  • 但在今天高度竞争的环境里,有效的关计划,却是忽略不得的。
    Yet in today's highly competitive environment, the need for effective PR programmes cannot be overlooked.
  •  理由是关领域里有很多花费,是没有直接或马上看得到回报的。
    This is because in the PR area, a lot of spending has no immediate nor direct returns.
  • 行销部投入到广告和促销中的每一分钱,都与销售额挂钩,但关部肯定不是这样。
    PR activities are definitely different from those in marketing whereby its expenses on advertising and promotion are all sales-related.
  • 事实上,你很难确定销售量上涨了,和关活动究竟有什么关系。
    In fact, it is very difficult to determine the relationship between any increase in sales to that of PR activities.
  • 好几年前,一名主管关部门的银行高级执行员问我,要怎样证明关部的工作?
    Some years ago, a senior bank executive in charge of public relations asked me for advice on how to justify the activities of his PR department.
  •  我进一步告诉他,关部门要有所作为,就得直接向总裁而不是负责行销的主管汇报。
    I further told him that for his PR department to do well, he must report directly to the CEO as opposed to the senior officer incharge of marketing.
  • 我进一步告诉他,关部门要有所作为,就得直接向总裁而不是负责行销的主管汇报。
    I further told him that for his PR department to do well, he must report directly to the CEO as opposed to the senior officer in charge of marketing.
  • 当然,找工作或建立关系网不只是列一张工作单位的名单,同时还意味着要通过某些司协会或其他关组织的活动去结识专业人员——你可拜访他们的办室并进行自我介绍,使他们不断增进对你的了解。
    Beyond just making a list, job prospecting or net working means meeting professionals through some activities in associations or other PR ( public relations organizations going to their offices and introducing yourself, and keeping them up to date.
  • 1.各成员所实施的、与本协议内容(即知识产权之效力、范围、获得、执法及防止滥用)有关的法律、条例,以及普遍适用的终审司法判决和终局行政裁决,均应以该国文字颁布;如果在实践中无颁布的可能,则应以该国文字使众能够获得,以使各成员政府及权利持有人知悉。
    1. Laws and regulations, and final judicial decisions and administrative rulings of general application, made effective by a Member pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement (the availability, scope, acquisition, enforcement and prevention of the abuse of intellectual property rights) shall be published, or where such publication is not practicable made publicly available, in a national language, in such a manner as to enable governments and right holders to become acquainted with them.
  • 除非贵司价格与上次相同,否则提高销售是不可能的。
    Sale increase practically impossible unless your price same as previous levels
  • 香港目前有超过750名执业大律师,他们由香港大律师会管理。
    Hong Kong has more than 750 practising barristers, whose governing body is the Hong Kong Bar Association.
  • 根据过渡安排,中医注册申请必须在同年十二月届满的期限之内提出。香港中医药管理委员会共收到八千多份申请书,其后于二零零一年十二月布“表列中医”名单。
    By the end of the application period in December 2000, the Chinese Medicine Council received over 8000 applications for registration as Chinese medicine practitioners under the transitional arrangements. The council announced the names of Listed Chinese Medicine Practitioners in December.
  • 在私营服务方面,市民可向私家医生、共屋恏诊所医生及根据《诊疗所条例》注册的200间诊所的医生求诊。
    Private-sector medical services are provided by medical practitioners working in private medical practices, housing estate clinics and 200 clinics registered under the Medical Clinics Ordinance.
  • 营医疗服务外,市民也可使用私营服务,向私家医生、共屋诊所医生及根据《诊疗所条例》注册的183家诊所的医生求诊。
    Apart from public service, members of the community may seek medical treatment from the private sector, which includes medical practitioners working in private practices, housing estate clinics and 183 clinics registered under the Medical Clinics Ordinance.
  • 即使是在这样的细节上,李光耀也作了具体的计划,充分反映了他务实和有条不紊的作风、效率和共服务精神。
    Even in such a seemingly minor detail as the cost of an autographed book, Lee had a specific plan which reflected his pragmatic business-like ways, his efficiency and his public service.
  • 要在我们办室里上班,你得经得起几个恶作剧者开的玩笑。
    You have to be able to take a joke to work with some of the pranksters in our office.
  • 司的地位仍然不稳固。
    The position of the company is still precarious.
  • 司未采取适当的防火措施。
    The company does not take proper fire precaution.
  • 司未采取适当的防火措施。
    The company did not take proper fire precautions.
  • 我们司由于在世界药品生产中的领先地位而将继续断言其优先权
    Our company will continue to assert its precedence as the world's leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals.
  • 政府规定,国家在少数民族地区的企业要优先招收当地少数民族民进入企业工作,各民族地方政府应有计划地从农、牧区招收少数民族家牧民进入国营企业做工等。
    The government requires that state-owned enterprises in minority areas give precedence to local citizens of the minority nationalities over all others when recruiting workers, and that various local governments, when recruiting workers for state-owned enterprises, should employ minority farmers and herdsmen from rural and pastoral areas in a planned way.
  • 当洪水形成的瀑布从悬崖上奔流直下,击打下面的岩石时,它冲出几里宽的巨坑,称作瀑布潭。
    Where the water cascaded off precipices in cataracts and crashed into the rock below, it scoured out vast pits several kilometres wide called plunge pools.
  • 销售量的下降加速了该司的垮台。
    Falling sales precipitated the failure of the company.
  • 汇率下降时,司一下子破了产。
    The company precipitates into ruin when the exchange rate drops.
  • 汇率下降时,司一下子破产了。
    The company was precipitated into ruin when the exchange rate dropped.
  • 战争的爆发加速了我们司的倒闭。
    The out break of the war precipitated the collapse of our firm.
  • 外汇率下降后,该贸易司突然之间就破了产。
    The trading corporation was precipitated into ruin when the exchange rate dropped.
  • 恰恰就在我登上共汽车踏板的时候,车子开动了。
    At the precise moment that I put my foot on the step, the bus started.
  • 她用的是她前任的办室。
    She is using the same office as her predecessor.
  • 在谓词演算中,有时将原子式简称为原子。
    The atomic formula is called atom for short in predicate calculus.
  • 司增加生产的计划基於不断增涨的电脑产品需求量。
    The company's plan to increase production is predicate on the grow demand for computer product.
  • 世界贸易组织就货物贸易、服务贸易及与贸易有关的知识产权设立一个平、可靠、以规则为基础的多边贸易制度。
    The WTO provides for a fair, predictable and rule-based multilateral trading system for trade in goods, services and trade-related intellectual property rights.