  • 伊丽莎白大妈去世后,她的钱由她的8个孙子平了。
    When Aunt Elizabeth died, her money was apportioned among her eight grandchildren.
  • 祖父在遗嘱中把钱财给了我们大家。
    Grandfather remembered us all in his will.
  • 爷爷是个华人,我有四之一的华裔血统。
    Grandpa was of Chinese nationality, so I'm a quarter Chinese.
  • 香港的山脉主要由火山岩组成,部较矮的山丘属花岗石。
    The mountains consist primarily of volcanic rocks, with some of the lower hills formed of granite.
  • 膨胀性由于粒子成之间的距离较大,颗粒物质当形状发生变化时所具有的体积增加的性能
    The increase in volume of a granular substance when its shape is changed, because of greater distance between its component particles.
  • vlan仅以一种不青红皂白的方式和仅在严格定义的用户群中控制网络流量,而qos提供不同应用程序的点式优先权,这些应用程序跨越整个企业环境。
    While VLANs control network traffic only in an undifferentiated way and only within a strictly defined set of users, QoS provides granular prioritization of the diverse applications that course across the entire enterprise environment.
  • 淀粉糖淀粉颗粒的内部成,包括具有直链,线性或螺旋结构的相对可溶性多糖
    The inner portion of a starch granule, consisting of relatively soluble polysaccharides having an unbranched, linear, or spiral structure.
  • 他把柚子分成两半。
    He split the grapefruit in two.
  • 分子轨道图形理论
    theory of molecular orbital graph
  • 影线在书画刻印艺术中用于表示阴影部的细线
    Fine lines used in graphic arts to show shading.
  • 一种图形表示法,其中使用一些符号表示诸如操作、数据、流向和设备之类的项目,以便定义、析或解决问题。同flowdiagram。
    A graphical representation in which symbols are used to represent such things as operations, data, flow and equipment, for the definition, analysis, or solution of a problem.
  • 能够产生质谱的绘画表现的一种光计。
    a mass spectrometer that produces a graphical representation of the mass spectrum.
  • 更好的防火墙产品可以让你在一种图形用户接口(gui)环境中用鼠标器在屏幕上操作进行组,以便简便地定义网络安全性。
    The better firewall products let you drag and drop groups in a graphical user interface (GUI) environment to easily define network security.
  • java的拥护者,如sun、ibm和oracle等公司,强调该语言及操作环境的可移植性,指出它具有可对数据库进行标准化访问、可移植的图形用户接口开发和布式对象等优点。
    Proponents of Java like Sun, IBM, and Oracle stress the portability of the language and operating environment, and point to its standard access to databases, portable graphical user interface development, and distributed objects, amongst other things.
  • 在计算机制图学中,虚空间的预先定义部
    In computer graphics, a predefined part of a virtual space.
  • 采用阴影区间来表示某种布的一种计算机图表。
    A computer graphics plot containing shaded areas as a representation of some type of distribution.
  • 在计算机图形技术中,抑止全部或部显示图象的显示。
    In computer graphics, to suppress the display of all or part of a display image.
  • 铅芯通常指含有石墨成的铅笔用的书写物质
    Any of various, often graphitic compositions used as the writing substance in pencils.
  • 钳状物一种形似钳子的握手部的物体
    An object resembling one of the grasping parts of a set of pincers.
  • 灯光不是照亮了一部草原,就是照亮了林子里的树木。
    The lamplight lighted either part of the grassland or the trees in the woods.
  • 中国现有草地面积3.9亿公顷,其中可利用面积3.2亿公顷,居世界第三位,若将其中的大部建设成人工草场,提高草原畜牧业集约化水平,就能增加大量的畜产品。
    China has a grassland area of 390 million ha, of which about 320 million ha can be used, which places China third in the world in the area of usable grassland. If the intensification level of livestock farming in grasslands is improved through the development of artificial grassland, animal by-products will increase greatly.
  • 目前,全港约有70个区委员会和3800个互助委员会,为政府与基层市民提供广泛的联络网。
    About 70 Area Committees and 3 800 Mutual Aid Committees provide an extensive network of communication between the Government and the people at the grassroots level.
  • 目前,全港约有73个区委员会和3553个互助委员会,为政府与基层市民提供广泛的联络网。
    The 73 Area Committees and 3553 Mutual Aid Committees provide an extensive network of communication between the Government and the people at the grassroots level.
  • 未来六年,北京市体育事业将进入快速发展时期,要大力发展群众体育运动,充开放利用现有体育场馆和新建成的场馆,满足群众体育健身的需求。
    Beijing’s physical education shall enter into a period of rapid growth in the next six years. Sports activities at the grassroots shall be vigorously developed, and the existing and newly completed stadiums and sports facilities shall be made fully open and used to meet the public’s rising need for sports and fitness programs.
  • 各级政府通过加强基层政权和群众性自治组织的建设,充发挥街道办事处、乡镇、居(村)委会在禁毒工作中的作用,结合创建“文明社区”,积极做好毒品预防教育的基础性工作。
    Governments at all levels give every encouragement to sub-district offices, towns and townships, residents and villagers committees in their drug control work by strengthening the construction of organizations of political power at the grassroots level and self-governing mass organizations, and actively carry out basic work on narcotics prevention education, integrating this with the efforts to develop "civilized communities."
  • 该市毒品问题曾经十严重,1994年以后,全市以禁吸戒毒为突破口,开展创建“无毒社区”活动,普遍建立和落实纵向到帮教小组,横向到辖区所有基层单位的禁毒工作责任制,形成全民参与禁毒斗争的局面。
    The drug problem used to be very serious in the city. However, there has been a drive to pronounce communities there "drug-free" since 1994, stressing drug prohibition and the rehabilitation of addicts, and establishing the working system of dividing the responsibilities among the help and education groups and all the local grassroots units. In this way, a situation has been created where all people in Baotou are taking part in the anti-drug struggle.
  • 鸨一种布于东半球的大型、长腿、鸨科狩猎鸟类,经常出现在干燥而开阔的大草原
    Any of various large, long-legged Old World game birds of the family Otididae that frequent dry, open, grassy plains.
  • 作为炉子的一部的用金属条做成的架子。
    a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate.
  • 我万分感激。
    I am profoundly grateful.
  • 我们十感激他慷慨资助.
    We're very grateful for his sponsorship.
  • 对你...十分感激。
    I am most grateful to you for...
  • 对大家我万分感激。
    I am profoundly grateful to you all.