with that, she left the room; I therewith withdraw my complaints.
  • 整个班随即鼓起了掌;她随即离开了那个房;我随即收回了我的抱怨。
    thereupon the entire class applauded; with that, she left the room; I therewith withdraw my complaints.
  • 如国会正在休会期,应为此目的在四十八小时内召集会议。
    Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session.
  • 如国会正在休会期,应为此目的在四十八小时内召集会议。
    Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session.
  • 空调房间热工设计
    thermal design for airc-onditioned room
  • 接触在热电偶中,不同的金属或其它物质之机械的或掺杂的接触
    A mechanical or alloyed contact between different metals or other materials, as in a thermocouple.
  • 接着在1990-1992年通过实验,用接驱动方式实现热核聚变反应,观察到了热核中子。
    Between 1990-92, through experimentation, thermonuclear fusion reaction was achieved through the method of indirect driving, and thermonuclear neutron was observed.
  • 我要花半年的时来收集我论文的数据。
    It will take half the year to get the data together for my thesis.
  • 他不仅丝毫没有后退,而且把全部时和精力都投入了秘密革命工作。
    Far from retreating, he thew all his time and energy into secret revolutionary work.
  • 他们定下了动身的时
    They settled when they would start.
  • 窃贼夜间闯入库房。
    Thieves broke into the store at night.
  • 在其它事物之一个事物在中的结合的动作。
    the act of combining one thing at intervals among other things.
  • 考验一切。(谚)
    Time tries all things.
  • 我觉得重要的是每天我能抽出一定时不去想别的事情,全神贯注练一会香功。
    I think what matters is that every day I can set aside a certain period of concentrating and thinking about nothing else at all.
  • 妈妈在花园里对洋葱进行苗,今年定会丰收。
    Mother is in the garden thinning out the onion plants; she should have a good crop this year.
  • 现在他们每个工作日有多达三分之二的时是在一起的。
    Now they spend as much as two? thirds of every working day in each other's presence.
  • 汤普逊太太责备孩子们没有保持房的清洁。
    Mrs.Thompson got onto die girls for not keeping their rooms clear.
  • 等了一段时后,大家都拿到了自己的行李,只有洛伊丝·汤普森小姐没有取到行李。
    After some time, all have got their baggage except Miss Lois Thompson.
  • 这是十足的浪费时
    That has been a thorough waste of time.
  • 把房彻底打扫一下。
    Give the house a thorough cleaning.
  • 在人行路之的通道;交通车辆行驶的那一部分通道。
    the part of a thoroughfare between the sidewalks; the part of the thoroughfare on which vehicles travel.
  • 白厅英国伦敦的一条宽阔大道,南北走向,位于特拉法尔加广场与议会大厦之,根据怀特霍尔宫而命名(1529年-1698年),是英国法庭的主要所在地,以其为政府办公机构所在地而著名
    A wide thoroughfare in London, England, running north and south between Trafalgar Square and the Houses of Parliament. Named after Whitehall Palace(1529-1698), the chief residence of the Court of London, it is noted for its government offices.
  • 1734年至1736年,当时的中国清朝中央政府曾在西藏地区作了详细的户口调查,统计的西藏人口为94.12万人。二百多年后的1953年,西藏地方政府申报的西藏人口为100万。
    According to a thoroughgoing census carried out in Tibet during the period 1734-1736 by the Central Government of the Qing Dynasty, the population at that time was 941,200. About two hundred years later, in 1953, the local government of Tibet declared its population to be one million.
  • 他惊讶得发现他的房给彻底地打扫了。
    He is surprised to find his room thoroughly clean.