  • 这些数字亨利苦苦地算了好几个钟头,还是摸不头脑。
    Henry puzzled over the figures for hours without making head or tail of it.
  • 这件事他苦思冥想了好几个小,还是摸不头脑。
    He has puzzled over the matter for hours without making head or tail of it.
  • 这些数字他苦苦算了好几个钟头,还是摸不头脑。
    He had puzzled over the figures for hours without making head or tail of them.
  • 他对那张旧地图苦苦思索
    He was puzzling over the old map.
  • 很多人等待买新房屋。
    There's a long queue of people waiting for new houses.
  • 我们匆匆吃了饭,然后跑去赶火车。
    We had a quick meal and then ran to catch the train.
  • 时间的推移,听众越来越多了。
    The hearers increased quickly as time went on.
  • 你一直在这里平静地坐却不做什么去帮助他们吗?
    Are you quietly sitting here but not to go to help them?
  • 他骑自行车沿这条路疾驶。
    He raced along the road on his bike.
  • 亮光发着耀眼的亮光
    A brilliant radiance.
  • 她洋溢着喜悦。
    She radiates joy.
  • 工人们被逼匆忙地签订了这个协议。
    The workers were railroaded into signing the agreement.
  • 他正梦想在北美洲拥有一片大牧场。
    He is dreaming of owning a ranch in North America.
  • 母亲迷地凝视她刚出生的婴儿。
    The mother gazed with rapture at her new born baby.
  • 那孩子快活地喋喋不休地说
    The child rattled away merrily.
  • 生产量的增长, 需要原材料的供应也不断增长。
    With the production going up, an increasing supply of raw materials is needed.
  • "我整天都在打电话找他,但是找不。"
    "I've been trying all day to reach him on the telephone, but he's very elusive."
  • 我够不着这个球。
    The ball was out of reach.
  • 电话机上你用来对它说话和听电话的那部分叫电话听筒。
    The part of a telephone you speak into and listen at is called a receiver.
  • 接待员怒视着我。
    The receptionist scowled at me.
  • 我记得她长红头发。
    I recollect that she had red hair.
  • 这本词典留查阅用。
    Keep this dictionary for reference.
  • 她若有所思地看他。
    She regarded him thoughtfully.
  • 几组人轮换接替工作
    groups of men working in relays
  • 我已经放弃了她还活的一切希望。
    I had relinquished all hope that she was alive.
  • 我将和你们三个向前走,剩下的人可以在这里等
    I will go ahead with three of you, and the remainder can wait here.
  • 你记着喂牲口了吗?
    Did you remember to feed the animals?
  • 远大的前程等待你。
    A greatfutureisreservedforyou.
  • 世界形势在慢慢地转变
    The world situation is gradually -ping itself.
  • 城市居民抱怨民工威胁本来已很紧张的城市就业机会。
    City residents complain that migrant workers have threatened to take already scarce urban jobs.
  • 整个大楼回响警报声。
    The whole building resounded the siren's warning.
  • 大厅中回荡着歌声。
    The hall resounded with songs.