Chinese English Sentence:
  • 3.如果任何一成员有理由认为作为另一成员之国民或居民的知识产权所有人正从事违反前一成员的有涉本节内容之法规的活动,同时前一成员又希望不损害任何合法活动、也不妨碍各方成员作终局决定的充分自由,又保证对其域内法规的遵守,则后一成员应当根据前一成员的要求而与之协商。
    3. Each Member shall enter, upon request, into consultations with any other Member which has cause to believe that an intellectual property right owner that is a national or domiciliary of the Member to which the request for consultations has been addressed is undertaking practices in violation of the requesting Member's laws and regulations on the subject matter of this Section, and which wishes to secure compliance with such legislation, without prejudice to any action under the law and to the full freedom of an ultimate decision of either Member.
  • 然而,微软主宰的阴影可强迫corba各公司会决定要相互协作。
    However, the shadow of Microsoft's dominance could force CORBA companies to make the decision to cooperate.
  • 兼顾经济合理性,大力引进和发展清洁源,将目前以原煤为主的污染型源结构逐步转变为以天然气、电力等优质源为主的清洁型源结构;
    ·Development and deployment of clean energies in a more cost-effective manner to phase in the fuel switch from coal-dominance to more shares of clean energy types such as natural gas and electricity.
  • 而且,它也不大可成为占主导地位的技术。
    Plus, it's not likely to be the dominant one.
  • 伟人以人格的力量支配他人。
    A great man can dominate others by force of character.
  • 戈兰高地上的大炮支配以色列的一大片土地。
    artillery on the Golan Heights can dominate a large area of Israel.
  • "极尽夸大、炫耀、铺张之事,试图去支配她并使自己令人讨厌。
    "It's all about swagger[3] and pomp and circumstance and trying to dominate her and be obnoxious[4]."
  • 明智地确保好基因而非坏基因支配尽可多的生命是使人类继续发展的最符合道德的途径。
    Working inteffigently and wisely to see that good genes -- not bad ones -- dominate as many lives as possible is the truly moral way for us to proceed.
  • 这些利益中最主要的一方面是我们双方共同关心的事,即任何国家都不支配亚洲或全世界,而要依靠实力来维持和平,从而为亚洲继续快速实现现代化创造有利条件。
    Foremost among these is a common concern that no one country dominate Asia or the world, but to maintain peace through strength, thereby creating conditions favorable to the continued rapid modernization of Asia.
  • 研究发现,口腔异味并不一定是因为大蒜、洋葱、咖啡或酒精引起的,罪魁祸首有可是位于舌尖背部的几种特殊类型的细菌。
    It might not be the garlic or onions, coffee or alcohol. Rather, a new study links it to the types of bacteria that dominate the back portion of the top of your tongue.
  • 他有领导作风而且采取主动。
    He is dominating and active in manner.
  • 目录服务市场是高度分块的,没有一家供应商主宰市常
    The directory service market is highly fragmented, with no one vendor dominating the space.
  • 因此,东亚有这个潜,于21世纪挑战西方在经济上、文化上、知识上及道德上的支配地位。
    Therefore, East Asia has the potential to challenge Western domination in the economic, cultural, intellectual and moral spheres, in the 21st Century.
  • 这种规定,在最下级政权中可须作某种变动,以防豪绅地主把持政权,但基本精神是不违背的。
    At the lowest level the ratio may have to be somewhat modified to prevent domination by the landlords and evil gentry, but the fundamental spirit of this policy must not be violated.
  • 在英法方面,是把波兰作为英法财政资本掠夺的对象之一,是为了在世界范围内拒绝德国帝国主义重分它们的赃物而去利用波兰的,是把波兰当做自己帝国主义战线的一翼来看待的,所以英法的战争是帝国主义战争,英法的所谓援助波兰不过是同德国争夺对波兰的统治权,同样是不同情的,是应当反对的。
    As for Britain and France, they have regarded Poland as an object of plunder for their finance capital, exploited her to thwart the German imperialist attempt at a world re-division of the spoils, and made her a flank of their own imperialist front. Thus their war is an imperialist war, their so-called aid to Poland being merely for the purpose of contending with Germany for the domination of Poland, and this war, too, should be opposed, not approved.
  • 在这个暴力和混乱的年代里,积聚一点点存粮的农奴,要做的第一件事,就是赎回自由并迁移到某个从罗马统治时期保留下来而未被毁坏的城镇或设防村庄;
    In that age of violence and disorder, the first use made by a serf of any small provision which he had been able to accumulate,was to buy his freedom and withdraw himself to some town or fortified village, which had remained undestroyed from the time of the Roman dominion;
  • 我充其量只捐助100美元。
    I can donate one hundred dollars at best.
  • 就我所知,他充其量只捐助一百元。
    To the best of my knowledge he can donate one hundred dollars at best.
  • 核转移也为需要器官移植的儿童提供克隆产生的捐赠器。
    Nuclear transfer could also provide children who need organ transplants to have a clone born to donate organs.
  • 战士们疲倦得不再走了。
    The soldiers were too done to go any further.
  • 你知道, 说不定哪一天都可真相大白, 那时我们可就完蛋了。
    You know, it may come out any day, and then we are done for.
  • 能做的都做了。
    Everything that can be done has been done.
  • 但愿神的旨意实现。
    God's will be done.
  • 驴是结实的小动物,负重载。
    Donkey is tough little animal and can carry big load.
  • 根据负责匹配捐献器官和接受者的加利福尼亚移植捐赠网络(ctdn)资料,每年有8万人等待接受器官捐献,却只有2.4万人够找到捐献者。
    Of 80,000 people who wait for organs every year, only 24,000 find donors, according to the California Transplant Donor Network (CTDN), which matches donor organs and recipients.
  • (克隆技术不可广泛地应用于男同性恋者,因为他们必须找到卵子捐赠以及代孕母亲。)
    (Cloning might not be used as widely by gay males, because they would need to find an egg donor and a surrogate mother.)
  • 再者血液替代品储存一年多,而捐献者的血液利用标准方法仅储存大约一个月。
    Further more, blood substitutes can be stored for more than one year, as compared with about one month for donor blood stored using standard methods.
  • 在美国已诞生了5只基因改良的克隆小猪,这使得它们的器官在植入人体时产生排异反应的可性大为缩小。
    Five cloned piglets, genetically modified so that their organs are much less likely to be rejected by a human donor recipient, have been born in the US.
  • 在目前修改了配子捐献者权利的法律这样一个时代,如果他也想参与抚养孩子的话,那么她们的关系就可受到干扰。
    In an era of changing laws about the rights of gamete donors, this opens their relationship to possible intervention by the sperm donor if he decides he wants to play a role in raising the child.
  • 要是我们听信那些悲观者的论调,那工程就永远不可上马。
    If we had listened to the prophets of doom, we would never have started the project.
  • 那幢房子建得很牢固——可永远都不会倒。
    The house is well-built-it will probably last till the crack of doom.
  • 这艘轮船造得十分坚固,兴许一直用到世界末日呢。
    The ship is well built; it’ll probably last till the crack of doom.