  • 他破产时他妻子没有开他。
    His wife stuck with him when he went bankrupt.
  • 婚和破产的官司使得他的生活陷入一片混乱当中
    With divorce and bankruptcy proceedings pending, his personal life was in a mess.
  • 开这些,是形式主义的高举,是假的高举。
    Otherwise one is being false or formalistic in "holding the banner high".
  • 强调教会完全脱国家,以圣经为本,不为婴儿洗礼的一种宗教信仰。
    belief in: the primacy of the Bible; baptism of believers not infants; complete separation of church and state.
  • 浸信会教友卫理公会教堂福音派新教的一员,使用改革的祈祷传统,崇尚个人自由、政教分和自愿洗礼、理智信仰
    A member of an evangelical Protestant church of congregational polity, following the reformed tradition in worship, and believing in individual freedom, in the separation of church and state, and in baptism of voluntary, conscious believers.
  • 四岁时,她父母--巴巴拉和泰德.威尔丝异。
    When she was 4, her parents, Barbara and Ted Wells separated.
  • 在悠久的历史长河中人类逐渐脱野蛮状态而进入文明。
    Man has gradually emerged from barbarism into civilization over the long history.
  • 如果国家还没有达到那样的发展阶段,还处于未开化或半开化状态,它的农业生产力甚至还没有脱最原始情况,如果输入国外制成品输出原料时,仍然可以使它一年一年地发展起来,可以使它的精神力量和社会力量不断有所启发和增长,如果这样的贸易关系能够继续下去,不致由于国外禁止输入原料品或由于战争而使贸易中断,或者如果这个农业国家是处于热带的;那么在这样情况下输人国与输出国双方的利得是均等的,也是符合于自然规律的,因为处于这样地位的国家,在以本国农产品交换外国工业品的影响下,比之完全依靠它自己的力量时,可以更迅速、更稳健地实现文化的发展与生产力的提高。
    If it has not yet attained that stage, and still remains in a barbarous or half-civilised state, if its agricultural power of production has not yet developed itself even from the most primitive condition, if by the importation of foreign fabrics and the exportation of raw products its prosperity nevertheless increases considerably from year to year, and its mental and social powers continue to be awakened and increased, if such commerce as it can thus carry on is not interrupted by foreign prohibition of importation of raw products, or by wars, or if the territory of the agricultural nation is situated in a tropical climate, the gain on both sides will then be equal and in conformity with the laws of nature,because under the influence of such an exchange of the native products for foreign fabrics, a nation so situated will attain to civilisation and development of its productive powers more quickly and safely than when it has to develop them entirely out of its resources.
  • 理发馆只有几家就到。
    It's only a few door away from the barber's.
  • 理发馆只有几家就到。
    It 's only a few doors away from the barber 's.
  • 母女们想尽办法对付他--赤裸裸的问句,巧妙的设想,题很远的猜测,什么办法都用到了;
    They attacked him in various ways; with barefaced questions, ingenious suppositions, and distant surmises;
  • 大风暴后,那艘驳终于驶了码头。
    The barge finally laid off away from the pier after the violent storm.
  • 沸石水合的铝硅酸盐矿物的一种,它的分子包括钠、钾、钙、锶、钡的阳子或相同的人工化合物,主要用于分子过滤和子交换的催化剂
    Any one of a family of hydrous aluminum silicate minerals, whose molecules enclose cations of sodium, potassium, calcium, strontium, or barium, or a corresponding synthetic compound, used chiefly as molecular filters and ion-exchange agents.
  • 要是那些小狗再象那样叫,那么它们就死期不远了。
    If those puppies keep barking like that they'll not be long for this world.
  • 警察从凶杀地点100英里处开始调查,我认为他们选错了目标。
    I think the police are barking up the wrong tree by starting their enquires 100miles from where the murder happened.
  • 警方在远劫案发生地近50英里的地方开始调查,恐怕他们是在白费心机。
    I’m afraid the police are barking up the wrong tree by starting their investigation nearly 50 miles from where the robbery happened.
  • 士兵开营房时得登记签字。
    Soldiers sign out when they leave the barracks.
  • 营,例如为代替军事编队中某人的位置
    To leave a barracks, for example, in order to take one's place in a military formation.
  • 一种双管、无线膛、肩扛、近距射击的武器。
    a double-barreled smoothbore shoulder weapon for firing shot at short ranges.
  • 他的文章离开主题。
    His essay digress from the main subject.
  • 西班牙巴斯克分主义组织埃塔
    the Basque separatist organization ETA
  • 它是一种暂时的防御工事,就像一种可分的棱堡一样。
    temporary fortification like a detached bastion.
  • 水是生命必需品,饮用、沐浴、烹调、清洗、种植食品、给引擎加燃料、支助生态系统,无一得开它。
    Water is essential for life – to drink, bathe, cook,clean, grow food, fuel engines, support ecosystems.
  • 投出的球偏了击球员
    The pitch broke away from the batter.
  • 巨浪将那艘失事的船只冲击得支破碎.
    The huge waves battered the wrecked ship to pieces.
  • 遭虐待的妇女的确在开伤害她们的人。
    Battered women do leave their abusers.
  • 遭虐待的妇女不断家出走,并因此受到惩罚。
    Battered women leave all the time and are punished for it.
  • 这些邮件通常需要一个月才能送到,经过一路的颠沛流,它们早已经"衣衫褴褛"。
    The mail arrives as much as a month late and often battered and ripped from the arduous trip.
  • 又一名妇女在美国印第安纳波利斯被与她分居的丈夫杀害,由此人们又一次提出这个问题:"为什么这些受虐待的妇女不家出走呢?
    Yet another woman was killed by her estranged husband in Indianapolis,and yet again the question was asked,"Why don't these battered women leave?
  • 就在今年,我看见我的房东将与我相邻的那位女房客赶走了(她也是挨打后家出走的妇女,也带着小孩),因为她为了不交费而把房内电器插头拔掉了。
    Just this year I saw my landlord evict the woman from the house next to mine (also an escaped battered woman,also with small children) for the offense of having her utilities disconnected for non-payment.
  • 我们接到命令把船远远开进大海,驶海岸炮火的射程。
    We were ordered to stand well out to sea, out of the range of shore batteries.
  • 用完了的电池;开时灯亮着,回来就发现电池用完了。
    a dead battery; left the lights on and came back to find the battery drained.