人们在交往过程中难免发生冲突。 his conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post; a conflict of loyalties.
怀恨的冲突;常常是激烈的争执。 bitter conflict; heated often violent dissension.
相矛盾;抵触或者相冲突。 be incompatible; be or come into conflict.
面对这种情况,难免会有心理冲突。 he was immobilized by conflict and indecision.
(指冲突)在团体或者组织里面。 (of conflict) within a group or organization.
调解人有助于减少困难或冲突的人 One that helps reduce difficulty or conflict.
那两门考试的时间互相冲突。 The hours of those two exams conflict.
冲突;抵触冲突,如发生在相互对立或不可调和的思想间的 A conflict, as between opposing or irreconcilable ideas.
优势竞争中或冲突中的优势;优势 An advantage in a competition or conflict; superiority.
偏爱避免冲突而妥协的政治倾向。 any political orientation favoring compromise to avoid conflict.
处于交战状态处于一种冲突或争论的活跃状态 In an active state of conflict or contention.
其次,要弄清定义中所说的“军事冲突”的含义。 Information warfare is a feature of military conflict.
这场冲突可能于政府垮台。 The conflict seemed likely to disrupt the government.
反对敌人发动的武装冲突。 the waging of armed conflict against an enemy.
这使他和教会发生了冲突。 This brought him into conflict with the church.
联合国如何预防冲突? What is the UN doing to prevent conflict?
因此他们直接和工人发生了冲突。 So they came into direct conflict with the workers.
否则始终顶着,僵持下去,总会爆发冲突,甚至武力冲突。 If opposing sides are locked in stalemate, sooner or later they will come to conflict, even armed conflict.
最近成功举办的一项计划,是为人员提供应付冲突的训练,以便他们能更有效处理可能发生的冲突情况。 A recent,successful project was the provision of conflict management training to officers to enhance their efficacy in handling potential conflict situations.
生产者与消费者之间的利益冲突将永远存在。 The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting.
矛盾通常是非故意的互相冲突或出于相反的目的 A usually unintentionally conflicting or contrary purpose.
两种冲突力量和思想的反对。 opposition between two conflicting forces or ideas.
不协调的安排常常会导致相冲突的程序。 uncoordinated scheduling often resulted in conflicting games.
相互冲突的事实或主张或观点之间的差别性。 a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions.
混乱状态意向冲突或相反的状态 A state of being at conflicting or contrary purposes.
他们通常政见不一;相冲突的观点。 they were usually at odds over politics; conflicting opinions.
社会的冲突关系社会中的人们之间的经常是内部冲突的相互关系 The often internally conflicting interrelationships among people in a society.
一种强大的经常是有破坏性的水流,通常以极大速度作圆周运动(通常是潮相冲突的结果)。 a powerful circular current of water (usually the resulting of conflicting tides).