  • 工人们排队向部长办公室走去。
    The workers marched in procession to the minister's office.
  • 成功的形式控诉,伴随媒体的大量报道,使公众知道税务机关的力量以及违反法律可能遭到的惩罚。
    Successful criminal prosecutions, when accompanied by extensive media coverage, proclaim to all citizens the power of the taxing body and the punishment one can expect if one violates the law..
  • 医师没有把这件事推到以后去办,他穿上外衣,拿大烛台,到乌霍夫家去了。
    Without further procrastination the doctor put on his hat and coat, took the candelabra and went off to Uhov’s.
  • 在目前的制度安排下,产品是按一定比例向这种保护支付费用的,尽管存在挥霍浪费政府开支的现象,还是能够以较低的费用得到较好的保护。
    Under the present arrangements, the product pays its quota towards the same protection, and notwithstanding the waste and prodigality incident to government expenditure, obtains it of better quality at a much smaller cost.
  • 我们的生产单位要经常设身处地为用户想。
    Our producer should constantly imagine themselves to be in the consumer 's position.
  • 我们是凭私营机构的生产力和公营部门的卓越效率,进行公正和公平的竞争。
    We compete equally and fairly in terms of private sector productivity and public sector efficiency.
  • 这两部电影都十分直白,对白低俗,而且充斥暴力镜头。
    Both movies are frank, verbally profane and violent.
  • 皮拉首先打破了沉寂:“我们不能照这个神谕办事;我们不敢亵渎父母的尸骨。”
    Pyrrha first broke silence: "We cannot obey; we dare not profane the remains of our parents."
  • 面对这些历史重任,入境处人员都抱积极的态度及本一贯的专业精神,成功完成任务,这一切实在值得各位引以自豪。
    In the face of these historical missions, all members of the Immigration Service could pride themselves on the dedication and professionalism they displayed in the successful completion of all the important tasks they were charged with.
  • 我们希望广大教师努力在政治上、业务上不断提高,沿又红又专的道路前进。
    We hope that all teachers will work hard to steadily raise their political and professional levels and become increasingly socialist-minded and professionally competent.
  • 今天晚上怎么没见王教授?
    Where's Professor Wang this evening?
  • 郑先生:认识您很荣幸,o'oconnor教授。我们正盼您的到来。
    Glad to meet you, Professor O'Connor.
  • 小小的贝壳装饰一位公元二世纪的罗马妇女的侧面。
    Tiny shells spangle the profile of a young Roman woman of the second century A.D.
  • 他们怀浓厚的兴趣聆听演讲者。
    They listened to the speaker with profound interest.
  •  中国在长期历史中形成的传统生育观念,至今对人们的生育行为仍有深刻的影响,特别是在农村中不少群众的生育观念和意愿与国家控制人口增长的要求之间还存在一定的距离。
    The traditional child-bearing viewpoints formed in long years of Chinese history still profoundly affect people's attitudes to child-bearing; in particular a certain distance still exists between the viewpoints and will of a number of rural people and the state's demands for controlling population growth.
  • 他用神采奕奕的眼光看人们,故作深沉。
    he pretended profundity by eye-beamings at people.
  • 任何过程,不论是属于自然界的和属于社会的,由于内部的矛盾和斗争,都是向前推移向前发展的,人们的认识运动也应跟推移和发展。
    Every process, whether in the realm of nature or of society, progresses and develops by reason of its internal contradiction and struggle, and the movement of human knowledge should also progress and develop along with it.
  • 伯恩:本这种精神,我建议我们采用一种累进赔偿率。
    In this spirit, I suggest we adopt a progressive penalty tate.
  • 然而,还有一点必须讲清楚,虽然暴力和犯罪活动蔓延成灾,已成为所有诚实生活的美国老百姓思想上的沉重负担,可是他们却丝毫无意为解决这些问题而根本改变有己的生活方式。
    Yet I must make it clear that though the proliferating plague of crimes and violence weigh heavily on the mind of the American people who are living an honest life, they have not the least intention to make any fundamental change in their way of life to solve the problems.
  • 彼得:你现在必须休息,别急。索尼娅:他现在为我担心了,可现在太迟了。我这一辈子被他逼到了这个地步,现在他还想继续折磨我。
    Peter: Now you must rest and take it easy. Sonia: Now he worries about me now, when it's too late. All my life he drives me to this point and now he wants to prolong the agony.
  • 耐磨性衣物经受长时间穿的性能
    The ability of a garment to withstand prolonged wear.
  • 这大夫的悉心照料,那位老妇人的生命得以延长。
    The old woman's life is prolonged by the doctor's good care.
  • 他和妻子沿海滩散步。
    He promenaded along the beach with his wife.
  • 在…散步(或兜风等)沿或穿过…散步或兜风
    To take a promenade along or through.
  • 过去他常在晚饭后带孩子在海滨散步。
    He used to promenade his child along the seaside after supper.
  • 带…散步招摇地带某人散步
    To take or display on or as if on a promenade.
  • 他们带孩子在海滨大道散步。
    They promenaded their children along the sea - front.
  • 普罗米修斯则用土和水揉成了泥,照神的模样捏出了人。
    Taking some earth and kneading it with water, Prometheus made man in the image of the gods.
  • 我想,我们党的下次代表大会必须重地研究这些问题,现在就要做准备,大家来讨论,要系统地、切实地解决这些问题。
    I think the Party must make preparations now to discuss the problems I have been talking about, and they should figure prominently on the agenda of our next national congress.We should solve them earnestly and systematically.
  • 阴云预示雨的来临。
    Clouds give promise of rain.
  • 这个年轻人有光辉的前程。
    A promising future is reserved for the young man.
  • 作为一个有前途的歌唱家,他保持自己的尊严。
    He was standing on his dignity as a promising young singer.