  • 他看过数家铺面房,但都不理想,不是位置不好,就是价格太贵,或有其它意想不到的不便。但最终,他还是在一块新开发的地段上找到一家铺面房,此处客源充足,而且竞争较少。
    He found a number of empty shops but they were all no good: in the wrong position, too expensive or with some other snag But, at long last, he managed to find an empty shop on a new estate where there were plenty of customers but no competition.
  • 云雀在中飞翔,蜗牛伸出触角爬行。
    The lark's on the wing, the snail's on the horn.
  • 最便宜的货币很快被抢购一
    The cheapest goods were soon snapped up.
  • 新的纪念邮票立即被争购一
    The new commemorative stamps were soon snapped up.
  • 正像容器发出的声音最大,智力最低者最善于唠叨不休。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)
    As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have least wit are the greatest babblers. (Plato , Ancient Greek Philosopher)
  • 欲知权力带来的痛苦,去问那些当权者;欲知权力带来的乐趣,去问那些追逐权势者:权力带来的痛苦是真实的,而权力带来的乐趣只不过是凭想象的。(英国牧师 查尔斯.C.C.)
    To know the pains of power, we must go to those who have it; to know its pleasure, we must go to those who are seeking it :the pains of power is real, its pleasures imaginary. (C.Colton Charles, British churchman)
  • 卢尔尼亚一座山峰,海拔5,229。8米(17,147英尺)属于加拿大育地区西南部圣·伊利亚斯山脉,靠近阿拉斯加地界
    A peak,5, 229.8 m(17, 147 ft) high, of the St. Elias Mountains in southwest Yukon Territory, Canada, near the Alaskan border.
  • 信天翁是一种能自如地利用气的滑翔鸟,但必需顺着气流飞行。
    The albatross is the class of fliers which harness the air to their purpose, but must yield to its opposition.
  • 小吃饭间一种与厨房相通的供家常吃饭用的小
    A nook or alcove located in or near a kitchen and used for informal meals.
  • 排放出的气味就像开胃剂一样在气中流动,对于蚊子来说等同于开饭的铃声,提醒它们附近有热腾腾的美餐。
    The appetizing stir is the olfactory equivalent of a dinner bell, alerting mosquitoes that a warm meal is within range.
  • 有关向量与向量间理论的代数部分。
    the part of algebra that deals with the theory of vectors and vector spaces.
  • aes评价委员会也要看算法占据芯片上多少间和需要多少内存。
    The AES review committee is also looking at how much space the algorithm takes up on a chip and how much memory it requires.
  • 那只外星来的宇宙飞船在公园上盘旋了一会儿之后就不见了。
    After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short time, it vanished.
  • 天空星光灿烂。
    The sky is alight with star.
  • 成千上万颗星星照亮了天
    The sky was alight with millions of stars.
  • 方向间两点间无关距离的关系,其中一点参照另一点表示角度位置;通过这种关系,任何位置的准线和方向可参照任何其他位置而得以建立
    The distance-independent relationship between two points in space that specifies the angular position of either with respect to the other; the relationship by which the alignment or orientation of any position with respect to any other position is established.
  • 一种软质的银白色或淡黄色碱金属元素,在气中变黄,见于天青石和菱锶矿中。
    a soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element of the alkali metal group; turns yellow in air; occurs in celestite and strontianite.
  • 一种软质的银色碱金属元素,能在气中燃烧,能与水发生剧烈反应,见于光卤石、锂云母和铯榴石中。
    a soft silvery metallic element of the alkali metal group; burns in air and reacts violently in water; occurs in carnallite and lepidolite and pollucite.
  • 轻而软的银白色碱金属元素,气中能迅速氧化,能与水发生剧烈反应,以天然化合物状态大量存在于海水、光卤石、钾盐镁矾和钾盐中。
    a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite.
  • 她一个人在一条巷行走时忽然间四周冒出几个年轻人。
    "When she walked alone in a narrow alley, suddenly out of the blue she found several young men around her."
  • 细香葱欧亚大陆的一种百合科球茎状草本植物(北葱),通常有粉红色至紫红色的花簇,因其狭长中的叶子可用作一种洋葱味的温和调味品而被栽培。常用其复数形式
    A Eurasian bulbous herb(Allium schoenoprasum) in the lily family, having clusters of usually pink to rose-violet flowers and cultivated for its long, slender, hollow leaves used as a mild onion-flavored seasoning. Often used in the plural.
  • 当然,为达到这种灵活性,必然会付出一定的代价:在堆里分配存储间时会花掉更长的时间!
    Of course there’s a price you pay for this flexibility: it takes more time to allocate heap storage than it does to allocate stack storage (that is, if you even could create objects on the stack in Java, as you can in C++).
  • 至于象c这样传统的程序化语言,要求所有变量都在一个块的开头定义。所以在编译器创建一个块的时候,它可以为那些变量分配间。
    Traditional procedural languages like C require that all variables be defined at the beginning of a block so when the compiler creates a block it can allocate space for those variables.
  • 在ibm的操作系统os/vs2中,系统队列区或本地系统队列区中的一种预先保留的间,用它可以减少为控制块分配间所需要的时间。
    In OS/VS2, a reserved space in the system queue area or in a local system queue area that can be used to reduce the time required to allocate space for a control block.
  • 和堆栈不同,“内存堆”或“堆”(heap)最吸引人的地方在于编译器不必知道要从堆里分配多少存储间,也不必知道存储的数据要在堆里停留多长的时间。
    The nice thing about the heap is that, unlike the stack, the compiler doesn’t need to know how much storage it needs to allocate from the heap or how long that storage must stay on the heap.
  • 在IBMSeries/1中,文卷里的一串连续记录,这些记录用于描述已分配数据集和自由间。
    In Series/1, a series of contiguous records in a volume that describe the contents in terms of allocated data sets and free space.
  • 那块地已经拨出用来建造一座新医院。
    That space has already been allocated for building a new hospital.
  • 工作间被用来或留下给某人工作的区域,如在办公室里
    An area used or allocated for one's work, as in an office.
  • 海量存储系统(mss)中,在分级驱动器上进行分配的存储间单位。
    In MSS, the unit of space that is allocated on a staging drive.
  • 有些系统中,指的是一部分已分配给后台作业使用的主存(间)。
    In some systems, a part of main storage that is allocated to background jobs.
  • 场所,住所由某人或物占据的特定的
    The particular portion of space occupied by or allocated to a person or thing.
  • 在存储器动态分配情况下,释放内部或外部的存储间。同blow。
    To release internal or external storage space under dynamic storage allocation.