  • 他经营兴旺的事业。
    He is running a prosperous business.
  • 事件发生在周二晚十一点十五分。当时两名便衣武警发现金恩在东好莱坞召一名身女装的男妓。
    The incident began at 11:15 p.m. Tuesday, when two undercover vice officers spotted King in East Hollywood picking up a male prostitute in drag.
  • 他凭自己的才能为别人滥拍电视广告。
    He prostituted his abilities by acting in television advertisements.
  • 这种家庭只是在资产阶级那里才以充分发展的形式存在,而无产者的被迫独居和公开的卖淫则是它的补充。
    In its completely developed form this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.
  • 看守某事物,起保护它的作用。
    watch over so as to protect.
  • 棒球裁判戴面具护甲,以防被球击中。
    A baseball umpire wears mask and chest protector so he won't run the risk of being hit by the ball.
  • 壳体,衣壳包裹一个病毒粒子的蛋白质外壳
    The protein shell that surrounds a virus particle.
  • 各公司围绕试图建立协议来替代提供服务而运作
    "Vendors are running around trying to establish protocols instead of providing services.
  • 这就意味钥匙必须通过人员或者通过一组协议进行传送。
    This means that it must be sent either in person or through a set of protocols.
  • 他被一个从墙上伸出的架子伤了。
    He is hurt by a shelf protruding from the wall.
  • 粗隆尤指生长在骨头一端以附肌肉或腱的突出或隆起物
    A projection or protuberance, especially one at the end of a bone for the attachment of a muscle or tendon.
  • 乳头状物一种如在皮肤毛发、羽毛根部或正长的牙的基部上的小的乳头突起
    A small nipplelike projection, such as a protuberance on the skin, at the root of a hair or feather, or at the base of a developing tooth.
  • 更加辉煌的成就,跨进新世纪。
    Our nation will be proud of us.
  • 她自豪地带我们看了看养满了猪的猪圈。
    She proudly showed us around the pens full of pigs.
  • 跑到对面后,我回头寻找祖父,他正站在我离开他的地方,为我自豪地微笑
    Reaching the other side, I turned to find Grampy. There he was, standing exactly where I had left him, smiling proudly.
  • 系定理随刚已证明的命题而来因而需要很少或不需证据而得的命题
    A proposition that follows with little or no proof required from one already proven.
  • 那句格言是:「人们如果脸上没有带笑容,千万别开店」——「不笑莫开店」。
    and they had a proverb that you and I ought to cut out and paste inside our hats. It goes like this: “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.
  • 提供衣着
    To provide clothes for.
  • 我们正手设立公积金,并扩展照顾老人的服务,使老人能够「老有所养、老有所属、老有所为」。
    We are setting up provident funds and extending care for the elderly in order that our old people are provided with a treasure sense of security, belonging, and worthiness.
  • 他才是个真正的君子:而对挑衅他能竭力忍不动怒。
    He was a real gentleman: he managed to control his temper despite the provocation.
  • 为了挑拨达西厌恶这位客人,她常常闲言闲语,说他跟伊丽莎白终将结成美满良缘,而且估料这一门良缘会给达西带来多大幸福。
    She often tried to provoke Darcy into disliking her guest, by talking of their supposed marriage, and planning his happiness in such an alliance.
  • 用不别的什么办法,朱庇特这一席话,便实挽救了司法典吏那四名倒霉捕头的性命。
    Certainly nothing less than the direct intervention of Jupiter could have saved the four unhappy sergeants of the provost of the Palais from destruction.
  • 他站在船首看大海。
    He stands on the prow looking at the sea.
  • 以军事主义著名的一个古希腊城;公元前世纪以前统治伯罗奔尼撒半岛。
    an ancient Greek city famous for military prowess; the dominant city of the Peloponnesus prior to the 4th century BC.
  • 困难的是:日本帝国主义利用其和中国接近的关系,时刻都在迫害中国各民族的生存,迫害中国人民的革命。
    It is a disadvantage that Japanese imperialism, making use of its geographical proximity, is constantly threatening the very existence of all China's nationalities and the Chinese people's revolution.
  • 集成电路有许多优点,但首先还是表现在它的高速度、低耗能以及更可靠上,而且总体上降低了电路的复杂程度。
    Integrated circuits have a number of advantages, the close proximity of devices results in high speeds, they require minimal power, they are more reliable, and in general, reduce the complexity of a circuit.
  • 我们跟普律当丝一起下了楼。
    We followed Prudence down the stairs.
  • “那么,普律当丝,”她接说,“我托您的事办好了吗?”
    'Tell me, Prudence, ' she continued, 'did you do what I asked?'
  • 园丁正忙砍掉树上的枯枝。
    The gardener is busy pruning the dead branches from the trees.
  • 在1807年的耶拿大劫难后,普鲁士人民手整顿自己的家园。
    The Prussians, after the disaster of Jena in 1807, set to work to put their house in order.
  • 他们逼囚犯提供军事情报。
    They pried military information out of a prisoner.
  • 他跃上窗台站在那儿盯她说:"你已经永远失去我了,波西卡。
    And he sprang for the window and stared her as he stood there. "You've lost me forever,Psyche.