  • 这位女矿工脖子上的白毛巾,衬托她那乌黑发亮的眼睛和耀眼的头灯。
    The white towel round the woman-miner's neck set off her brilliant black eyes and her dazzling cap-lamp.
  • 到19世纪中叶,俄国本身正在培养一批优秀的演员、但帝俄芭蕾最令人倾倒的、有影响的明星却仍是意大利人;
    By the middle of the nineteenth century, Russia was itself producing fine dancers, but still the most dazzling and influential stars of Imperial Russian ballet were Italians;
  • 精美的包装、温馨的风格、符合现代时尚的设计和令人眼花缭乱的花样翻新,还有许多许多,无一不体现日本人的聪明才智和对物质文明的不懈追求。
    The attractive packaging, eye-catching style, modern design and dazzling innovations are all manifestations of the ingenuity and perseverance of the Japanese in their pursuit of material comfort.
  • 美国人已经显示了一种强大的脱离城市的冲动,远距离工作能把他们带到比最偏远的郊区更远的地方。
    Americans have already demonstrated a powerful urge to dc-urbanize and telecommuting could spread them far beyond the most distant suburbs.
  • 在众多新教材中,由河北教育版社与加拿大dc国际交流中心联合推的《学英语》教材是较好的代表之一。
    Among many new textbooks the "Learning English", which is edited by Hebei Education Publishing House and DC Canada International Corp, is a good example.
  • 法兰西大学出版社
    Presses Universitaires de France
  • 要是他最后一刻还不交来,那他不会有好果子吃的
    If he doesn't meet the deadline, it's his funeral.
  • 争分夺秒地工作以便在最后期限到来前交手搞
    Worked against time to deliver the manuscript before the deadline.
  • 政府规定了一个期限,在此之后黄色书刊一律不准现。
    The government clamped down a deadline after which all pornographic books and periodicals were to disappear.
  • 悬宕使(陪审团)无法做一致的决定而陷入僵局
    To deadlock(a jury) by failing to render a unanimous verdict.
  • 这次比赛现两次平局,在第二个四分之一场的第五分钟宾州队第一次将比分拉平。
    Pennsylvania produce the first of the game's two deadlock at 5:00 of the second quarter.
  • 谈判中现了僵局两方都不肯让步。
    A deadlock was reached in the negotiations as neither side would give way to the other.
  • 当双方在一重要工业问题上现僵局时,国务卿可能会面进行调停。
    When the two sides in an important industrial dispute reach deadlock the Secretary of State may attempt to mediate between them.
  • 她面无表情地说了那个笑话。
    she told the joke deadpan.
  • 电气火车比蒸汽火车有许多优点:没有烟来弄脏乘客的衣服和车上的座垫;因为它们没有很重的煤和水的负荷,这种火车不用多少能量就能启动或者停止;在车站时它们很安静,因为没有蒸气发噪音使乘客震耳欲聋。
    Electric trains have many advantages over those drawn steam engines. There is no smoke to soil the passengers, clothes and the cushions in the train. Because they carry no heavy loads of coal and water, these trains can start and stop with less waste of power. In a station they are silent: there is no steam to produce noise to deafen the passengers.
  • 他年以30岁时耳聋的征兆就首次现,尽管不断医治,情况还是越来越严重。
    He was barely thirty when the first symptoms of deafness appeared, and despite doctoring, grew gradually worse.
  • 管理局除了处理和审核根据计划提的补偿申请外,也举办或资助教育宣传活动,预防工人因工作噪音而引致失聪。
    Apart from processing and assessing applications for compensation under the scheme, the board also conducts or finances educational and publicity programmes aimed at preventing noise-induced deafness by reason of employment.
  • 本次会议将就这些问题作处理。
    The meeting will deal with these problems.
  • 这个瑞士的商人为这幅画价2百万。
    The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting.
  • 自愿付的因做错事而赎罪的钱。
    payment made voluntarily to reduce guilt over dishonest dealings.
  • 代表作家处理版事务的代理人。
    an agent who represents an author is dealings with publishers.
  • 他提自己的计划,但主任不同意。
    He put forward his plan, but the dean would not come along.
  • 高价售他们的加工品
    Sold their wares dear.
  • 他为自己的错误付了巨大的代价。
    He paid dearly for his mistake.
  • 有时人们得为自己的错误付很大的代价。
    Sometimes one has to pay dearly for mistakes.
  • 有时,你不得不为自己的错误付很大的代价。
    Sometimes you have to pay dearly for mistakes.
  • 有时犯了错误你得付巨大的代价。
    Sometimes you have to pay dearly for your mistakes.
  • 她为自己的错误付极大代价。
    She paid dearly for her mistake, ie It caused her many problems.
  • 中华民族酷爱和平,曾经为人类的和平和进步事业作重大贡献。
    The Chinese nation loves peace dearly and has made major contributions to peace and other progressive causes for all of mankind.
  • 在这方面由于多年闭关自守,没有经验,我们确实付了重大的代价。
    We have paid dearly in this connection, because for many years we kept our door closed to the outside world and so we lacked experience.
  • 英国人以口补助形式赠送给欧洲大陆的礼物价值实在不小。但大陆各国付的代价却更可惊,那是力量的丧失。
    The English have given the Continent presents of immense value in the form of subsidies, but the Continental nations have paid for them dearly by the loss of power.
  • 尽管如此,“永久的鱼米之乡”概念的雏形还是现了,这点可以从《圣经》“法老连得二梦”的故事中看。约瑟解梦,说眼前即将发生饥荒,并进行了准备。《创世纪》中的这一段文字是这样描述的:“7个荒年就来了,正如约瑟所说的:各地都有饥荒,惟独埃及有粮食……”。
    And yet, the concept of the "ever-normal" granary appeared in elementary form, as is clear from Pharaoh's dreams and Joseph's interpretation of imminent famine and his preparation for it, as indicated by this quotation from Genesis: "And the seven years of dearth began to come, according as Joseph had said: and the dearth was in all lands; but in all the land of Egypt there was bread.