  • 小孔图案用孔形图案装饰
    To decorate with a perforated pattern.
  • 用丰富的图案装饰,织丰富的图案
    To decorate or weave with rich patterns.
  • 基调建筑或装饰中反复现的图形或图案
    A repeated figure or design in architecture or decoration.
  • 圣诞节装饰品、发布通告、张贴海报
    Put up Christmas decorations, a notice, a poster
  • 12月份那家商店一楼的所有柜台都腾来陈列专供圣诞季节消费的礼物、装饰品及贺卡。
    During December all the counters on the ground floor of the store were given over to the display of gifts, decorations and cards for the festive season.
  • 人口生率正在下降。
    The birthrate is on the decrease.
  • 信号能量在两点间测量来的减小量。参阅signal。
    A decrease in signal power as measured between two points.
  • (月)亏:缺从满月到新月期间表现逐渐减小的明亮区
    To exhibit a decreasing illuminated area from full moon to new moon.
  • 他其实不认为广告是马歇尔公司销售量下降的原因,他想走这个低谷。
    He is really not convinced that the ads are the cause of Marsh all's decreasing sales and wants to ride out the downturn.
  • 把…逐被法令或好象被法令拒绝享有一个组织的会员资格或加入组织
    To exclude by or as if by decree from membership or participation in a group.
  • 史密斯先生将任阿根廷大使的命令已经下达。
    The decree has gone forth that Mr.Smith is to be the new ambassador to Argentina.
  • 抗议者支持德国路德教诸候国对恢复天主教特权的法案提的抗议的人
    One who supported the protestation presented by the German Lutheran states against the revocation of the decree of the Diet of Speyer(1529).
  • 据roback称,提议中的算法的效率是通过对信息加密和解密有多快、给加密密钥有多快以及能对多少信息加密等几个方面进行测量的。
    According to Roback, efficiency of the proposed algorithms is measured by how fast they can encrypt and decrypt information, how fast they can present an encryption key and how much information they can encrypt.
  • 体育倡导者们提了一个请求:为什么不把这一时间用在体育训练上?
    Physical education advocates made a plea: Why not dedicate the time to physical instruction?
  • 他奉献自己的一生。
    He dedicated his life.
  • 他们献出庙宇。
    They dedicated the temple.
  • 他们作为全心全意的社会工作者而人头地
    They have distinguished themselves as dedicated social workers.
  • 为了寻找治疗方法,该医生献了毕生精力。
    The doctor dedicated his life to finding a cure.
  • 出神;完全的奉献
    A deep trance; deep devotion.
  • 被告缺席(不能在法庭现)支持原告的判决。
    a judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff when the defendant defaults (fails to appear in court).
  • 战败是早已看的结果。
    Defeat is a foregoneconclusion.
  • 于是失败主义的亡国论者跑来向人们说:中国会亡,最后胜利不是中国的。
    Therefore the defeatist exponents of the theory of national subjugation have come forward to tell people that China will be subjugated, that final victory will not be China's.
  • 当她不顾心地叹气时,她的丈夫拿他的“百万富翁俱乐部”证书以及一张买主的名单问道:“你看看这些是什么?
    The instant she lets go a defeatist sigh,he pulls out her certificate from he Million Dollar Club and a list of previous sales she's made."Who name do you see here?
  • 如我们打了胜仗,就可以乘机散布失败情绪,甚至为对方着想,提“还是要与人家勾搭一下才行”,以达到建立两面派和发展革命两面派的目的。
    When we have won a battle, they can spread defeatist sentiments among the puppet troops and organizations, and pretending to be concerned about their interests, even offer the suggestion that they had "better gang up with the other side", to foster ordinary double-dealers and expand the number of revolutionary double-dealers.
  • 那种新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤市场.
    The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect.
  • 来的时候就有缺陷。
    a defect that is present at birth.
  • 把有毛病的工具拣来。
    Sort out defective tools
  • 他们常常在街上售劣质商品。
    They often palmed off the defective goods in the street.
  • 如果确实了问题,我到何处修配零件呢?
    When can I go for service and parts if some thing does become defective?
  • 前些时一个总统授命成立的委员会探究[股票]市场的结构,以便找缺点。结果毛病一箩筐,其中以程式交易为最显著的缺点。
    Earlier a Presidential commission?? probed the market's structure for defects and came up with a laundry list of weaknesses with program trading in the forefront.
  • 专家们说,一些同样的防止误解的说明适用于生缺陷研究。
    Some of the same caveats apply to the birth-defects study,say experts.
  • 巡视者在检查楼房时查了一些毛病。
    The inspector found some defects during their checking of the building