  • 这需要时间。
    It takes time.
  • 他穿衣要用很长时间.
    He takes ages to dress.
  • 比赛歇,他们再将自己的故事与他人分享。
    During breaks in the contest, people tell their own tales to one another.
  • 我们谈了很长时间。
    We had a long talk.
  • 令人厌烦的人,是把那么多时花在讲他自己的事情而使你没有时讲自己的事情的人。
    A bore is a man who spends so much time talking about himself that you can't talk about yourself.
  • 令人讨厌的人,是把那么多时花在讲他自己的事情而使你没有时讲自己事情的人。
    A bear is a man who spends so much time talking about himself that you can not talk about yourself.
  • 葛:然而已有相当长的一段时里曾脂市场坚挺,澳大利亚市场散装曾脂一吨的时价在303美元左右。
    However, the tallow market has been quite strong for sometime and the prevailing price in the Australian Market is around US $ 303/mt for bulk tallow.
  • 脚的舟骨人脚上的凹骨,位于踝骨和骨之
    A concave bone of the human foot, located between the talus and the metatarsals.
  • 他以严厉的眼光吓他们,活象兽群中的驯兽师。
    He cowed them with his hard eyes like a tamer among beasts.
  • 为了有时思考,我把烟丝轻按几下,塞紧在烟斗里,然后慢慢地点着了烟。
    To give myself time to think, I tamped down the tobacco in my pipe and then lit it slowly.
  • 8天时,张三总共损失了2960元。
    Over the eight-day period, Tan loses a total of $2,960.
  • 在远程交换站及其控制实体,串接的两条电路的一次呼叫的使用。
    The use for a single call of two circuits in tandem between a remote switching stage and its controlling entity.
  • 对他们干说,好像时就是一个几乎看得见的通道。
    Time is treated as if it were an almost tangible entry.
  • 真实的证据;他当总理的短暂时几乎没有给穷人带来切实的利益。
    tangible evidence; his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor.
  • 伴随各派反动统治者之的矛盾——军阀混战而来的,是赋税的加重,这样就会促令广大的负担赋税者和反动统治者之的矛盾日益发展。
    In the wake of the contradictions among the reactionary ruling cliques -- the tangled warfare among the warlords -- comes heavier taxation, which steadily sharpens the contradiction between the broad masses of taxpayers and the reactionary rulers.
  • 他们已经到了酒吧,正在大喝啤酒。
    They were already at the bar, tanking up in beer.
  • 有两三个家伙已经来到酒吧,正在大喝啤酒。
    A couple of the fellows were already at the bar, tanking up on beer.
  • 这里所说的分歧,指一九三五年至一九三六年党中央路线和张国焘退却路线之的分歧。
    This difference was between the line of the Party's Central Committee and Chang Kuo-tao's line of retreat in 1935-36.
  • 我用了些时学习游戏规则,大概现在已经掌握了.
    It took me a while to learn the rules of the game but I think I've got them taped now.
  • 你最好逐渐地减少休息时
    You would better taper off the amount of time given to rest.
  • 这个组织在一年左右的时里逐步停止了活动。
    The organization tapered off in about a year.
  • 极好雪茄一种中粗两头尖、长度标准的雪茄
    A cigar of standard length, thick in the center and tapered at each end.
  • 博韦法国北部一城镇,位于巴黎西北偏北。建于17世纪的花毯作坊被毁于第二次世界大战期的1940年6月。人口52,365
    A town of northern France north-northwest of Paris. Its tapestry works, established in the17th century, were destroyed in June1940 during World War II. Population,52, 365.
  • 在船体上轻轻敲击的声响会从海底反射回来,通过测量敲击和收到回声之的时隔,可以计算出该处海洋的深度。
    A sound made by tapping on the hull of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom, and by measuring the time interval between the taps and the receipt of the echoes the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated.
  • 在船体上轻轻敲击的声响会从海底反射回来,通过测量敲击和收到回声之的时隔,可以计算出该处海洋的深度。
    A sound made by tapping on the hull of a ship will is reflected from the sea bottom, and by measuring the time interval between the taps and the receipt of the echoes the depth of the sea at that point can is calculated.
  • “用这个,”他说着轻轻地拍着我的脑袋,“你两个耳朵之的这个家伙。”
    "This," he said tapping me gently on the head. "This stuff between your ears."
  • 低质杂草,长有长直根,有时用作民医药。
    any of certain coarse weedy plants with long taproots, sometimes used as table greens or in folk medicine.
  • 我们所有的房都有冷热自来水.
    All our rooms have hot and cold running water, ie from taps.
  • 未关的水龙头、时过长的洗浴、夏天的水仗嬉戏,这些都浪费了宝贵的饮用水资源。
    Taps are left running, showers last too long and summer water fights waste valuable drinking water.
  • 通过测定叩击和收到回声之的时隔,就能推算出该处海的深度。
    By measuring the time interval beteen the taps and the receipt of the echoes the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated.
  • 胫节昆虫腿部的第四节,位于胫节和跗节之
    The fourth division of an insect's leg, between the femur and the tarsi.
  • 针鼹任一种夜活动的针鼹属和原针鼹属的穴居卵生哺乳动物,生活在澳大利亚、塔斯马尼亚和新几内亚,外皮带针状物,吻细长,舌带粘液并可伸缩,可用来捕获昆虫
    Any of several nocturnal, burrowing, egg-laying mammals of the genera Tachyglossus and Zaglossus of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea, having a spiny coat, slender snout, and an extensible sticky tongue used for catching insects.