  • 不管怎样的原因,专家提醒你们不轻视长期睡眠不足问题。
    Regardless shouldn't play down chronic lack of sleep.
  • 空军具备了相当水平的全天候、全天时、全空域作战力,一批高技术武器装备正在陆续装备部队。
    The Air Force has acquired an all-weather, all-aerospace and round-the-clock operational capability of a rather high level, and is being equipped with certain high-tech weaponry.
  • 我们不不顾自己的力企图无限制的发展。
    We mustn't attempt unrestricted expansion regardless whether it is within our capacity.
  • 在学术上,只要有创造,有贡献,就应该评给相应的学术职称,不论资排辈。
    In intellectual work whoever has made contributions should be given a corresponding title regardless of seniority.
  • 射击的人(关于他们的力)。
    a person who shoots (as regards their ability).
  • 中国海域还有丰富的海水资源和海洋可再生源。
    In addition, China's offshore areas abound in seawater resources and regenerable marine energy resources.
  • 形成组织的,不再生组织的
    Unable to form or regenerate tissue.
  • 主要为淡水中的自由游动的扁虫;由于其对丧失身体部分的再生力而常常被用于实验室研究。
    free-swimming mostly freshwater flatworms; popular in laboratory studies for the ability to regenerate lost parts.
  • 欧洲、亚洲和北美洲象蛇一样的蜥蜴,后肢退化,长而易断的尾巴有再生力。
    snakelike lizard of Europe Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail.
  • 涡虫三肠目的主要生于淡水的小涡虫类扁形虫,具有柔软、宽阔、长纤毛和助消化的三叉腔以及再生身体其它部分的
    Any of various small, chiefly freshwater turbellarian flatworms of the order Tricladida, having soft, broad, ciliated bodies, a three-branched digestive cavity, and the ability to regenerate body parts.
  • 西藏地区生态系统十分脆弱,抗干扰力低,自我更新力差,一旦遭到破坏,在很长时间内难以恢复。
    The ecosystem in Tibet is extremely fragile, and the ability to resist disturbance and regenerate is weak. Once the ecosystem is damaged, it is hard to restore it for a long period of time.
  • 可再生能源利用。
    Utilization of Regenerated Energy
  • 我们认为抗战已到了紧急的转变关头,只有迅速召集这种有权力而又代表民意的国民大会,才一新政治面目,挽救时局危机。
    We hold that the War of Resistance has reached a critical turning point and that only the immediate convening of such a national assembly vested with authority and representative of the popular will can regenerate China's political life and overcome the present crisis.
  • 胚基身体某部分或一器官由此发育的一组胚胎细胞,或正常发育或失去的身体某部分的再生
    A mass of embryonic cells from which an organ or a body part develops, either in normal development or in the regeneration of a lost body part.
  • 西藏地处青藏高原,地理环境特殊,生态环境比较脆弱,保护自然资源的再生力,改善生态环境质量,确保自然生态系统的完整性及良好的调节力,确保生态安全和经济、社会、生态的和谐统一、协调发展,是西藏现代化发展的重要内容和可持续发展的战略选择。
    Located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Tibet has a peculiar geographical environment and a fragile ecosystem. Therefore, it is an important part of Tibet’s progress to modernization and a strategic choice for sustainable development that Tibet should protect the regenerative capacity of its natural resources, improve the quality of its ecological environment, preserve the integrity and self-adjustment ability of its natural ecosystem, and ensure the safety of the ecosystem and the harmonious unity and coordinated development of Tibet’s economy, society and ecosystem.
  • 这片烟雾中的悬浮颗粒主要是由于燃料的不充分燃烧造成的,因为亚洲许多地区人们还在使用牛粪和煤油作燃料来做饭,这样的燃料往往是不充分燃烧的。
    A large part of the aerosol cloud comes from inefficient cookers, where fuels such as cow dung and kerosene are used to cook food in many parts of Asia.
  • 从前许多科学家认为只有那些较轻的够引起温室效应的气体,例如二氧化碳,才够围绕地球游动,但是现在看来带有悬浮颗粒的烟雾也是可以的。
    While many scientists once thought that only lighter greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, could travel across the Earth, they now say that aerosol clouds can too.
  • 韩国让运动员参加一些最折磨人的运动训练,射箭运动员们面临的生活方式可是最为严酷的。
    South Korea puts its athletes through some of the most grueling training in sports, and its archers may face the toughest regimen of all.
  • 人民不忍受那军事政权。
    The people could not tolerate the military regime.
  • 在军事政权统治下,公民的自由可会被严重剥夺。
    Under a military regime, civil liberty may be severely curtailed.
  • 气溶喷剂也可含有这种混合物。
    Aerosol sprays may also contain the compounds.
  • 这是一个早期的例证,说明飞机不仅在好天气里飞行,还在狂风中顺利飞行。
    This was an early demonstration that an aeroplane was more than a fine-weather machine, and that it could fight its way successfully through violent winds.
  • “你告诉我第一架用蒸汽机推动的收音机是什么时候制造的吗?”“我记不得了,我来查一查。”
    "Can you tell me when the first aeroplane propelled by a steam engine was made? ""I don't remember, I'll look it up."
  • 对于在学校学习得好的,指挥、管理力比较强的,现代化战争知识学得比较好的,而且思想作风又好的干部,学校可以推荐,营的干部可以提拔到团,团的干部可以提拔到师。
    The schools may recommend those students who have done well in their studies, who have good command and administrative abilities, a knowledge of modern warfare and a fine style of work, and who are ideologically sound. Battalion cadres meeting these requirements can be promoted to the regimental level, and regimental cadres to the divisional.
  • 怀特兄弟刻苦学习滑翔机飞行技术,以便将来胜任驾驶飞机的工作。
    The Wright brothers took immense trouble to study the art of flying in gliders so as to be competent in flying their aeroplane.
  • 太空中没有空气,飞机就不在那里飞行,因为飞机是依靠空气飞行的。
    In space there is no air. An aeroplane can not fly there, since it depends on air for its flight.
  • 飞机不在太空中飞行,那里没有空气。那么,我们怎样到太空呢?
    An aeroplane can't fly in space where there is no air then how can we get into space?
  • 气垫飞行器优于飞机的地方是它像直升飞机那样直上飞行。
    The hovercraft has an advantage over the aeroplane in that the hovercraft can move straight upwards like a helicopter.
  • 使飞机作超声飞行要大量的
    It takes a lot of power to make an aeroplane travel faster than sound.
  • 首先,由于受东南亚、东亚金融危机的影响,这些国家和地区经济不景气,减少了进口量,因而使中国对这一地区的出口减少,人民币贬值并不扩大中国对这一地区的出口;
    Affected by the financial crisis, economies of countries and regions in Southeast and East Asia have slumped, resulting in their reduced imports. This has forced China to cut its exports to the region The devaluation of the RMB, however, cannot expand China's export to this region.
  • 这飞机一个钟头飞1200公里。
    The aeroplane can go at 1200 kilometres per hour.
  • 那么它不可是飞机。
    Then it couldn't be an aeroplane.