  • 一些较先进的印刷司和出版社已逐步采用数码印刷及电子出版系统。
    Some more sophisticated printing companies and publishers have already started to switch to digital print production and electronic publishing.
  • 你能听到隔壁办室打印机的声音。
    You can hear the printer in the next office.
  • 这家公司专印广告.
    The firm specializes in printing advertisements.
  • 监狱机关坚持依法治监,大力推行狱务开,增强执法透明度,切实保障罪犯的合法权利。
    Prison authorities insist on administering prisons according to law.They have devoted great efforts to carrying out the practice of making public prison affairs to inmates, raising the transparency of law enforcement and conscientiously guaranteeing the legitimate rights of convicts.
  • 监狱机关坚持依法治监,大力推行狱务开,增强执法透明度,切实保障罪犯的合法权利。
    Prison authorities insist on administering prisons according to law. They have devoted great efforts to carrying out the practice of making public prison affairs to inmates, raising the transparency of law enforcement and conscientiously guaranteeing the legitimate rights of convicts.
  •  监狱、劳改场所内的行政管理涉及罪犯日常活动的各个方面,为了防止监管工作人员工作中的盲目性和随意性,规定了罪犯的日常行为准则和考核、奖惩的条件、程序等,并向罪犯开宣布。
    Management of prisons and reform-through-labour institutions involves each and every aspect of the daily activities of the prisoners. The criteria and procedures for assessing daily conduct and conditions for rewards and penalties for prisoners are codified and publicly promulgated in order to prevent arbitrary or capricious behaviour on the part of the prison staff in their work. Prison staff must abide by this code to the letter in all aspects of their work.
  • 监狱、劳改场所内的行政管理涉及罪犯日常活动的各个方面,为了防止监管工作人员工作中的盲目性和随意性,规定了罪犯的日常行为准则和考核、奖惩的条件、程序等,并向罪犯开宣布。
    Management of prisons and reform-through-labour institutions involves each and every aspect of the daily activities of the prisoners. The criteria and procedures for assessing daily conduct and conditions for rewards and penalties for prisoners are codified and publicly promulgated in order to prevent arbitrary or capricious behaviour on the part of the prison staff in their work.
  • 署又在三月举办私隐周,各项活动包括新经济下的电子私隐研讨会、亚洲区私隐会议、两场巡回表演、青少年私隐网页设计比赛,以及现场直播的电视综合晚会。
    A week-long Privacy Week held in March included a local privacy conference entitled 'E-Privacy in the New Economy', an Asian Regional Privacy Forum, two consumer roadshows, the Privacy Website Design Competition for Youngsters and a live variety television show.
  • 民的通信自由和通信秘密受法律保护。
    Freedom and privacy of correspondence of citizens are protected by law.
  • 这些寓房子的窗子很大,没有多少隐蔽之处。
    There's not much privacy in these flats because of the large windows.
  • 亲密的举动;不宜开的悲剧
    Private behavior; a private tragedy.
  • 私人住所;私下的讨论;私人课程;私人俱乐部;私人秘书;私人财产;前总统现在是一个平民;众人物努力维持私人生活。
    a private place; private discussions; private lessons; a private club; a private secretary; private property; the former President is now a private citizen; public figures struggle to maintain a private life.
  • 幕后的,秘密的隐瞒众的;私下的
    Concealed from the public; private.
  • 1954年,我们司改为私合营了。
    In 1954 our firm became a joint state-privately operated one.
  • 若要享有良好的声誉,就应开施舍、暗里偷窃。
    To enjoy a good reputation, give publicly, and steal privately.
  • 可能出于好意,谁也没有开说出人人都知道的秘密。
    Out of kindness, perhaps, nobody said publicly what everybody knew privately.
  • 他在开的场合里拥护官方的政策,而在私下里却明白那是行不通的。
    He supported the official policy in public, but privately he knew it would fail.
  • 他在开的场合里拥护官方的政策,而在私下里却明白那是行不通的
    He supports the official policy in public, but privately he knows it will fail
  • 他们中间许多人私下站在他的一边,但却不能开支持他。
    Many of them are privately on his side but cannot support him in public.
  • 在征得中国政府同意后,其民间航空司始可同台湾的私营航空司互飞。
    Privately-operated airlines must seek China's consent through consultations between their government and the Chinese Government before they can start reciprocal air services with privately-operated airlines of Taiwan.
  • 司有各种不同的所有制形式,它可以是国有、集体所有,也可以是个人所有和私有。
    A company may be owned in different forms. It may be stated-owned, collective-owned, individual-owned and privately-owned.
  • 既不脱离中国现阶段生产力发展水平,不搞单一的有帛,又不动摇有制经济的主体地位,不搞私有化。
    It will neither adopt a unitary public ownership system, which is divorced from the nation's current level of development of productive forces, nor practice privatization, which tends to shake the dominant position of public ownership in the national economy.
  • 有了这张通行证你便可以出席不开的听证会。
    This pass will privilege you to attend the closed hearing.
  • 他们进行反对特权的斗争以便建立较为平的社会。
    They fight against privilege in order to create a fair society.
  • 他们进行反对特权的斗争以便建立较为平的社会.
    They fought against privilege in order to create a fairer society.
  • 他就这样由中国西部一直旅行到东北诸省去,沿途跋涉几千里;经过了许多年,有一天,他到一个共厕所里去,把伞放在墙边,他的哥哥的儿子看见那把伞上的名字,才认出他,带他到家里去。
    Thus he traveled from Western China to the northeastern provinces, covering over a thousand miles, and only after years of desperate search, was he brought to the home of his brother through the latter's son recognizing his name on an umbrella left standing against a wall while he was in a public privy.
  • 我们必须平考虑赞成和反对的理由。
    We must be fair and consider the reason pro and con.
  • 他在尽力防止司可能的破产。
    He is trying to prevent the probable collapse of the company.
  • 他答应每月一次向负责缓刑的办室进行汇报。
    He undertakes to report to the probation office once a month.
  • 你在留职察看,若再犯一次错误,就会被司开除。
    You are on probation, and one false step, you will be kicked out of the company.
  • 经过试用期,司已决定给他订一个全日工作的合同。
    After the probationary period the company decide to offer him a full-time contract.
  • 经过试用期,司已决定给他订一个全日工作的合同。
    After the probationary period the company decided to offer him a full - time contract.