  • 生长在热带亚洲的温室的蕨类植物的一个小属;在一些类中归入水龙骨科。
    small genus of tropical Asiatic greenhouse ferns; in some classifications placed in Polypodiaceae.
  • 布在北美洲北部;格陵兰岛;欧洲中部和北部。
    northern North America; Greenland; northern and central Europe.
  • 属于一些大陆的截然不同的陆地部
    a large and distinctive landmass (as India or Greenland) that is a distinct part of some continent.
  • 爱斯基摩人居住在北美地区的北冰洋海岸与格陵兰岛部地区以及西伯利亚的东北地区的土著居民,通常用来指居住在阿拉斯加和加拿大的北美土著民族
    A group of peoples inhabiting the Arctic coastal regions of North America and parts of Greenland and northeast Siberia. The Eskimo are generally considered a Native American people in Alaska and Canada.
  • 一条开东西的经线,通常指英国的格林威治经线。
    a meridian from which east and west are reckoned (usually the Greenwich (England) longitude).
  • 经线地球表面的成角距离,从英国格林尼治的本初子午线向东或向西至经过某一点的子午线计量,以度(或小时)、和秒表示
    Angular distance on the earth's surface, measured east or west from the prime meridian at Greenwich, England, to the meridian passing through a position, expressed in degrees(or hours), minutes, and seconds.
  • 朋友可相逢,高山永离。
    Friends may meet, but mountains never greet.
  • 由于这是我方的错误,我们同意付给百之二的赔偿费。
    As the mistake is ours, we greet to make (grant) and allowance of 2%.
  • 喂或再见见面或手时用的感叹词
    Used in greeting or parting.
  • 阿洛哈传统问候语或别时用语
    Used as a traditional greeting or farewell.
  • 信开头部的问候语。
    word of greeting used to begin a letter.
  • 月份由日历确定、尤指由公历确定的将一年为十二份之一
    One of the12 divisions of a year as determined by a calendar, especially the Gregorian calendar.
  • 拂晓时我们就出发了。
    We started in the grey of the morning.
  • [谚]猫在暗中都是灰色;黑暗中难丑妍
    When candles are out, all cats are grey.
  • 扬回忆到,本地的高压输电网曾经无法正常运转,结果热带雨林的温度在15钟之内从华氏85度窜升到120度。
    Once when the local power grid failed, Young recalls, the rain forest shot from 85 to 120 degrees F in just 15 minutes.
  • 袖珍键盘一种输入装置,有时是指标准打字机键盘的一部,包括一个独立的用于加速信息输入的数字和功能键网络
    An input device, sometimes part of a standard typewriter keyboard, consisting of a separate grid of numerical and function keys arranged for efficient data entry.
  • 棋盘格相互交叉的线条,如地图的网络系统,在这种系统内部或全部球体或别的球面被显示为一个平面
    A system of intersecting lines, such as the grid of a map, on which part or all of the globe or another spherical surface is represented as a plane surface.
  • 友谊增进欢乐, 担忧愁。
    Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs.
  • 放在烤架下烤一钟把上部烤成金黄色
    Put it under the grill for a minute to brown the top
  • 广告中除了引用了有关肥胖问题和儿童食谱的专家意见之外,还描述了麦当劳汉堡的制作之精良,如选用百百牛肉为原料,烹饪架上绝对不沾有剩油等。
    Alongside quotes from specialists addressing obesity and diets for children, the ads described how McDonald's hamburgers are made of 100 percent real beef and cooked on a grill free of additional oil.
  • 爸爸吃牛排喜欢吃每面烤两钟的牛排,如果不是这样烤的,他就会大吵大闹。
    Dad likes his steak grilled two minutes on each side and make no end of a fuss if it is not just right.
  • 当他告诉他们说他们已被解雇时,他的表情十冷酷。
    His expression was grim when he told them they had lost their job.
  • 当他告诉他们说他们已被解雇时,他的表情十冷酷。
    His expression was grim when he told them they had lost their jobs.
  • 配到底层一间房子。
    He is assigned a room on the grind floor.
  • 澄清,淘选通过水磨把精细的颗粒从粗糙的颗粒中离出来
    To separate fine particles from coarse by grinding in water.
  • 栖木类鸟,大部都比较小并离地面较近,有四个脚趾便于抓紧树枝;其中很多是鸣鸟;刚孵出的幼鸟不能独立生活。
    perching birds mostly small and living near the ground with feet having 4 toes arranged to allow for gripping the perch; most are songbirds; hatchlings are helpless.
  • 其他任何人都不会接受这种外工作,但这对她有好处,因为她希望自己的工作进展得快一些。
    Anyone else would refuse the additional work, but it's all grist to her mill, because she wants to get ahead in her job.
  • 腹股沟不全疝腹股疝气的部,症状是腹股区肿胀
    A partial hernia of the groin, characterized by swelling in the groin area.
  • 细心打扮,过修饰打扮或装饰(自己),过注意细节地修饰或整理
    To dress or groom(oneself) with meticulous or excessive attention to detail.
  • 去年的国民生产总值提高了百之五。
    The gross national product had increased 5 percent last year.
  • 惯于在吃喝上十放纵。
    given to gross intemperance in eating or drinking.
  • 而教育开支总额达450多亿元,约占政府开支总额百之⑻八。
    The gross expenditure on education is well above $45 billion, which is approximately 18 per cent of the Government's gross expenditure.