  • 镇静催眠药;被发现影响生育后限制售。
    a sedative and hypnotic drug; withdrawn from sale after discovered to cause severe birth defects.
  • 计算机按照可能性大小的顺序,快速打印了病人有可能患的疾病。
    The computer quickly prints out which defects a patient might have, in order of probability.
  • 这些女裙减价售,毛病均向顾客指
    The skirts are sold at reduced prices , the defects being pointed out to the customers.
  • 工作中了点小毛病没有什么值得大惊小怪的。
    There is no need for us to make a fuss about some minor defects in the work.
  • 他们订了该城的防御计划.
    They planned the defence of the town.
  • 辩护律师提理由认为证据不充分.
    The defence argue/argues that the evidence is weak.
  • 国防费支出效果
    effect of defence expenditure
  • 于自卫射杀了那人。
    He shot the man in self-defence.
  • 正当杀人(如於自卫)
    Justifiable homicide, eg killing in self-defence
  • 不管付什么代价,这个岛我们一定要保卫。
    We shall defend this island, whatever the cost may be.
  • 法官作不利于被告的判决。
    The judge decided against the defendant.
  • 法官作不利于被告的判决。
    The judge found against the defendant.
  • 法院作有利于被告的判决。
    The court gave judgement for the defendant.
  • 他愿意庭作对被告有利的证词。
    He will testify in favor of the defendant.
  • 他们还必须提合理的、正当的公共政策,这些政策将会按照公共利益进行解释。
    They have to come up with reasonable and defensible public policies that can be explained in terms of the public interest.
  • 辩论往往很象争论,假若你和班纳特小姐能够稍缓一下等我走房间以后再,辩论那我是非常感激的。
    Arguments are too much like disputes. If you and Miss Bennet will defer yours till I am out of the room, I shall be very thankful;
  • 恭敬的具有恭敬的特征的,表现顺从的
    Marked by or exhibiting deference.
  • 表现非常恭敬的举止。
    showing an excessively deferential manner.
  • 这个问题在昨晚的会上搁了下来,但是将在下一次会议上提讨论。
    The matter was deferred at last evening's meeting, but will come forward at our next session.
  • 示假证据,这就是蔑视法庭。
    He gave false proof, which set the court at defiance.
  • 伸出下颌以示轻蔑
    Project one's jaw in defiance.
  • 的蔑视、强大、友好、同情的样子
    A show of defiance, strength, friendship, sympathy
  • 他以惯用的强硬言词做违抗的姿态。
    He struck an attitude of defiance with a typically hard-hitting speech.
  • 当冬夜早至,她(坐在欢快的纺车边)对着急转的命运之轮唱她的无畏。
    and when winter evenings fall early (sitting at her merry wheel) she sings defiance to the giddy Wheel of Fortune.
  • 他所说的话显示他真是目中无人。
    What he said showed he was really defiant.
  • 他以挑战的气派进去会见,却灰溜溜地走了来。
    He went into the interview in a defiant mood, but came out with his tail between his legs.
  • 源于胰腺的糖尿病,突特征是胰岛素缺乏。
    diabetes of pancreatic origin characterized by insulin deficiency.
  • 当前的贸易赤字表明我们的进口贸易严重失调.
    The current trade deficit indicates a serious imbalance between our import and export trade.
  • 税率低而政府支大,结果现预算赤字。
    Tax is low and state spend is high, result in a budget deficit.
  • 如果现财政赤字,中国政府将予以弥补。
    If there is a deficit, the difference will be covered by the Chinese Government.
  • 当前的贸易赤字表明我们的进口贸易严重失调。
    The current trade deficit indicate a serious imbalance between our import and export trade.
  • 贸易赤字(进口多於口)
    A balance-of-trade deficit, ie when a country's exports are worth less than its imports