上午10時左右喝的咖啡;上午10時左右的約會 Midmorning coffee; a midmorning appointment.
她突然想起有一個約會。 Suddenly she remembered an appointment.
推遲約會 To postpone/put off an appointment
你下一次的預約時間是什麽時候? When is your next appointment?
昨天,他們訂了約會。 Yesterday they made an appointment.
“你可以約個時間。” “You could make an appointment.
與某人有個約會 To have an appointment with sb.
他得約個時間。 He has to make an appointment.
他得約個時間。 He have to make an appointment.
他約會晚到了。 He is late for his appointment.
我有個6點鐘的晚餐約會。 I have a dinner appointment at 6:00.
我打開約會預定手册。 I open up my appointment organizer.
在我的日曆上記下約會時間 Marked the appointment on my calendar.
請打電話給我以約定面談時間。 Please telephone me for an appointment.
她不得不取消約會 She has to cancel her appointment
她不得不取消約會。 She have to cancel her appointment.
你預約過嗎? Have you get an appointment...?
我打電話談談我們約會的事。 I'm calling about our appointment.
我4點半有約會。 I've got an appointment at 30.
該處負責政府契約的簽發、續期和修訂等事宜,又草擬和簽立以拍賣方式出售、批出和交換政府土地的條件,以及分攤地租及地價和追繳欠交的地租。 It is responsible for the issue, renewal and variation of government leases as well as the drafting and execution of conditions of sale by auction, grants and exchanges of government land, the apportionment of government rents and premia, and the recovery of outstanding arrears of government rents.
(受約)做某人的徒弟 Be bound apprentice to sb.
他立約當木匠的學徒。 He was bound apprentice to a carpenter.
他立約給鞋匠當學徒。 He was bound(as an) apprentice to a shoe-maker.
約翰給木匠當學徒的期限已滿了。 John has served his time as a carpenter's apprentice.