  • 日出和日落时分,当太阳还处于地平线以下时,灰尘及水蒸气分子就会反射波长较长的红色光波,使我们看到太阳光的时更长一些(日出时开始的更早些,日落时持续的时更长些)。
    At sunrise and sunset, when the sun is below the horizon, the dust and water vapor molecules reflect the longer, red, wavelengths of light such that we can see them for more time (starting earlier in the case of sunrise and lasting longer in the case of sunset) than any of the other wavelengths.
  • 下午一天中从中午到日落的时段
    The part of day from noon until sunset.
  • 这房晒不到什麽阳光。
    This room doesn't get much sunshine.
  • 关于太阳黑子的记载已保持100年左右,但这些记录很少支持今天天文学家们的研究,相反,对于太阳黑子这一现象仍有许多广阔的研究空
    Records of sunspots have only been kept for the last 100 years or so, leaving astronomers with little to back their research and much yet to discover about this phenomenon.
  • 我总是站在炽热的太阳底下一晒就是很长时,终于得了日射病。
    I kept standing under a burning sun for a long while, till I had sunstroke.
  • 然而,对于小布什和切尼来说,由于他们每天有这么多的时呆在一起,周四的这顿午餐几乎是多余的。
    For Cheney and Bush, however, the Thursday meal is almost superfluous since they spend so much of their day together.
  • 督学把更多时花在将来的计划上,而校长则处理学校的日常问题。
    The superintendent spends more time on plans for the future, and the principal handles the day to day problems of the school.
  • 现有的青少年综合服务队亦予加强,向夜在外流连和根据“警司警诫计划”接受警诫的青少年提供外展服务。
    Existing integrated teams dealing with youth services were strengthened to provide an outreaching service to young people at night as well as to those cautioned under the Police Superintendents' Discretion Scheme.
  • 竞争竞争者之为取得优势或胜利而进行的争夺
    A struggle for superiority or victory between rivals.
  • 应该在超级市场和剧院中
    It should be between the supermarket and the theater.
  • 战争期异于寻常的职业年覆一年;异常兴奋的状态。
    years of supernormal employment during the war; a phase of supernormal excitability.
  • 许多产品,往往不要几年的时就有新一代的产品来代替。
    Many products are superseded in a matter of a few years by a new generation of products.
  • (西方)一种普遍的迷信认为在13号房睡觉是不吉利的。
    A common superstition considered it bad luck to sleep in a room numbered 13.
  • 毛泽东同志说:“在社会主义社会中,基本的矛盾仍然是生产关系和生产力之的矛盾,上层建筑和经济基础之的矛盾。”
    He wrote: "In socialist society the basic contradictions are still those between the relations of production and the productive forces and between the superstructure and the economic base."
  • 是吃晚饭的时间了。
    It is time for my supper.
  • 带淋浴的单人房需付
    A 10 supplement for a single room with a shower
  • 圣诞节繁忙争购期我们将增加六个临时仓库工作人员。
    We will supplement the warehouse staff with six part-timer during the Christmas rush.
  • 圣诞节繁忙争购期我们将增加六个临时仓库工作人员。
    We will supplement the warehouse staff with six part - timers during the Christmas rush.
  • 它们主要在交通繁忙时来往各屋区,以辅助专利巴士服务。
    They are introduced mainly to and from housing estates, primarily during peak hours, to supplement franchised bus services.
  • 我患病期她帮了我很大忙。
    She has been very supportive during my illness.
  • 特区政府面对种种挑战,特别是亚洲金融风暴,期中央人民政府一直给予全力支持。
    "Throughout all of these challenges - and in particular the regional financial crisis - the Central People's Government has been very supportive.
  • 我想那是在外侧的一房吧。
    It's an outside room, I suppose.
  • 西格兰大学说:"学生本应将全部时用于学习。但实际上都将全部时用来工作。
    "Students are in virtually full-time employment while supposedly studying full time," reported West of England.
  • 镇压叛乱只用了两天时
    The suppression of the revolt took a mere two days
  • 镇压叛乱只用了两天时
    The suppression of the revolt take a mere two days.
  • 滞纳金的金额按照每超过规定的缴费时1个月,加收当年全额年费的5%计算;
    The amount of the surcharge shall be, for each month of late payment, 5% of the whole amount of the annual fee of the year within which the annual fee is due to be paid.
  • 请你确信是锁上房后才离开的。
    Please make sure that the house is locked before you leave.
  • 我们肯定会得益于新的作息时表。
    We are sure to benefit from the new timetable.
  • 教师还要保证每个孩子在接受教育的同时有充分的时休息和游戏。
    "The teacher makes sure, too, that the child gets enough rest and play, along with his education."
  • 角度这样的线或平面之的空
    The space between such lines or surfaces.
  • 放在两个平面中并用重力或压力压。
    place between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure.
  • 在业余时里,他是一个悠然自得的加利福尼亚少年,热爱冲浪和网上冲浪。
    In his free time, he is a laid-back California surfer of both waves and the Internet.