  • 自正派的家庭;端庄的姑娘。
    from a decent family; a nice girl.
  • 他的举止如此低俗,应该把他从文雅的社会中驱逐去。
    His behaviour is so awful that he ought to be drummed out of decent society.
  • 他没有足够的肉体来大大方方地遮掩其精神;他的才智突得不象样子。
    He has not body enough to cover his mind decently; his intellect is improperly exposed.
  • 从骗局或幻想中解脱来。
    free from deception or illusion.
  • 他看了这个诡计,并揭穿了它。
    He saw the deception and exposed it.
  • 有的甚至使流氓威胁欺骗的手段。
    Others even resort to indecent behaviour, threats and deception to get their way.
  • 海关也负责保护消费者免受欺骗,防止不法商人售度量衡资料错误的货品或成色标记有问题的黄金和白金产品。
    It also has responsibilities in protecting consumers from fraudulent traders who offer goods of deceptive weights and measures or products made of gold and platinum that have deceptive markings.
  • 因为他们中间除了那些真正拥护人民革命事业的人们而外,有许多人在一个时期内能够以革命的或半革命的面目现,所以他们同时就具备着欺骗民众的资格,使得民众不容易认识他们的不彻底性以及装模作样的假相。
    Because apart from the genuine supporters of the people's revolutionary cause, this class includes many who temporarily appear as revolutionaries or semi-revolutionaries, and who thus acquire a deceptive status which makes it difficult for the people to see through their lack of revolutionary thoroughness and their false trappings.
  • 对这两者,不易做抉择。
    It's difficult to decide between the two.
  • 有利于……的决定头判决。
    Decide in favor of
  • 很难做出判断。
    It is difficult to decide.
  • 你有权力做出决定。
    This is your right to decide.
  • 现在我们不能作什么决定。
    We can't decide anything now.
  • 他们已对此做决定。
    They have decided about it.
  • 我们在两名候选人之间作抉择。
    We decided between two candidates.
  • 他决心延後出发。
    He decided to postpone his departure.
  • 那件大衣看来是绝对旧得穿不去了.
    That overcoat is looking decidedly past it.
  • 借《吻》成功的东风,希尔以鲜明的性感形象击,于1999年11月又推一张专辑。
    Building on the success of “ This Kiss,” Hill unveiled a decidedly sexy image with the release of her next album in November of 1999.
  • 我们在等待裁判员裁决优胜者,几个小时如坐针毡.
    We were kept on tenterhooksfor hours while the judges were deciding the winners.
  • 他深思了两天才作决定。
    He meditated for two days before deciding.
  • 我们在等待裁判员裁决优胜者,几个小时如坐针毡
    We were keeping on tenterhooksfor hours while the judge were deciding the winner
  • 这不是简单的你愿意多少钱的问题。
    It is not simply a matter of deciding what price you want to pay.
  • 大的每年落叶的长坚果的乔木的属;生在美国和中国。
    genus of large deciduous nut-bearing trees; United States and China.
  • 小数中从某一位开始有一个或一组数字依照一定顺序不断地重复现。
    a decimal with a sequence of digits that repeats itself indefinitely.
  • 你能辩认她乱写的是什么吗?
    Can you decipher her scrawl?
  • 模糊的,难辨的无法读或解释的
    Not legible or decipherable.
  • 法官将于明天做判决。
    The judge will give his decision tomorrow.
  • 她的决定似乎显示缺乏政治判断力。
    Her decision seems to show a lack of political judgement.
  • 我们公司的领导为我们公司作了明智的抉择。
    Our leaders made a judicious decision for our company's future.
  • 那是谁作出的决定?
    Whose decision was it?
  • 他已作出决定。
    He's made his decision.
  • 需慎重对待的情况、需慎重处理的问题、需慎重做的决定
    A tricky situation, problem, decision