  • 于是全家人将波西卡带到附近的一座山峰上,含眼泪把她留在了那儿。
    So the family brought Psyche to the top of a nearby mountain,and with tears in their eyes,they left her there.
  • 第二天,波西卡的两个妹妹正在边走边摘花,一阵清风吹来,将她们带到了波西卡的宫殿,她正在那儿等呢。
    The next day,as Psyche's two sisters were walking,picking up some flowers,the gentle wind rose again and lifted the two of them and flew them off to Psyche's palace,where their sister was awaiting them.
  • 脱衣舞女穿;用来遮住阴部。
    worn by stripteasers; covering for the pubic area.
  • 判决当公众宣布的正式的意见或判决,如陪审团的判决
    A publicly expressed opinion or judgment, such as the verdict of a jury.
  • 如同这一操作的名称所暗示的,发布者断言是由一个发布者所创建的断言,该发布者是想表述一个关于某个注册的商业实体的事实,这个商业实体与uddi注册中心中另一个商业实体存在某种关联关系。
    As the name of the operation suggests, a publisher assertion is an assertion made by a publisher who is expressing a particular fact about a business registration and its relationships to other business data within UDDI.
  • 这个男孩跳过泥坑,沿人行道跑了。
    The boy hopped the mud puddle and ran down the walk.
  • 许多旅游者喘气登上古塔陡直的梯级。
    Many tourists puffed up the steep steps of the ancient pagoda.
  • 他常常向别人脸上喷烟闹玩儿。
    He often puffs cigarette smoke in other's face for fun.
  • 他喘息说出几句话。
    He managed to puff out a few words.
  • 她用粉扑轻拍着脸。
    She dabbed at her face with a puff.
  • 琼斯先生只是星期天才驾他那辆二手车出去兜风。
    Mr Jones only take his cream puff out for a drive on Sunday.
  • 老板急得团团转,一个劲地猛抽烟。
    The boss fluttered about, taking quick nervous puffs at his cigarette.
  • 拳击于挡住了对方的袭击,接用右手向他的颌部突然一击。
    The pugilist blocked his opponent's blows and then put in a sudden right to the jaw.
  • 当他从房间里出来时, 脸上带疲倦的微笑。
    He pulled a tired smile when he stepped out of the room.
  • 孩子拉母亲的外衣还要巧克力。
    The child pulled at its mother's coat for more chocolate.
  • 拔出枪;抽出一把刀对
    Pull a gun; pulled a knife on me.
  • 用马朝极致的各个方向把尸体分开。
    kill by pulling the victim's body into pieces by having horses pull on each extremity.
  • 她曾拖着汽车。
    She was pulling once the car.
  • 工人们正忙拆房子。
    Workmen were occupied in pulling down the house.
  • 然后我拉我的毛衣说道:'开枪啊,朝我开枪啊,但是看我的眼睛!'
    I plucked at my pullover and said: `Go ahead and shoot me, but look me in the eyes!'
  • 空气似乎随亮光而颤动。
    The air seemed to pulsate with the bright light.
  • 教育并不意味把事实塞进学生的脑子。
    Teaching doesn't mean pumping facts into the heads of pupils.
  • 在给汽车加油的时候,我们俩搓手,蹦过来跳过去地取暖。
    While pumping the gas, we clapped our hands and jumped around to stay warm.
  • 他对他的鼻子猛打一拳。
    He punched him on the nose.
  • 高田先生对衣和守时要求严格。
    Mr. Takada is very strict on appearance and punctuality.
  • 蒋氏在西安曾说了将要认真抗日的话,当不至一出西安又肆力攻击革命势力,因为不但信义问题关系蒋氏及其一派的政治生命,而且在实际的政治道路上,在蒋氏及其一派面前横一种已经膨胀起来而不利于他们的势力,这就是在西安事变中欲置蒋氏于死地的所谓讨伐派。
    Since he declared in Sian that he would fight against Japan in earnest, presumably he will not resume violent attacks on the revolutionary forces immediately after leaving Sian; not only does his own political life and that of his group hang upon his good faith, but they now have confronting them and obstructing their political path a force which has expanded to their detriment -- the "punitive" group which tried to get him killed in the Sian Incident.
  • 庞克风格属于或有关庞克乐师的衣风格并常以不寻常的衣、发型和化装为特征
    Of or relating to a style of dress worn by punk rockers and often characterized by unusual clothing, hairstyles, and makeup.
  • 维拉穿杂乱的衣装,头发染成桃红色的,打扮得很不整洁来参加聚会。
    Vera came to the party dressed up like a dog’s dinner in a punk outfit and with her hair dyed pink.
  • 老师给激怒了,用目光正视这个学生使他不敢正视老师。
    The teacher roused himself and stared the pupil down.
  • 我们听到了他在玩他的小狗。
    We heard him playing with his puppy.
  • 小狗高兴地摇摆它的尾巴。
    The puppy frisked its tail.
  • 小狗在玩弄自己的尾巴。
    The puppy was sporting with its tail.