  • 通信导识别综合系统
    integrated communication, navigation and identification system, ICNI
  • 当然,这就是冒险带来的刺激性,就是探险家们所津津乐道的那些事情,就是对于“为什么要冒险”这个问题的回答,这个问题不断地向那些登山者、单人环球行者、驾驶热气球横渡太平洋的行者以及他们这一类人提出。
    This is, of course, the thrill of risk, the thing adventurers talk about, the answer to the question Why?, which is perennially posed to mountain climbers, around-the-world-solo sailors, trans-Pacific balloonists and their ilk.
  • 洛克福特美国伊利诺斯州北部一城市,位于芝加哥西北偏西。该市建于1834年,现为贸易、加工业和运业中心。人口139,426
    A city of northern Illinois west-northwest of Chicago. Founded in1834, it is a trade, processing, and shipping center. Population,139, 426.
  • 例如,联合国参与了欧洲天局、法国、国家空间研究中心和欧洲核研究组织的价值120万美元的项目,以便能为联合国机构和非政府组织进行人道主义援助或冲突后恢复与重建项目的所在地连续不断地提供上网可得的卫星图像、图像处理服务、地图和其他地理资料。
    For instance, it participates in a $1.2 million venture with the European Space Agency, France, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to provide continuous web-accessed satellite imagery, image-processing services, maps and other geographic information for any place where UN agencies and non-governmental organizations are providing humanitarian assistance or carrying out post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction projects.
  • 宇宙飞船的这种新的能力可以提供各种廉价而普通的太空实验手段,从而为那些迄今为止还是具有丰富想象力的学生宇员开辟了新的途径。
    This new capability of space vehicles will allow for a wide variety of inexpensive and ordinary space experimentation, opening new doors for those who have been, up to now, " imaginative students astronauts."
  • 按照这个计划,将购买一批比现有光学成像卫星更加敏锐的天设备,并最终购买能够提供目标的不间断图像数据的设备,这是现有卫星所做不到的。
    The plan is to buy a fleet of birds with much keener eyes than today’s optical imaging satellites and eventually to purchase equipment that can, unlike current satellites, provide continuous visual data about a target.
  • 许多早期探险蒙在广阔而义无线图的大西洋上迷失了。
    Many early explorers got lost in the immense, uncharted Atlantic.
  • 世界市场使商业、海业和陆路交通得到了巨大的发展。
    This market has given an immense development to commerce, to navigation, to communication by land.
  • :你有足够的时间通过移民局和海关。
    You'll have enough time to go through the immigration and the customs.
  • 由于移民局方面令人讨厌的繁琐公事程序,我误了联程班。
    Because of all the red tape at immigration I missed my connecting flight.
  •  (一)在江河、湖泊、水库、渠道内弃置、堆放阻碍行洪、运的物体的,种植阻碍行洪的林木和高杆作物的,在道内弃置沉船,设置碍渔具、种植水生植物的;
    In any river, lake, reservoir and canal: discarding or piling objects impedimental to flood passage and navigation, or planting trees and growing crops of long stalk variety impedimental to flood passage; and in any navigation channel: abandoning sunken vessels, laying fishing implements impedimental to navigation, and cultivating aquatic plants;
  •  在道内不得弃置沉船,不得设置碍渔具,不得种植水生植物。
    In any navigation channel, the following activities are prohibited: abandoning sunken vessels, laying fishing implements impedimental to navigation, and cultivating aquatic plants.
  • 第二十四条 在江河、湖泊、水库、渠道内,不得弃置、堆放阻碍行洪、运的物体,不得种植阻碍行洪的林木和高杆作物。
    Article 24: In any river, lake, reservoir and canal, the following activities are prohibited: discarding or piling objects impedimental to flood passage and navigation; planting trees and growing crops of long stalk variety impedimental to flood passage.
  • 这本杂志的创刊号;开始谈判的语句;走向谈判的开始一步;他在国会的首次演说;班机的处女
    the magazine's inaugural issue; the initiative phase in the negotiations; an initiatory step toward a treaty; his first (or maiden) speech in Congress; the liner's maiden voyage.
  • 班都是整点钟起飞。
    The inbound flights all leave on the hour.
  • 班都是整点钟起飞。
    The inbound light all leave on the hour.
  • 新加坡在中国大中城市发展中标的地位,已悄悄地处在改变的轨道之中。
    To many Chinese cities, the Singapore model has become increasingly less attractive.
  • 在海外行中,这艘轮船将在西印度群岛停靠。
    On the outward voyage the ship will call in at the west Indies.
  • 有时候走迂回的小路能节约时间;必须在行中走曲折的路线。
    sometimes taking an indirect path saves time; must take an indirect couse in sailing.
  • 无可否认,香港现在已拥有一个宏伟先进的新机场,足可让我们在今后数十年内,继续发展空网络及服务。
    It is indisputable that Hong Kong now has a magnificent new facility capable of allowing us to expand our air links and services for generations to come.
  • 因天气不好而延期、停或留在屋内的
    Delayed, halted, or kept indoors by bad weather.
  • 国家支持天科技创新,构建有中国特色的天创新体系,提高自主创新能力,积极推进中国天技术实现产业化。
    The state supports renovation in space technology and the establishment of a space technological renovation system with Chinese characteristics, in the aim to improve the self-renovation capability and industrialization of space activities.
  • 那些观察实际生活的人会发现运气通常支持勤劳的人,正如风浪支持最优秀的海家一样。
    Those who look into practical life will find that fortune is usually on the side of the industrious, as the winds and waves are on the side of the best navigators.
  • 陀螺平台惯性导系统
    inertial navigation systems with gyroplatform
  • 没有海经验的水手;第一次海的水手。
    an inexperienced sailor; a sailor on the first voyage.
  • 陆军由步兵、炮兵、装甲兵、工程兵、通信兵、防化兵、陆军空兵等兵种和专业部队组成。
    The Army has such arms as the infantry, artillery, armor, engineering, communications, anti-chemical warfare and Army aviation, as well as other specialized units.
  • 实现载人天飞行,建立初步配套的载人天工程研制试验体系。
    To realize manned spaceflight and establish an initially complete R and testing system for manned space projects;
  • --实现载人天飞行,建立初步配套的载人天工程研制试验体系。
    - To realize manned spaceflight and establish an initially complete R&D and testing system for manned space projects;
  • 内河船在内河行的任何大小的船
    An inland vessel of any size.
  • 运河和河流构成一个国家的内陆道。
    Canals and rivers form the inland waterways of a country.
  • 瓦士湾英格兰中东部附近的北海一海湾。瓦士湾有一人工开挖的通往金斯林的
    An inlet of the North Sea off east-central England. The Wash has a dredged ship channel that leads to King's Lynn.
  • 我将打听有关班的情况。
    I'll inquire about the flights.