  • 冰山从冰川离出的一个庞大的飘浮冰体。它只有10%的体积露出水面
    A massive floating body of ice broken away from a glacier. Only about10 percent of its mass is above the surface of the water.
  • 若要我帮忙, 我十乐意相助.
    If you'd like me to help you, I'd be only too glad to.
  • 你若能帮忙[给我一杯茶]本人十感激.
    I'd be glad of (ie I'd like) your help/a cup of tea.
  • 这条消息使我十开心。
    The news gladdened my heart.
  • 富爸爸继续着我的第一课:“我很高兴你为每小时10美而生气,如果你不生气而是高兴地接受了它,那我只能告诉你我没法教你。
    My rich dad continued my first lesson, "I'm glad you got angry about working for 10 cents an hour. If you had not gotten angry and had gladly accepted it, I would have to tell you that I could not teach you.
  • 我的工作虽不算十吸引人,但也自有其乐趣所在。
    My job is not a very glamorous one but it does have its moments.
  • 我的工作虽不算十吸引人,但也自有其乐趣所在。
    My job is not a very glamorous one but it does have its moment.
  • 这里没有迷惑人的成
    None of this is sexy or glamorous.
  • 我的工作虽不算十吸引人,但也自有其乐趣所在
    My job is not a very glamorous one but it does have its moment
  • 她换上一件漂亮衣服,增添了一魅力。
    She added a touch of glamour by wearing a beautiful dress.
  • 她戴上一顶时髦的帽子,又增添了一魅力。
    She added a touch of glamour by wearing a fashionable hat.
  • 北京时间30号凌晨,第58届威尼斯国际电影节喊出了"打倒好莱坞帝国主义"的口号,成为与好莱坞庭抗礼的领头羊。但是本届电影节主席也坦言,要想吸引观众,还要靠巨星的魅力和光环。
    The Venice Film Festival is eager to lead the fight against "Hollywood imperialism" but its director freely admits you needall the glitz and glamour of the big stars to attract the crowds.
  • 一种活动性极强的新药;泌过多的甲状腺
    A hyperactive new drug; a hyperactive thyroid gland.
  • 泌腺的外泌腺的,关于外泌腺的或外泌腺产生的
    Of, relating to, or produced by an exocrine gland.
  • 切除前列腺术切除前列腺的全部或部外科手术
    Surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland.
  • 切除部或者全部前列腺的手术。
    surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gland.
  • 腺或腺泌的腺的或腺泌的,与腺和腺泌有关的,受腺或腺泌影响的
    Of, relating to, affecting, or resembling a gland or its secretion.
  • 泌的一种进行泌作用时能保持其泌细胞完好无损的腺体的、或与之有关的
    Of or relating to a gland whose secretory cells remain undamaged during secretion.
  • 体积过大;由于过量泌荷尔蒙所至。
    excessive size; usually caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland.
  • 由于甲状腺激素泌不足引起的腺病。
    a glandular disorder resulting from insufficient production of thyroid hormones.
  • 据我看来,天才仅是腺泌的供给过多的结果。
    Genius itself, it seems to me, is but an over-supply of glandular secretions.
  • 乳房,乳腺女人胸部两个泌乳汁的腺状器官之一;人的乳腺
    Either of two milk-secreting, glandular organs on the chest of a woman; the human mammary gland.
  • 毛果芸香碱一种无色或黄色的有毒混合物c11h16n2o2,从毛果芸香叶中提取,用来引发流泪、促进唾液泌并治疗青光眼
    A colorless or yellow poisonous compound, C11H16N2O2, obtained from the leaves of the jaborandi and used to induce sweating, promote salivation, and treat glaucoma.
  • 你收集到的大部情报没有实用价值。
    Much of the information you have gleaned is of no practical use.
  • 杨振宁教授所谓吸收东西文化优势、寻求矛盾的统一,值得我们深入析。
    Prof. Yang's idea to glean the best from both the East and the West to resolve the conflict is something we should think seriously about.
  • 那小女孩一见到新玩具就高兴万地跳了起来。
    The little girl jump about in glee when she see the new toy.
  • 各项仪式即将在九点十五本公司的合唱团合唱一首歌时揭开。
    The ceremonies will begin at a quarter past nine with a song by our Glee Club.
  • 我听说,格伦决心要打破一钟吃煮鸡蛋个数的世界纪录。
    I hear Glen is out to beat the world record for the number of hardboiled eggs eaten in a minute.
  • 在这项刊登在英国《观察家》报上的研究中,英国斯特拉恩克莱德大学的政治研究科学家格伦·内韦得出结论说:在现代民主中,说谎是政治的一个重要组成部
    In a study described in Britain's Observer newspaper, Glen Newey, a political scientist at Britain's University ofStrathclyde, concluded that lying is an important part of politics in the modern democracy.
  • 美国公关业知名人士怀达克曾这么析,美国人喜欢热闹的战斗,也喜欢被娱乐,他们期望政治人物进行有趣的战斗,期望从政治中获得娱乐。
    Well-known American public relations expert Glen Whitaker has observed that Americans are fond of thrilling fights and love to be entertained. They hope to see politicians in exciting wrangles and to get some fun out of politics.
  • 现在,看到在野生状态下的天性腼腆的大熊猫可是件十稀罕的事。
    It is now extremely unusual for anyone to catch a glimpse of the habitually shy giant panda in its natural habitat.
  • 我们急切需要制定新的全球金融架构,以监察和规管全球庞大资金的流动,因为大部资金的流动情况与正常的国际贸易和商业活动是无关的。
    New global financial architecture is urgently required to oversee and regulate massive global capital flow, most of which is unrelated to the conduct of normal global trade and commerce.