  • 北美洲的多种无毒蛇,传说它们可以将尾衔于口中,如轮滚动行进。
    any of various harmless North American snakes that were formerly believed to take tail in mouth and roll along like a hoop.
  • 远洋海域以浮游生物和小鱼为食的体型巨大的热带鳐;一无危胁但它巨大的身体使得捕捉它时有危险。
    extremely large pelagic tropical ray that feeds on plankton and small fishes; usually harmless but its size make it dangerous if harpooned.
  • 学校训练和工作训练之间的差距确实是英国制度方面的一个最大失败。“一地说,学校不想了解任何与工作中的人们有关的情况,”海斯先生说。
    The gap between school training and work training is, indeed, one of the greatest failures of the British system."In general schools don't want to know anything to do with the world at work, " says Mr Hayes.
  • 学校训练和工作训练之间的差距确实是英国制度方面的一个最大失败。“一地说,学校不想了解任何与工作中的人们有关的情况,”海斯先生说。
    The gap between school training and work training is, indeed, one of the greatest failures of the British system. "In general schools don't want to know anything to do with the world at work," says Mr Hayes.
  • 他们看起来都一高。
    They seemed all of the same height.
  • 除了那些在外企工作的人之外,一中国雇员或工人的收入相对还是比较低的,虽然最近提过工资。
    Except those who work for foreign firms,the average income of a Chinese employee or worker is still comparatively low despite recent heist in salaries.
  • 她使他的生活变得如同地狱一
    She made his life a hell.
  • 因此,一采用整体设计。
    Hence, an integrated design is generally adopted.
  • 史诗的文学作品类似叙事长诗的文学作品或戏剧,歌颂英雄业绩
    A literary or dramatic composition that resembles an extended, narrative poem celebrating heroic feats.
  • 鲱鱼的瘦骨嶙峋的鱼,通常在迁徙到淡水产卵时被捕获;尤其在大西洋海岸。
    bony flesh of herring-like fish usually caught during their migration to fresh water for spawning; especially of Atlantic coast.
  • 另一些亚洲人认为亚洲是如此的大和多元化,一套能引起所有亚洲人共鸣的价值观是不存在的。
    Some other Asians believe that because Asia is so big and heterogeneous there is no set of values which are shared by all Asians.
  • 另一些亚洲人认为亚洲是如此的大和多元化,一套能引起所有亚洲人共鸣的价值观是不存在的。
    Some other Asians believe that because Asia is so big and heterogeneous that there is no set of values which are shared by all Asians. ]]
  • 汽车在公路上流水地行驶。
    Cars stream along the highway.
  • 在对外开放方面,实行了比其他地区更为优惠的办法,外贸出口享受全部外汇留成,允许西藏在内地转销一性进口商品。
    In opening up, the region implements a more preferential policy than other areas. It can retain all foreign exchange it earns from overseas trade and sell general imported products in the hinterland.
  • 记者在我的周围形成一个包围圈,他们将问题雨点地向我抛来,'你为加拿大雇用了150名工程师,是这样吗?
    I was encircled by reporters. They rained questions on me. 'You're hiring a hundred-fifty engineers for Canada, right?
  • 时到如今,我们应该习惯,一部新的好莱坞战争片上映时,历史上由同盟军赢得的战争或事件被魔术地改变为美国的胜利。
    We should be used to it by now. A new Hollywood war epic is released--and battles and incidents that historically were won by a combination of Allied forces have magically been transformed into American victories.
  • 的有性繁殖总是生成同现有的所有人都有所区别的人,其性格和外貌直到出生才得以知晓。
    Normal sexual reproduction always produces someone who will be unlike any other that had hitherto existed, and whose characteristics and appearance will be unknown until they are actually born.
  • 金钱和财物的囤积者(一过着非常清苦的日子。
    a hoarder of money and possessions (often living miserably).
  • (青蛙的)沙哑刺耳的话。
    a harsh hoarse utterance (as of a frog).
  • 德里克对一抗生素有过敏反应,而杰佛里则由于常年治疗淋巴恶性肉芽肿病而变得很虚弱。
    Derek has allergies to common antibiotics,and Jeffrey is weakened from years of treatment for Hodgkin's disease.
  • 东半球热带地区的有如冬青叶子的光泽的蕨类;有时归为光叶蕨属。
    tropical Old World fern having glossy fronds suggestive of holly; sometimes placed in genus Polystichum.
  • 珍贵的锦葵属植物,仅在伊利诺斯州发现,类似一的葵属,有淡玫瑰紫色的花;有时被归在球葵属。
    a rare mallow found only in Illinois resembling the common hollyhock and having pale rose-mauve flowers; sometimes placed in genus Sphaeralcea.
  • 化合物一种纯净的宏观上性质相同的物质,它由两种或多种不同元素的原子或离子按一定的比例化合而成,并且不能用物理方法将其分离。化合物一具有与其合成元素不同的性质
    A pure, macroscopically homogeneous substance consisting of atoms or ions of two or more different elements in definite proportions that cannot be separated by physical means. A compound usually has properties unlike those of its constituent elements.
  • 粉虱一种粉虱的白色同翅昆虫,有长翅及白色似蜡的躯体,常常对植物造成损害
    Any of various small whitish homopterous insects of the family Aleyrodidae, having long wings and a white waxy body, often injurious to plants.
  • 第二,由于同性恋者的感染率高,因此,他们同被感染的人发生性关系感染的机会也大大高于一人。
    2)since prevalence rates are high among the homosexual population,the chances of engaging in sexual relations with an infected person are much,much higher than in the general population.
  • 说来,下院议员互称“某选区议员阁下”。议长称所有下院议员为“议员阁下”。
    In general, mps can refer to each other as' the hon. member for...'; the speaker will refer to all mps as' hon. members'.
  • 加蜜或象加蜜使变甜
    To sweeten with or as if with honey.
  • 一种带有兜帽或像狸藻的膜一的孢子囊的冷蕨属植物。
    any fern of the genus Cystopteris characterized by a hooded indusium or bladderlike membrane covering the sori.
  • 哈利斯小姐童真的娇美艳丽和他初恋的情人海蒂如出一辙。
    It was hopeless even from the very start.
  • 统筹基金和个人账户分别承担不同的医疗费用支付责任。统筹基金主要用于支付住院和部分慢性病门诊治疗的费用,统筹基金设有起付标准、最高支付限额;个人账户主要用于支付一门诊费用。
    The mutual assistance funds and personal accounts are used to pay for different types of medical costs: The former mainly for hospitalization and outpatient services in the case of certain chronic diseases, with a set starting standard and a maximum norm, and the latter mainly for general outpatient services.
  • 另外,信用卡持有人的敏感信息一保存在金融机构内,由于金融环境通常提供最高等级的安全性,因而这又是一种额外的安全措施。
    Furthermore, the cardholder's sensitive data is typically housed at a financial institution, so there's an extra sense of security because financial environments generally provide the highest degree of security.
  • 他埋头于手头的工作,室外的吵闹声他简直象没有听见一
    He concentrated on the work in hand, and the hubbub outside the room simply flowed over him.