  • 用货车载运货物和所有物的司。
    a company that ships goods or possessions by truck.
  • 已建立的司拥有财产或人员的住宅区或
    A place of residence or business with its possessions and staff.
  • 有可能坐火车到这个城市去吗?或者我是不是必须坐共汽车?
    Is it possible to get to the city by train, or must I take a bus?
  • 他公布新的规章。
    He posted up the new regulations.
  • 同月廿日曾写一信,因马来人新年邮局没有办,廿三日投邮谅已收到。
    I wrote a letter on the 20th of this month; as the post office was closed for the Malay New Year, it was not posted until the 23rd. Trust it has now been received.
  • 演出海报布戏剧演出的海报
    A poster announcing a theatrical performance.
  • 广告,海报共布告,如广告招贴
    A public notice, such as an advertising poster.
  • 由于这些法规禁止司为香烟制作商业电视广告——只留给他们推销雪茄烟和烟斗用烟的权力,所以他们将重点放到制作广告画上了,尽管这些司已同意不再试图招揽新的青年吸烟者,而只把对象局限于成年人。
    Since the rules prevented companies from producing commercials for cigarette leaving them only with the right to push cigars and pipe tobacco the stress has been on poster advertising, even though the companies have agreed not to attempt to bring in new young smokers, but restrict themselves to adults.
  • 受到美国联邦准备理事会将调降利率此一利多消息的影响,华尔街周二感受到数月以来的第一波欢腾气氛,美股那斯达克综合指数布的结果创下前所未有的单日最大涨幅。
    Wall Street had its first rush of euphoria in months Tuesday, with the Nasdaq composite index posting its biggest one-day advance ever amid optimism that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates.
  • 邮电工程公司
    Posts and Telecommunications Engineering Company
  • (数学)满足特定的几何式的一组元素或点。
    (mathematics) any set of points that satisfy a set of postulates of some kind.
  • 这个司的财政危机已开始困扰股东
    The firm's weak financial posture is starting to concern its stockholders.
  • 司在新人管理下就要垮台了。
    The firm is going to pot under the new management.
  • 农村路、中小型水利、人畜饮水和科技、教育设施建设加快。
    Construction was accelerated on rural roads, small and medium-sized water conservancy projects, potable water facilities for people and livestock, as well as facilities in the fields of science, technology and education.
  • 加快节水灌溉、人畜饮水、县乡路、农村能源、农村教育和医疗卫生设施等建设。
    We should speed up the construction of facilities for water-saving irrigation and for supplying potable water for people and livestock, roads linking county seats and townships, facilities for rural energy supply, as well as educational, medical and health facilities in the countryside.
  • 用预告片来大造声势这一招同样也被美国在线的另一家旗下司华纳兄弟学到了手,他们把这一招用在了即将上映的新片《哈里·波特与密室》的宣传上。
    AOL's other moviemaking unit, Warner Bros., used a similar strategy with upcoming film, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."
  • 也许《哈里波特与密室》被盗版也正是由于这些原因。因为尽管影片定于11月15日映,但上周末和本月初却已经分别在纽约和伦敦举行了小规模的试映会。
    That may be the case with "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," which was shown to the public in a special "sneak preview" screening last weekend in New York and in London earlier this month.
  • 现在,家禽饲养场绵延几十里。
    Poultry farms now strefcn for scores of kilometres.
  • 投诉的信不断涌入经理办室。
    Letters of complaint kept pouring into the manager's office.
  • 共产主义已经被欧洲的一切势力认为一种势力;
    I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European Powers to be itself a Power.
  • 共汽车由发动机致动的载客共汽车
    A passenger bus that is powered by a motor.
  • 电子行业积极做好现代企业制度试点工作,推进大司战略,以新产品为龙头、资本为纽带、市场为契机,加快培育具有经济、技术、资本经营、国际贸易等综合竞争实力的企业集团。
    The electronics industry was committed to doing a good job in the pilot projects for building a modern enterprise system and promoting big corporation strategy. With new products as the powerhouse, the capital as the ties with the parties involved and the market as the development opportunity, the sector sped up the pace of fostering conglomerates with overall competitive strength in economy, technology, capital operation, international trade, etc.
  • 他在共关系司做事。
    He is work in pr.
  • 他为公关公司工作。
    He works for a pr setup.
  • 共关系司的人们赠送了10万个气球。
    The pr people give away 100,000 balloons.
  • 我们委派一家比较新的共关系司来处理我们的宣传广告事务。
    We have appointed a relatively new PR firm to handle our publicity.
  • 我们请了两家共关系司来介绍拟定的广告宣传活动。
    We have asked two PR firms to make presentation of proposed publicity campaign.
  •  好几年前,一名主管关部门的银行高级执行员问我,要怎样证明给人家看,关部的工作不是可有可无的?
    Some years ago, a senior bank executive incharge of public relations (PR) asked me for advice on how to justify the activities of his PR department.
  •  因此,关如果是对行销经理负责,后果大概不难猜想——就是沦为继子,受到冷淡对待。
    Thus, if the PR person were to report to the marketing manager, the outcome is not difficult to predict -- PR activities will endup with step-child treatment.
  • 好几年前,一名主管关部门的银行高级执行员问我,要怎样证明给人家看,关部的工作不是可有可无的?
    Some years ago, a senior bank executive in charge of public relations (PR) asked me for advice on how to justify the activities of his PR department.
  • 因此,关如果是对行销经理负责,后果大概不难猜想——就是受到继子般的对待。
    Thus, if the PR person were to report to the marketing manager, the outcome is not difficult to predict -- PR activities will end up with step-child treatment.
  • 共关系部门制造出许多谣言,"他说。
    There's been a lot of nonsense put out by PR firms,” he said.