  • 他没有明显的理由而却深深叹息、渴望、烦闷、极端悲伤地望天空。这就是灵魂。
    She sighs deeply for no conspicuous reason, yearn, suffer and looks in the air extremely sadly. This is soul.
  • 他悲伤地凝视他那坍塌的房屋。
    He stared sadly at the ruins of his house.
  • 这样的一个夜晚在家里待是最安全的。
    It is good to be safe at home on a night like this.
  • 明智和聪明不同, 通常是随年龄增长的。
    Sagacity , unlike cleverness, usually increases with age.
  • 我顺进来的原路出去了。
    I went out the same way (that) l'd got in.
  • 这名军官的肩上佩戴肩带。
    The officer wears sashes on his shoulders.
  • 国王的随从们总是陪伴他。
    The king's satellites always accompanied him.
  • 他看他的工作,露出满意的微笑。
    He looked at his work with a smile of satisfaction.
  • 空气中充满花的芬芳。
    The air was saturated with the perfume of the flowers.
  • 他冒生命危险把孩子从水里救了出来。
    He ran the risk of losing his own life in saving the boy from drowning.
  • "这就是说,男人统治世界,但男人们的母亲和妻子统治他们。"
    "That is to say, men rule the world, but their mothers and wives rule them."
  • 我能隔墙听见他在电话里说了些什么。
    I could hear what he was saying on the phone through the partition.
  • 天平平衡。;势均力敌。
    The scales hang even.
  • 她穿一件领口有扇形皱褶的衣裙。
    She wears a dress with scallops around the neck.
  • 印地安人带敌人的头皮回来了。
    The Indians came back with their enemy's scalps.
  • 孩子们咯咯笑,蹦蹦跳跳地跑回屋里。
    Giggling, the children scampered back into the house.
  • 狗沿着马路奔跑。
    The dog scampered along the road.
  • 这位遭船难的水手每天早晨焦虑地注视海天相接之处。
    The shipwrecked sailor scanned the horizon anxiously every morning .
  • 我们赞赏壮丽的山景。
    We admired the splendor of the mountain scenery.
  • 上尉因他的部下睡了而斥责他们。
    The captain upbraided his men for falling asleep.
  • 扒来扒去(或摸索)寻找掉在桌下的某物
    scrabble about for sth. dropped under the table
  • 那个工人随身带一把新刮刀。
    The worker brought a new scrapper with him.
  • 猴子在树上尖声叫
    The monkeys were screeching in the trees.
  • "在电视屏幕上,我们看到,主持人手里拿一盒麦片,盒子上用大写字母写'WAKE-UPS(清醒)'。"
    On the television screen we see the announcer holding up a cereal box with the name WAKE---UPS in big letters.
  • "这个探测队接把整个山洞彻底地搜寻了一遍,但是,除了一只空铁皮箱以外什么也没找到。"
    The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.
  • "我们陆后,飞机被彻底搜查了一遍。"
    "After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly."
  • 我喜欢沿海滨散步。
    I like to walk along the seashore.
  • 她远离朋友, 过隐居生活。
    She lives in seclusion apart from her friends.
  • 会计是一种需要坐工作的职业。
    Bookkeeping is a sedentary occupation.
  • 激荡不满情绪的国家
    a country -thing with discontent
  • 玛丽不停地跟在她哥哥后面跑,抓他头上戴的帽子。当她笑跑开时,哥哥说:“哟,你别瞎胡闹好不好!”
    Mary kept running up behind her brother and seizing his cap from his head. As she ran away laughing, he said,"Oh, can't you stop playing silly buggers! "
  • 她总是为他人想, 从不考虑个人利益。
    She always thinks of others and never of self.