  • 而小熊则哭着说:“把我的粥全吃了?”
    But the baby bear cried, "And who has eaten all of my porridge?"
  • 接着熊妈妈说:“吃了我的一些粥?”
    Then the mother bear said, "And who has eaten some of my porridge?"
  • 那座房屋是谁的?
    Who is possession of the house?
  • 那海报贴得太高了--也看不清楚
    That poster is too high nobody can read it.
  • 这些洞窟开凿的原意,只是为参禅修炼提供一个静穆的场所。大概也不曾料到会给后人留下一座如此辽阔而恢宏的艺术宫殿。
    It was originally designed only as a Buddhist sanctuary, but, probably to no one's expectation, what was left to the posterity would be such a splendid and majestic legacy as a palace of art.
  • 谁在用拳敲门?
    Who is pounding thedoor?
  • 也不能以不知法为借口而得到原谅——当律师的格外不行。
    Ignorance of the law excuses no man—from practicing it.
  • 也不能以不知法为借口而得到原谅--当律师的格外不行。
    Ignorance of the law excuses no man - from practicing it.
  • 他们带着墨镜,穿着旧衣,他们采取了特别提防措施,不使任何人认出他们是
    Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special precautions so that no one should recognize them.
  • 形势的变化也无法预测。
    Nobody can predict the change of situation.
  • 这两个标准的目标都是让开发人员生成带有可预测的标准接口的组件,这些组件可装配起来,生成应用程序,而不管这些组件位于何处、是由设计。
    The objective of both standards is to let developers create components with standard, predictable interfaces so the components can be assembled to create applications, no matter where they are located or who designed them.
  • 本办事处无论对均一视同仁!
    Nobody gets preferential treatment in this office!
  • 在英超里你最喜欢看打球?
    Who in the English premier league do you like to watch best?
  • 制订的这些建筑计划?
    Who prepared these building plans?
  • 准备拟出这些建筑计划?
    Who prepared the building plans?
  • 谁将主持会议?
    Who will preside at the meeting?
  • 今天委员会开会当主席?
    Who will preside at committee meeting today?
  • 今天委员会开会当主席?
    Who will preside at the committee meeting today?
  • 这个会议要来主持还未决定。
    Who preside over the meeting have not be decided.
  • 这个会议要来主持还未决定。
    Who is to preside over the meeting hasn't been decided.
  • 当发生经济危机时正好在掌权?
    Who happened to preside over the economic crisis at the time?
  • 要找一个拜访他的借口并不难,可惜我不知道他的住址。我到处打听,但都没法告诉我。
    A pretext was not difficult to find. Unfortunately, I did not know his address, and of all those I had questioned, no one had been able to tell me what it was.
  • [prevented his going, prevented him going]? 什么事[]阻止了他去?
    What [Who] prevented him from going
  • 有权动用这支混杂军队?是法国总统?还是英国首相?或许是北约国防部长委员会。如果有曾坚持坐下来看完多国部队的喜歌剧的演出,他们会马上认识到这是重返旧途。
    Who would have the power to fire this hybrid armament? The French President? The British Prim Minister? Possibly a committee of NATO Defence Ministers. Those who sat through the comic opera of the Multilateral Force will realise at once that this is where we came in.
  • 英国的首相是谁?
    Who is the Prime Minister of Britain?
  • 可能出于好意,也没有公开说出人人都知道的秘密。
    Out of kindness, perhaps, nobody said publicly what everybody knew privately.
  • “谁给奖品呢?”
    `But who is to give the prizes?'
  • 戴一枚徽章来表明我选作主席
    Wearing a button that proclaimed my choice for president.
  • 禁酒法可能是一则有待商榷的理论,但也不能埋怨它有漏洞(说不通)。
    Prohibition may be a dispute theory, but none can complain that it do not hold water.
  • 禁酒法可能是一则有待商榷的理论,但也不能埋怨它有漏洞(说不通)。
    Prohibition may is a dispute theory, but none can complain that it do not hold water.
  • 在筹划这次拳击赛?
    Who is promoting this boxing match?
  • 预言谁能竞选获胜
    prophesy who will win the election