  • 他做出坚决的决定。
    He made a determined decision.
  • 尚未作出决定。
    The decision is still hanging.
  • 决定,断言作的决定或断言
    The decision or pronouncement made.
  • 绝定性地超以显示更高的等级
    To surpass decisively, so as to appear of a higher class.
  • 比别的东西绝定性地超以显示更高等级的。
    decisively surpassed by something else so as to appear to be of a lower class.
  • 如果你不能下定决心,就永远也学不会如何赚钱。要知道,机会总是转瞬即逝,要想成功必须迅速作决定。
    If you can't make up you mind decisively, then you'll never learn to make money anyway. Opportunities come and go. Being able to know when to make quick decisions is an important skill.
  • 中国政府冷静分析形势,果断作增加投入,扩大国内需求,开拓国内外市场和保持人民币汇率稳定等重大决策,有力地促进了国民经济稳定增长。
    The Chinese government, based on a calm analysis of the situation, has decisively taken a number of important measures, such as increasing investment, stimulating domestic demand, and more vigorously exploring domestic and overseas markets. These measures have greatly facilitated the stable growth of the national economy.
  • 每天下午租帆布睡椅。
    Deck chairs are lent out every afternoon
  • 通常你得示关税申报单和外币申报单。
    Usually you need to show your customs declaration and currency declaration.
  • 示护照和申报单。
    Your passport and declaration card, please.
  • 你首先得填写境旅客申报单。
    First, you should fill out the declaration form.
  • 请出示您的申报表。
    Will you please show me your declaration form?
  • 入籍申请者指作正式申请的人,尤指在入籍申请书上签字有意成为美国公民的人
    One that makes a declaration, especially a person who has signed a declaration of intent to become a U.S. citizen.
  • 年内,由于实施电子资料联通,令进口报关的程序得以简化。贸易商现可透过由政府为合伙人之一的贸易通国际贸易电脑服务有限公司所提供的电子资料联通服务进行报关。
    Procedures for the submission of import and export declarations were streamlined during the year by the introduction of EDI. Traders can now submit their declarations through the EDI service provided by Tradelink Electronic Document Services Ltd., in which the government is a partner.
  •  (5)总干事应将签字、批准书或加入书的交存和各该文件中包括的或按第二十条第(1)款(c)项提的声明,本议定书任何规定的主效、退的通知以及按照第二十四条提的通知等,通知本联盟所有国家政府。
    The Director General shall notify the Governments of all countries of the Union of signatures, deposits of instruments of ratification or accession and any declarations included in such instruments or made pursuant to Article 20 (1) (c), entry into force of any provisions of this Act, notifications of denunciation, and notifications pursuant to Article 24.
  • 在其他情况下,则应适用本部分所规定的救济,或如果这类救济不符合国内法,则应作确认权属的宣告并给予适当补偿。
    In other cases, the remedies under this Part shall apply or, where these remedies are inconsistent with a Member's law, declaratory judgments and adequate compensation shall be available.
  • 一个证明;在宣誓下声明。
    make a deposition; declare under oath.
  • 明手桥牌中定约人的搭档,即把所持牌亮的人
    The partner in bridge who exposes his or her hand to be played by the declarer.
  • 宣布新规章的公告张贴来了。
    Placards declaring new regulations were going up.
  • 布什总统在指责萨达姆单方面破坏与联合国的协议是"退协议"的行为时,不但把"龙虾"一词名词动词用作,还将形容词"僵化的"用作动词,称萨达姆欺骗了全世界。"
    Declaring that Saddam had "crawfished" out of previous agreements with the United Nations, Mr Bush accused him of "stiffing the world".
  • 1913年,英政府又煽动西藏当局宣布独立,提“西藏完全独立后,一切军械由英国接济”;
    In 1913 the British government inveigled the Tibetan authorities into declaring independence and proposed that "Britain be the weaponry supplier after total independence of Tibet;"
  • 倘当选总统或当选副总统均不合乎资格时,国会得依法作规定,宣布何人代理总统,或宣布遴选代理总统的方法。此人在有合乎资格的总统或副总统前,应代行总统职务。
    and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.
  • 格一个名词、代词或一个限定词与一个句子中其它词的句法关系,通过词尾变化、这些词在句子中的位置、介词或者后置词表示
    The syntactic relationship of a noun, a pronoun or a determiner to the other words of a sentence, indicated by declensional endings, by the position of the words within the sentence, by prepositions, or by postpositions.
  • 外贸口下降、进口增长。
    Decline in exports and growth in imports.
  • 五、外贸口由下降转为回升。
    The export decline was changed into export increase.
  • 近几年来,法国的生率一直在下降。
    The birthrate in France has been declining for several years.
  • 这种身份正在日益贬值,与此同时现了一种全新的自我定义的价值观。
    In the face of this declining commodity a new set of self-defining values are emerging.
  • 模型,压模计算机中输入和输之间的交叉网,用作编码器和译码器
    The network of intersections between input and output leads in a computer, functioning as an encoder or a decoder.
  • 允许用户将信息存入中心数据库(设施)并可从该数据库中取的一种电信业务。访问是经过特殊终端进行的,这种终端包括一台装有专用解码器的电视机。
    A telecommunications service that allows users to deposit and access information to and from a central data base facility. Access is through a special terminal comprising a TV set equipped with a special decoder.
  • 降解,递降分解化合物的递降分解,显示清楚明白的中间生成物
    Decomposition of a compound by stages, exhibiting well-defined intermediate products.
  • 吲哚一种白色结晶化合物,c8h7n,可以从煤焦油中提炼,也可以从许多植物中提炼来,细菌分解肠道中的色氨酸,也可产生此种化合物。它主要被用于制造香水和化学试剂
    A white crystalline compound, C8H7N, obtained from coal tar or various plants and produced by the bacterial decomposition of tryptophan in the intestine. It is used in perfumery and as a reagent.
  • 万一现问题时,这种卡车可以充当消毒车辆。
    It's a decontamination vehicle in case something goes wrong.