  • 我也知道清华大学对于胡副主席有着十重要的意义,他不仅在这里获得了学位,而且是在这里与他优雅的夫人相识的。
    I know how important this place is to the Vice President, who earned his degree here and even more important, met his gracious wife Liu Yongqing here.
  • 我也知道清华这所大学对于副主席先生有着十重要的意义,他不仅在这里获得了学位,而且是在这里与他优雅的夫人相识的。
    I know how important this place is to your vice president. He not only received his degree here but, more importantly, he met his gracious wife here.
  • 若我们要新加坡以优雅社会的姿态步入下一个千禧年,使别人因我们的身和性格尊敬我们的话,我们就必须改变思维。
    If we want Singapore to step into the next millennium as a gracious society, to be respected for who we are as much as what we are, we have to change our mentality.
  • 其中一位新教徒生病时,有两位别信奉天主教、兴都教的朋友,各自在天主教堂、兴都庙里为她祈祷。病人深受感动,同时也欣然领受朋友的关怀,并不以其宗教习俗不同为忤。
    When one of them, a Protestant Christian, fell ill, she was quite touched when two other friends -- a Roman Catholic and a Hindu -- prayed for her at their respective places of worship. She accepted their concern graciously without questioning their religious practices.
  • 淡色通过加白色使浓度变化而形成的一种颜色
    A gradation of a color made by adding white to it to lessen its saturation.
  • 在过去的各个历史时代,我们几乎到处都可以看到社会完全划为各个不同的等级,看到社会地位成的多种多样的层次。
    In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank.
  • 上学期,我的数很高。
    I got good grades last term.
  • 他在学校里总是得高
    He always got high grades in school.
  • 这些苹果已经按照大小和质量了等级。
    These apples have been graded according to size and quality.
  • 你的数是九十几
    Your grade was in the nineties.
  • 我和你得分一样
    I received the same grade as you did.
  • 玛丽在数学上总是得到高
    Mary always gets a high grade in math.
  • e级表示成绩或质量优秀的
    A grade that indicates excellence in achievement or quality.
  • 对区区初级考试的数那么大惊小怪
    Made a big fuss over one low test grade.
  • 期末考卷已评完数了.
    The term papers have been graded.
  • 可以为等级的不同之处。
    an opposition that is capable of being graded.
  • 苹果是依照大小及品质等级的。
    Apples are graded according to size and quality.
  • 鸡蛋被为甲、乙、丙三级。
    Egg is graded into classes a, b, and c.
  • 这些土豆已经按照大小和质量了等级。
    These potatoes have been graded according to size and quality.
  • 等级的团体中的相对位置。
    a relative position or degree of value in a graded group.
  • 能够出等级(对质量、等级或者尺寸大小等)。
    capable of being graded (for quality or rank or size etc.).
  • 煤炭产品质量应当按照国家标准或者行业标准等论级。
    Such quality shall be graded according to the national or trade standards.
  • 在一张画或者画里表明轻或者黑的领域的标记级。
    graded markings that indicate light or dark areas in a drawing or painting.
  • 他的数这么低,肯定会被降级的。
    His marks are so poor that he will have to be graded down.
  • 用短小的高光来产生一种平滑或柔和、层次明的阴影,就好象是用的油漆或墨水。
    make by small short touches that together produce an even or softly graded shadow, as in paint or ink.
  • 之一的坡度是指每前进四米便升高或下降一米。
    A gradient of 1 in 4 is a rise of fall of one metre for every four metres forward.
  • 废水高梯度磁离处理法
    wastewater treatment by high-gradient magnetic separation process
  • 作用于非天体物体不同部的引力梯度。
    a gradient in the gravitational forces acting on different parts of a nonspherical object.
  • 之一的坡度是指每前进四米便升高或下降一米。
    A gradient of1 in4 is a rise of fall of one metre for every four metres forward.
  • 数学业成绩的数字形式的单位,等于用字母表示的等级
    A numerical unit of academic achievement equal to a letter grade.
  • 满90的学生评为甲等.
    Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A.
  • 老师们正在给卷子打数。
    The teachers are grading the papers.