  • 一个自私的人总是想自己。
    A selfish person always thinks about himself.
  • 他穿兰色的毛哔叽套服。
    He dresses in a blue serge suit.
  • 请把这箱子竖着放。
    Please set the box on its end.
  • 无数星星点缀夜空。
    The sky was set with myriads of stars.
  • 太阳的落下,夜晚悄悄地来到。
    With the setting of the sun, night comes silently.
  • 那小孩玩新玩具真是快乐极了。
    The child was in his seventh heaven with his new toys.
  • 她的脸上闪健康的红光。
    Her face glowed with a healthy red sheen.
  • 老师照管一群孩子上公共汽车。
    The teacher was shepherding the group of children into the bus.
  • 这双鞋子穿非常合脚。
    The shoes are a perfect fit.
  • 他对鸟开枪,但没打中。
    He shot at the bird, but missed it.
  • 不要老是想业务的事啦!
    Stop thinking of shop all the time!
  • 我们沿着海岸走。
    We walked along the seashore.
  • 史密斯先生失业后,他家的房子又了火,幸亏及时扑灭,未造成重大损失。史密斯先生说:“老天体恤不幸的人。”
    After Mr Smith lost his job, the Smith's house caught fire, but the fire was put out before much harm was done. Mr Smith said,"God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb."
  • 他在试着做饭。
    He's having a shot at cooking the dinner.
  • 大雾笼罩着城市。
    The fog was a shroud of the city
  • 身子走过狭窄的通道
    to walk sideways through a narrow opening
  • 一看到他古怪的穿,我们就笑了。
    We laughed at the sight of his strange clothes.
  • 他向我示意跟他(走)。
    He made a sign for me to follow him.
  • 路边的牌子上写“禁止停车”。
    The sign by the road said ‘No Parking'.
  • 侍者托盘子表示这家是咖啡店。
    Waiter with tray signals a cafe.
  • 这次新发现的石油对这个地区的经济有重大的意义。
    This new discovery of oil is of great significance to this area's economy.
  • 我们的穿着差不多。
    We are similarly dressed.
  • 那男子有强壮有力的肌肉。
    The man has sinewy muscles.
  • 他坐一口气读完那本书。
    He finished reading the book at one sitting.
  • 我穿冰鞋在冰上滑得很快。
    I can move very fast across the ice on skates.
  • 那孩子溜冰着了迷。
    The boy is crazy about skating.
  • 他熟练地驾驶汽车穿过狭窄的街道。
    He steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.
  • 他债台高筑,带所有的货物匆匆离镇而去。
    He build up a big load of debts, then skipped town with all his merchandise.
  • 他抬眼凝视头顶上方星光闪烁的天空。
    He stared up at the stars twinkling in the sky above him.
  • 太阳越来越热,他的脚步也随放慢了下来。
    He slacked his pace as the sun grew hot.
  • 他两点钟睡着了。
    He went to sleep at two o'clock.
  • 堤岸上铺一层从下面来的臭气所凝结成的霉东西,使得眼睛和鼻子都感到憎恶。
    From a steaming stench below, the banks were coated with a slimy mould that stuck to them like glue, disgusting to behold and worse to smell