  • 我的相机只用天气符号来确定正确的曝光时
    My camera use only weather symbols to decide correct exposure.
  • 同时,国民党内部的情况(中央和地方之,cc系和政学系之,cc系和复兴系之,顽固派和中派之,皆有矛盾,cc系内部和复兴系内部又各有矛盾),国内的情况(广大人民反对国民党的专横,同情共产党)和我党的政策(继续抗议运动),均不容许国民党在国共继续过去五个月那样的紧张关系。
    Besides, the Kuomintang cannot keep these relations strained to the pitch of the past five months, because of the situation within the Kuomintang (there are contradictions between its central and local authorities, between the C.C. Clique and the Political Science Group, between the C.C. Clique and the Fu Hsing Society and between the die-hards and the intermediate sections, and also contradictions within the C.C. Clique and the Fu Hsing Society themselves), because of the domestic situation (the broad masses of the people are opposed to the Kuomintang's tyranny and sympathize with the Communist Party) and because of our Party's own policy (of continuing the protest campaign).
  • 在对中派的关系上,只有坚持对顽固派的斗争,才能争取动摇的中派,支持同情的中派,否则都是不可能的。
    In our relations with the intermediate sections, persistence in the struggle against the die-hards is the only way to win over the waverers and give support to our sympathizers -- there is no other way.
  • 又一方面,积极发展全国党政军民学各方面的统一战线,力争国民党中的大多数,力争中阶层,力争抗战军队中的同情者,力争民众运动的深入,力争知识分子,力争抗日根据地的巩固和抗日武装、抗日政权的发展,力争党的巩固和进步。
    On the other hand, it must actively develop the united front of the political parties, the government organs, the armed forces, the civilian population and the intellectuals;it must do its utmost to win over the majority of the Kuomintang, the intermediate classes and sympathizers in the armies fighting against Japan, to deepen the mass movement, to win over the intellectuals, to consolidate the anti-Japanese base areas, expand the anti-Japanese armed forces and the organs of anti-Japanese political power, and consolidate our Party and ensure its progress.
  • 在交响乐两个较大的部分中的一个小的乐章。
    a short movement coming between the major sections of a symphony.
  • 但是看来每个人在超级男孩乐队说了“再见”之后很长时内仍然会记住披头士乐队。
    But it seems that everyone will remember the Beatles long after 'N Sync has said bye, bye, bye.
  • 同时发生认为或使…处于同时代;使…在时上一致
    To regard or place in the same time period; synchronize.
  • 不同时的;不发生或存在于同一时,不处于相同时期或阶段的。
    not synchronous; not occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase.
  • 在这样做时,我认为你将会看到火力与机动之的协同比过去更加密切。
    In doing that, I think you'll see the synergy of fires and maneuvers come closer together than they have before.
  • 科学园按组群概念发展,为租户提供适切的工作环境及其他支援服务,促进租户之的合作,发挥协作效应,务求令香港的长远经济发展更见繁荣。
    Built under the concept of clustering, the Science Park will provide an effective working environment and support services to facilitate collaboration and synergy among its tenants and ultimately enhance Hong Kong's long-term economic success.
  • 大马士革叙利亚的首都和最大城市,位于叙利亚西南部。史前时代就有人居住,在罗马统治时成为繁华的商业中心,在十字军东征期是穆斯林的大本营。人口1,259,000
    The capital and largest city of Syria, in the southwest part of the country. Inhabited since prehistoric times, the city became a thriving commercial center under the Romans and was a Saracen stronghold during the Crusades. Population,1, 259, 000.
  • 两个或两个以上的变数当一个有系统的改变引起其余也有系统地改变的两者的统计关系。
    a statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value of one variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other.
  • 系统的利用谍获得军事或行政秘密。
    the systematic use of spies to get military or political secrets.
  • 晚上好,要一有2张桌子,每张桌子可坐下8个人的餐厅。
    Good evening. We want a dinning room with two tables, each table for eight.
  • 对不起,(时)没有空桌子了,但是我们可以在(时)为您安排。
    I' m sorry, there aren't any tables left for (time), but we can give you a table at (time).
  • 点心匙一种吃甜点用的调羹,其大小在大汤匙和茶匙之
    A spoon intermediate in size between a tablespoon and a teaspoon, used for eating dessert.
  • 食品储藏室一个小房或柜橱,通常与厨房相邻,用来储藏食物、餐具、亚麻纸或相类似的东西
    A small room or closet, usually off a kitchen, where food, tableware, linens, and similar items are stored.
  • 他花了一个下午的时用图钉固定那些图片。
    He spent the afternoon tacking the pictures.
  • 通过长时演说来延迟或阻碍立法的策略。
    a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches.
  • 为争取时而拖延使用拖延战术;为争取时而拖延
    To use delaying tactics; temporize.
  • 如果那个人此时正忙,许多善于运用时的人就会约个时再回电话。
    If the person is busy,many time-tacticians make an appointment to call back.
  • 战术不同于战略, 战略是指战争期一个国家整体的作战计划。
    T-differs from strategy, which refers to the overall plans of a nation at war.
  • 你可以先把两头随便系在一起,短时它不会开。
    You could tag the two ends together, it should hold for a short time.
  • 我在二垒和三垒被触杀出局。
    I was tagged out between second and third.
  • 已到,我还有10英尺才到垒,于是被罚下场。
    I'm tagged out a good 10 feet down the line.
  • 王平:专家认为,一个国家体育消费热的兴起,有三个方面的原因:消费者有充足的空闲时;国民收入达到一定水平;政府的大力提倡。
    Wang Ping: The experts think that there are three reasons for the rising of the sports consumption fever of a country. They are: the con-sumers have enough spare time, the national income has reached a cer-tain level and the govermnent gives energetic supports for the people's participation.
  • 道德的败坏在年轻人之蔓延。
    Moral taint has spread among young people.
  • 她在台北停留期住在一家四星级饭店。
    While in Taipei she stay at a four star hotel.
  • 你在台北停留期如果有什么问题,我将乐意帮忙。
    I shall be happy to help you if you have any problem during your stay in Taipei.
  • 航空公司提出了在机场要有更多的起降时的要求。
    The airline has requested more takeoff and landing at the airport.
  • 航空公司提出了在机场要有更多的起降时的要求。
    The airline have request more takeoff and landing at the airport.
  • 从渡江作战到我离开上海,约三个月的时,接收工作大体告一段落。一般说来工作做得还好。
    From the day we started to cross the river to the day I left Shanghai, a period of about 3 months, the takeover was, by and large, complete and, generally speaking, things went fairly well.