  • 这些说法毫无疑问地解释了有关小费起源的传说。在16世纪,英国小酒馆里都放一个匣子,上面写有一条短语"确保快捷",后来这3个英文词的首字母就组成了"小费"一词。
    Such explanations no doubt explain the purported origin of tipping in the 16th century,boxes in English taverns carried the phrase “ To Insure Promptitude” (later just “ TIP” ).
  • "他把垫子在地板上一放,很快又睡了。"
    "After he had put it on the floor, he promptly went to sleep again."
  • 他们迅速手写这本书。
    They promptly set to work writing the book.
  • 相信随《村委会组织法》的正式颁布实施,亿万农民群众的直接民主权利会得到更加有力的保障,基层民主政治建设将会迈出新的步伐。
    There is reason to believe that with the formal promulgation and implementation of the law, the direct democratic rights and interests of hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers will be further protected, and new strides will be taken in building grass-roots democratic politics.
  • 从1979年颁布中外合资经营企业法、1980年首次批准外商在中国设立企业以来,随中国投资环境的不断改善,涉外经济法律的不断完善,中国吸收外商直接投资发展迅速,逐步成为国际投资的热点地区。
    Since the promulgation of Law on Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures in 1979 and the first approval of foreign investors to set up enterprises in China in 1980, with the constant improvement of China's investment environment and the continuous perfection of foreign-related economic laws, China has achieved rapid development in FDI absorption and has gradually become a hot spot for international investment.
  • 起立起来,如从一个坐或卧的姿势;起立
    To get up, as from a sitting or prone position; rise.
  • 可惜,共享资源也意味包易相互出错,造成丢失或延迟。
    Unfortunately, sharing resources also means packets are prone to trip over each other, creating losses and delays.
  • 请赶快替我把这些校样看一遍,我急要哩。
    Just run over these proofs for me as I'm in a hurry.
  • 他把自行车靠篱笆放好。
    He propped his bicycle against the fence.
  • 用什么东西支大门让它开吧。
    Prop the gate open with something.
  • 他倚靠着墙。
    He propped himself against the wall.
  • 这个摇摇欲坠的政府是靠这些金融家们支撑的。
    The tottering state was propped up by the financiers.
  • 我们被推着向前走。
    We are propelled to go forward.
  • 用电力推动的沿铁路滑行的车。
    a car that runs on rails and is propelled by electricity.
  • 远程电动水雷顺目标船的螺旋浆的声音进行追踪。
    The long-range electric torpedo homes in on the noise of the target ship's propellers.
  • 适合这种场 合穿的衣服
    clothes proper for such an occasion
  • 第一颗原子弹爆炸预示改变,以及一个新时代的到来。
    The first explosion of the atomic bomb prophesied of change and a new age.
  • 他们听预言家的预测。
    They listen to the words of the prophet.
  • 他那预言性的话吓了我们。
    His prophetic remarks frightened us.
  • 建筑物提供支撑的横梁。
    a beam that is propped against a structure to provide support.
  • 病人躺,用三个枕头垫头。
    The patient lay with his head propped up on three pillows.
  • 这些游客的穿在当地人的眼中简直不成体统。
    The way these tourists dress offends local standards of propriety.
  • 不轻率,端庄在讲话,衣或行为方面谨慎而适当
    Reserve or propriety in speech, dress, or behavior.
  • 如果说伊拉克仍然存留大规模杀伤性武器和其它相关的被禁止的设施和项目,那么到底还有多少呢?
    How much, if any, is left of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and related proscribed items and programmes?
  • 由此可见,如果战争的目的是直接代表人民利益的时候,政府越民主,战争就越好进行。
    Thus it can be seen that when the aims of a war directly reflect the interests of the people, the more democratic the government, the more effectively can the war be prosecuted.
  • 香港的检控制度独立而行之有效,我们更是本不惧不偏的精神而实施检控政策的。
    Our prosecution system is independent and effective, and our prosecution policies are applied without fear or favour.
  • 晋升的希望在吸引他.
    The prospect of promotion was dangled before him.
  • 这样,我们照别人指点的那样,穿盛装去看望我们未来的“亲家”,让他们对我们的家庭有个好印象。
    So we all set off in our best bibs and tuckers,as instructed, to visit our prospective "in-laws" and give a good impression of ourselves as a family.
  • 在小公司取得成功的最佳方法之一,就是以与发起人同样优先的资格入股,随公司的发展一起繁荣。
    One of the best ways to succeed in a small company is to get in on the ground floor and prosper as the company expands.
  • 根本原因在于,统一和分裂关系藏族、汉族和国内其他民族的兴衰成败,合则共荣,分则两伤。
    This is by no means fortuitous. The fundamental reason is that unity or separation has a decisive bearing on the prospering or decline of the Tibetan, the Han and all the other ethnic groups of China.
  • 事实上,随中国日趋繁荣,香港亦会受惠。
    Indeed, as China prospers, Hong Kong will benefit as well.
  • 促使某项行业在过去蓬勃发展的因素或情况,将会随时间而改变。
    The factors or conditions that helped an industry to prosper in the past will change over time.