  • (指光线)发像死了一般的光亮。
    (of a light) imparting a deathlike luminosity.
  • 他的首场演一败涂地,观众发嘘声把他轰下了台.
    His first performance was a debacle: the audience booed him off the stage.
  • 因此转播首届美国电影学院大奖的颁奖典礼的美国cbs公司在收视大战中遭到惨败,颁奖典礼的观众人数只有600万,还不及与该颁奖典礼同时播的《伴我雄心》的票房,尽管这部由再度山的黛米·摩尔主演、abc公司推的《伴我雄心》也同样遭受了票房惨败。
    The event ended up a ratings disaster for CBS, attracting 6 million viewers - fewer than the number of people who watched a rerun of Demi Moore's box-office debacle G.I. Jane on ABC, which aired at the same time.
  •  7月份的数字便显示总贸易额减9.1%,电子产品口跌5%是非石油国内口落2.3%、跌得比预期还严重的原因。
    Although the accuracy of the predicting quality is debatable, the retained import figure does give a relatively good indication of the direction of the manufacturing and electronic activities and as such the Singapore economy.
  • 真理就是辩出来的。
    Truth prevails following debate.
  • 他提了一个问题供讨论。
    He introduced a question for debate.
  • 这位辩论者提另一个论点进行反驳。
    The debater countered with another argument.
  • 尤其是当晚的最佳辩论员,陆一明的表现尤其突,不但机智过人、而且词锋锐利,令对手难以招架。
    The best debater of the night, Mr Lu Yiming, was particularly impressive. He was witty and sharp, always giving his rivals a hard time holding their own.
  • 惠请注意,煤的口退税额计10英镑8先令,将记入贵方借方帐内。
    I note that I have to debit you with the sum of £10.8s. received for drawback of duties on the coal.
  • 资本流入记入资本项目中的贷方,资本流记入借方。
    Capital inflow shall be recorded as a credit item,while capital outflow shall be recorded as a debit item in the capital account.
  • 军队从山里开, 进入宽阔平原.
    The army debouched from the mountains into a wide plain.
  • 排气管中射了火星。
    The exhaust pipe shot sparks.
  • 烟火炸开放一阵火花.
    The firework exploded in a shower of sparks.
  • 能够发火花或者产生火焰。
    can emit sparks or burst into flame.
  • 用钢铁敲打火石,可以打火花来。
    One can strike out sparks from flint with steel.
  • 黑色的小盒子放火花,红灯刺眼地忽亮忽灭。
    Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily.
  • 与钢撞击或摩擦时能发火花的合金,用作打火石。
    an alloy that emits sparks when struck or scratched with steel; used in lighter flints.
  • 他学了趁热打铁并且能击火花。
    He was taught to strike the iron while it is hot, and he hit out sparks.
  • 就这样随着两人在事业和内心的欲望间的冲突,迸发激动人心的火花。
    the sparks,electric as they battle between the urges of their careers and those of their hearts.
  • 别忘了替我把信寄
    Remember to post my letter!
  • (地方法官)已传唤债务人庭.
    The debtor was summoned (to appear before the magistrates).
  • 留置权控制、持有或卖债务人财产,作为债务或义务清偿保证的权利
    The right to take and hold or sell the property of a debtor as security or payment for a debt or duty.
  • 占有债务人的财产,阻止它被售直到债务付还
    Holding a debtor 's property to prevent it from being sold until debt is paid
  • 假如法院向个别债务人的财产发破产令,或对公司发清盘令,破产管理署署长便会成为该个别债务人的接管人,或该清盘公司的临时清盘人。
    The Official Receiver becomes the receiver of an individual debtor or provisional liquidator of a company when a bankruptcy order against the property of the debtor or a winding-up order against the company is made.
  • 占有债务人的财产,阻止它被售直到债务付还。
    Holding a debtor's property to prevent it from being sold until debt is pay.
  • 倘法院向个别债务人的财产发破产令,或对公司发清盘令,破产管理署署长便会成为该个别债务人的接管人,或该清盘公司的临时清盘人。
    The Official Receiver becomes the receiver of an individual debtor or provisional liquidator of a company when a bankruptcy order against the property of the debtor or a winding-up order against the company is made by the court.
  • 在所有上述经济交易后,国际收支现有逆差的国家称为债务国,顺差的国家为债权国。
    Countries with a deficit after all the economic transactions have been recorded are called debtor nations.Countries with a surplus on their country's balance of payments are called credit nations.
  • 软件工程的五道工序中的第四道工序,即根据设计的结果用一定的编程语言写程序,在机器上进行调试,以得到正确的可执行的程序的过程。
    The fourth process of the five processes in software engineering, that is, the entire process of writing programs in a specific programming language, debugging the programs on a machine to get correct executable programs according to the results of the design.
  • 一个新的外交政策的
    The debut of a new foreign policy.
  • 1991年,他第一次演自己编写的剧本《哈德逊之鹰》(“hudsonhawk”),获得了极大的成功。
    In 1991, he made his screenwriting debut for the much-panned Hudson Hawk.
  • 1995年,在稍有起色的《法国之吻》中,瑞恩重返其演故事片之初的喜剧老路。
    Ryan returned to her comedy roots for her feature producing debut,1995's only modestly entertaining French Kiss.
  • 按揭证券公司亦在二零零一年推多货币、传统债券形式的按揭证券化计划,并拟在二零零二年年初根据该计划推首批按揭证券。
    The corporation also launched a multi-currency conventional bond-style MBS Programme in 2001 and planned to launch the debut issue in early 2002.