  • 1999年,国家禁毒委员会将禁毒工作方针中的禁吸、禁贩、禁种“三禁并举”,调整为禁吸、禁贩、禁种、禁制“四禁并举”,各地安部门进一步加大了打击制贩甲基苯丙胺等制毒犯罪活动的力度,取得显著成效。
    In 1999, the NNCC added the prohibition of drug manufacture to its " simultaneous promotion of three prohibitions" anti-drug principle (simultaneous prohibition of addiction, trafficking and cultivation of drugs), making it the "simultaneous promotion of four prohibitions" principle. Public security authorities across the country have thenceforth intensified their operations against the manufacture and trafficking of methamphetamines and other drug- related crimes, and these operations have been crowned with outstanding success.
  • 他们投票赞成禁止在共场所吸烟。
    They vote in favour of the prohibition of smoking in public area.
  • 因此,除了最大的司外,cti的硬软件开发都是因成本太高而受到限制。
    Therefore, CTI has been cost-prohibitive for hardware and software development at all but the largest companies.
  • 禁止狗进入园的法令
    a prohibitory rule against dogs entering the public gardens
  • 根据西部地区路发展的总体思路,我们选择西部地区国道主干线和国家级贫困县道路作为“十大工程”之一。
    According to the overall plan of highway development in western China, state highway main lines project and state poverty county highway project are chosen to be one of the "ten key projects".
  • 司已预测销售三千架飞机。
    The company had make projection of sale of 3000 aircrafts.
  • java也使争论中的一类新的称之为网络计算机(即nc)的便宜计算机成为可能,sun、ibm、oracle、apple和其它司希望这种计算机将在司和家庭中普及开来。
    Java is also making possible a controversial new class of cheap machines called network computers, or NCs, which Sun, IBM, Oracle, Apple, and others hope will proliferate in corporations and our homes.
  • 战争开的长期的战斗的状态;战役或战争
    A state of open, often prolonged fighting; a battle or war.
  • 广场共广场或散步的场所
    A public square or promenade.
  • 漫步,散步尤指为让别人看到而在开场合行走;散步
    To stroll in public, especially so as to be seen; promenade.
  • ?德角周围的配套设施包括占地24顷的都会园和长约5.4里的海滨长廊。这三项建设将成为本地居民和访港游客的好去处。
    A Metropolitan Park covering an area of 24 hectares and a waterfront promenade of 5.4 kilometres will complement the tourism node as major attractions for tourists and residents.
  • 共场所(尤指海滨区)散步、骑马或开车兜风的人
    Promenaderbn i1 person who promenades
  • 青洲填海工程将在坚尼地城北面填造约186顷土地(包括约十顷在卑路乍湾连接路工程下已平整的土地),供住宅发展及兴建重要连接路,以及提供游憩用地,包括海滨长廊及市镇边缘地区园。
    The Green Island Reclamation will produce about 186 hectares of land (including some 10 hectares already formed under the Belcher Bay Link Project) on the north of Kennedy Town for residential development and strategic road links as well as provision of open spaces including waterfront promenades and an urban fringe park.
  • 他们司的贵重资产在被接手时才被实际统计出来。
    their crown jewels figured prominently in the takeover attempt.
  • 政府决定发展共福利。
    The government decided to promote public welfare.
  • 这家司在电视上宣传他们的新产品。
    The company are promoting their new products on television.
  • 他提升的消息已经布了。
    It was given out that he was promoted.
  • 这些措施也在其他社推广了。
    The measures were widely promoted in the other communes.
  • 这家司里提升的机会很多。
    There are good chances of promotion in this firm.
  • 除了四月十日的报价函之外,我们另外寄上本司之技术资料及促销资料。
    Further to our quotation of April10, we have sent our technical information and sales promotional materials.
  • 迅速付款给了我们司很大的帮助。
    Prompt payment of bills greatly helps our company.
  • 司若能迅速办理则感激不尽.
    Your prompt attention to this would be greatly appreciated.
  • 他们很快地交纳了粮。
    They promptly made their deliveries of public grain.
  • 依照付款条件,贵司每次均能迅速付款。但这一次的态度,我们实在难以理解。
    Your usual promptness in make payment according to term make it difficult to understand your present attitude.
  • 本条例自布之日起施行。
    These regulations come into force upon promulgation.
  • 第三十三条 本法自布之日起施行。
    Article 33 This Law shall come into force on the day of its promulgation.
  • 第四十二条 本法自布之日起施行。
    Article 42 This Law shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation.
  •  下列全国性法律,自一九九七年七月一日起由香港特别行政区在当地布或立法实施。
    The following national laws shall be applied locally with effect from 1 July 1997 by way of promulgation or legislation by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region:
  • 第四十七条本法自布之日起施行《中华人民共和国环境保护法(试行)》同时废止。
    Article 47. This Law shall enter into force on the date of promulgation. The Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China (for Trial Implementation) shall be abrogated therefrom.
  • 本法布前已有的排污口排放污染物不符合国家排放标准的,应当限期治理。
    Those outlets already in existence before the promulgation of this Law,where the discharge of pollutants is not in conformity with the state standards, shall be improved within a prescribed period of time.
  • 与防务、外交及其他在香港特区自治范围以外的事务有关的全国性法律,可以由香港特区布或自行立法,在香港施行。
    National laws relating to defence and foreign affairs as well as other matters outside the limits of the autonomy of the HKSAR may be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the HKSAR.
  •  本法布前已有的排污口,排放污染物超过国家或者地方标准的,应当治理;
    Sewage outlets that have already been built prior to promulgation of this Law, but that discharge pollutants in excess of the limits set by the national or local standards shall be tackled and brought under control.