  • 然谈判开始时很有希望,可最终还是失败了。
    In spite of a promising start, the negotiations fell through.
  • 馅饼做得然不好,但上得很快。
    The pies, such as they were, were served promptly.
  • 我国是多元种族、多种语言、多元文化的国家,以人口来论,然华人占总人口的了75%,但是华文的重要性和实用价值,并不成为正比例。
    Singapore is a multi-racial country with several languages and cultures. Ethnic Chinese account for 75 percent of the population, but their native language is not proportionately important or useful.
  • 我国是多元种族、多种语言、多元文化的国家,以人口来论,然华人占了75%,但是华文的实用价值和重要性,并不成为正比例。
    Singapore is a multi-racial country with several languages and cultures. Ethnic Chinese account for 75 per cent of the population, but their native language is not proportionately important or useful.
  • 大量的直接的援助,目前然还没有,尚有待于来日,但是中国有进步和大国的条件,能够延长战争的时间,促进并等候国际的援助。
    Large-scale direct assistance is as yet lacking and will come only in the future, but China is progressive and is a big country, and these are the factors enabling her to protract the war and to promote as well as await international help.
  • 他们然穷但很自重。
    They're poor but proud.
  • 他们然穷,但很有骨气。
    They were poor but proud.
  • 然此前连部门负责人或系主任都没当过,但她在一年之内就升任学校的第二把手──教务长的位置。
    Within a year,she was elevated to provost the No.2 job at Stanford although she never been a department head or dean.
  • 以数学天才约翰纳薛教授为例,他然曾患精神分裂症,却能够在美国普林斯顿大学教学,并在1994年获颁诺贝尔经济学奖。
    Take the case of Professor John Nash, who, despite being stricken with severe schizophrenia, was allowed to teach at America's Princeton University because of his mathematical prowess and who eventually won a Nobel Price for economics in 1994.
  • 然如此年轻,却很慎重。
    Young as he was, he was prudent.
  • 然在目前的经济环境中,难免有更多人陷入经济困难,但政府仍须审慎理财,确保资源妥善运用,而且用得其所。
    Although the current economic conditions have left more people in financial difficulty, the Government must handle its finances prudently and ensure that scarce resources are used effectively and in a targeted manner.
  • 然她在主流文化传统之间找到了自己的定位,她还是坚毅地寻找她婆婆通过警戒教诲,在她心中所种下的浓烈而持久的根。
    While she found a comfortable niche between of dominant cultural traditions, her longing to return to the roots that her grandmother, through exemplary teaching, had planted in her inner psyche, remained strong and persistent.
  • 然他看上去弱小,但却十分勇敢。
    Puny though he looked, he was as brave as a lion.
  • 然我有10年没看到彼得了,但我认出了他。
    I recognized Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.
  • 然他已年逾70,但走起路来很快。
    Although he is above70, he runs like a redshank.
  • 然教师一再命令,但这孩子动都不动。
    The boy do not move though the teacher reiterate her command.
  • 不同但有连带关系的理由
    a different yet relative reason
  • "他们然已经水尽粮绝,但情绪都很好,并且深信他们很快就会出来的。"
    "Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon."
  • 我生平是个利己的人,然只在实践而非原则上如此。
    I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle.
  • 他地位比我高,然他比我年轻。
    He is senior to me, though he is younger.
  • 然外表严厉, 但心地和善。
    With all the outward severity he is kind at heart.
  • 然有太阳, 但我仍带了雨伞以防万一.
    Although the sun was shining, I took an umbrella (just) to be on the safe side.
  • 然她只有16岁,但是她能战胜比她年纪大两位的选手。
    Although she was only sixteen years old, she could hold her own against players twice her age.
  • "然床摔碎了,人却奇迹般地没有受伤。"
    "Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt."
  • 在过去发展党的组织的工作中,然中央着重地提出了“大胆发展而又不让一个坏分子侵入”的口号,但实际上是混进了许多投机分子和敌人的暗害分子。
    During the expansion of the Party's organizations, a good many careerists and enemy saboteurs did succeed in sneaking in despite the fact that the Central Committee stressed the slogan "Expand the Party boldly, but do not let a single undesirable in".
  • 迪基对势利小人是深恶痛绝的。然他有一辆大车子,但他极难得乘坐一次,常常宁愿步行外出。
    Dickie disliked snobs intensely. Though he owned a large car, he hardly ever used it, preferring always to go on foot.
  • 不幸的是,我的一些受英文教育的朋友却因此而变得自以为是,然还不至于达到极端的程度。
    Sadly, because of this, many of my peers who are English-educated have become snobs, although not outright ones. Being English-educated has almost become a status.
  • 外围方面,然形势非我们所能控制,但最近美元利息有下降趋势,美元币值有回软迹象,而部分对冲基金也出现了财务困难。
    As far as the external environment is concerned, although we cannot control global trends, the signs are that US interest rates are on a downward trend and the US currency is softening. Some global hedge funds are also facing financial difficulties.
  • 外围方面,然形势非我们能够控制,未来变化难料,但最近美元利息有下降趋势,美元币值也有回软迹象,同时最近对冲基金出现财务困难,进一步促使全球各国纷纷要求加强监管这类基金和建立新的国际金融秩序,这也会对稳定香港金融市场产生正面的作用。
    As far as the external environment is concerned, although we cannot control global trends, nor predict the changes that may occur in the future, the signs are that US interest rates are on a downward trend and the US dollar is softening. The financial difficulties now being faced by global hedge funds have led to increased calls from the international community to impose tighter controls over the use of such funds and to establish a new international financial order. This development will have a positive effect on the stability of Hong Kong's financial markets.
  • 每个人都只在这世界上作短暂的逗留,究竟为了什么却并不知道,然偶尔觉得自己意识到这个问题。
    Each of us is here for a brief sojourn:for what purpose he knows not,though he sometimes thinks he senses it.
  • 然中国青年人的现状不容乐观,但诚如陈独秀所言,“青年之于社会,犹新鲜活泼细胞之在人身。”
    While we have reason not to be too optimistic about the young, we can seek solace in well-known scholar Chen Duxiu's writing that "to society, the young are like fresh new cells to the human body."
  • 他平常然显得严肃,但那次看戏时笑得比谁都多。
    Though usually solemn he outlaughed all the others at the play.