  • 你如果吃糖过多,必会胃痛。
    If you eat too much candy , a stomach ache will follow.
  • 连畜棚都井有序;整齐的小帆船。
    even the barn was shipshape; a trim little sailboat.
  • 我来到杜伊勒利宫,沿着蜿蜒的小路散步,倾听着鸟鸣,注视着孩子们在一个大喷泉里漂放着玩具帆船……人人似乎都很悠闲自在,巴黎真美,此时的我虽独自一人,猛间我却并不感到孤独。
    When I reached the Tuileries, I strolled along a winding path, listening to birds sing, watching children float toy sailboats in a huge fountain. No one seemed to be in a hurry. Paris was beautiful. And I was here alone but suddenly not lonely.
  • 胆碱一种天的碳氢基氨,c5h15no2,经常归类为维生素b复合体并且是许多其他生物重要分子的组成部分,如乙醯胆素和卵磷脂
    A natural amine, C5H15NO2, often classed in the vitamin B complex and a constituent of many other biologically important molecules, such as acetylcholine and lecithin.
  • 两栖动物一种两栖纲的皮肤光滑的冷血脊椎动物,如蛙或蝾螈,此类动物的特征是有鳃的幼虫在水中孵化,后逐渐转变成用肺呼吸的成虫
    A cold-blooded, smooth-skinned vertebrate of the class Amphibia, such as a frog or salamander, that characteristically hatches as an aquatic larva with gills. The larva then transforms into an adult having air-breathing lungs.
  • 现已灭绝的两栖动物,与庞大物的火蜥蜴和鳄鱼相似,头骨坚硬扁平,牙齿呈圆锥形;生活于泥盆纪至三垩纪。
    extinct amphibians typically resembling heavy-bodied salamanders or crocodiles and having a solid flattened skull and conical teeth; Devonian through Triassic.
  • 后,他又非常缓慢、非常小心地一点一点地在她那满是皱纹的、已经变成灰黄色的皮肤上洗着,洗着她的胳膊,洗着她的肩膀……他那每一次触摸都分明是一次爱抚,每一个动作都分明是一句诺言。
    Then slowly and carefully, he washed her arms and shoulders, working his way over the wrinkled, sallow skin. Each touch was a caress, each movement a promise.
  • 采访中,我们请基辛格博士为本刊题词,他欣应允。
    During the interview,I asked him to write an inscription for our English Salon magazine.He agreed joyfully.
  • 父亲对儿子说:“我不指望你所有考试都得优秀,但我要你表现出色,我当不希望你不及格。
    Father to "I don't expect you to ace all exams, but I do want you to do well and I certainly don't want you to fail."
  • 您先用盐,然后给我。
    After you with the salt.
  • 腌过后弄干或烟熏的公猪后背和两侧的肉;经常切得很薄而且油炸过。
    back and sides of a hog salted and dried or smoked; usually sliced thin and fried.
  • 中美洲的七个国家--危地马拉、巴拿马、伯利兹、洪都拉斯、萨尔瓦多、尼加拉瓜和哥斯达黎加,遍布自美景和文化宝藏。
    The seven countries of Central American -- Guatemala, Panama, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica -- are full of natural beauty and cultural treasures.
  • 谢瓦尔德纳泽先生透露谈妥条件的情况,显是希望在日内瓦联合国主持的协商会议谈妥撤军细节以前,挽回一些道德与政治的优势。
    By letting the shape of the deal be known, Mr. Shevardnadze apparently hopes to salvage some moral and political high ground before details of a withdrawal are worked out at United Nations-sponsored negotiations in Geneva.
  • 许多调查所用的随机取样不能覆盖大部分人口,但是这一过程使人们能更深刻地理解选举和消费的模式。
    Although random sampling used for many surveys fails to cover large segments of the population , the procedure nonetheless offers insight into voting and consumption patterns.
  • 而,当我们的眼睛渐渐适应这纷陈杂沓的建筑物时,还是可以区分出主要一些群体来的。
    But these are the principal masses which were then to be distinguished when the eye began to accustom itself to this tumult of edifices.
  • 引进把植物或动物引进一个地区并使之适应;自
    To introduce and accustom(an animal or a plant) into another region; naturalize.
  • 传说讲的是一个叫塞缪尔·威尔逊的肉食品检验官,他的任务是为联邦政府检验军队采购的肉的质量,后批准是否可以食用。
    Samuel Wilson, so goes the legend, was a meat inspector in the service of the federal government whose task it was to approve the quality of meat bought by the army.
  • 另一个有趣的故事是在1993年,当麻省理工学院的丁肇中教授来到新加坡参加物理会议的时候,有一名年轻的记者问了一个极“老套”的问题,即他的诺贝尔奖是努力还是天分的结果。丁教授一本正经,以微带幽默的语气答曰:“当是天分1
    Then there was this humorous incident involving Professor Samuel Ting of CERN/MIT when he was in Singapore to attend a physics conference in 1993. When asked by a young and inexperienced reporter the "cliche" question of whether it was hard work or talent which brought him his Nobel Prize, he gave the following unexpected answer with a straight face and plenty of hidden wry humor: "Talent of course!"
  • 瓦杰帕伊为了替印度进行核试验辨解,竟翻出了60年代中印边界战争的老帐,污蔑中国在那场战争中对其进行了“武装侵略”。
    To defend India's nuclear tests, Vajpayee even brought up old scores dating back to the Sino-lndian border war in the 1960s, accusing China of committing "armed aggression'' against India during the war.
  • 她仍相信有圣诞老人,要是使她这一幻想破灭就於心不忍了。
    She still believes in Santa Claus and it will be cruel to disillusion her.
  • 她仍相信有圣诞老人,要是使她这一幻想破灭就於心不忍了。
    She still believe in santa claus and it will is cruel to disillusion her.
  • 他漠地看着指责他的人,一句话也不说。
    He eyed his accuser levelly without saying anything.
  • 一种恶性肉瘤起初是紫色斑点后向淋巴结扩散。
    a sarcoma that starts with purplish spots on the and spreads from the skin to the lymph nodes and internal organs; a common manifestation of AIDS.
  • 我还不想说他不诚实(纵我有所怀疑,也不愿意这样指责他)
    I won't go so far as to say that he is dishonest, ie I won't actually accuse him of dishonesty, even though I might suspect him of it.
  • 一种饱和脂肪酸,天存在于动物和植物脂肪中。
    a saturated fatty acid occurring naturally in animal and vegetable fats.
  • 如此,我想我还是偏好圆形盘子和小碟子。
    I think I prefer the round plate and saucer, though.
  • 内夫得沙特阿拉伯北部的沙漠地区。因其红沙和突的烈风而闻名
    A desert region of northern Saudi Arabia. It is noted for its red sand and sudden violent winds.
  • 联邦调查局说,鉴于“最近显有人将目标对准驻在沙特阿拉伯的、以美国为首的军队,美国的执法部门应该时刻对肩扛式防空导弹可能被用来袭击美国飞机的情况保持警惕。”
    As a result of the " recent apparent targeting of U.S.-led military forces in Saudi Arabia, law-enforcement agencies in the United States should remain alert to potential use of manpads against U.S. aircraft," the FBI said.
  • 你的信息救了我,不我会损失一大笔钱。
    That saved me a large amount of money.
  • 他讨厌任何带有超自意味的东西。
    He have an aversion to anything that savor of the supernatural.
  • 这个故事显是一个妇人所写;看它的内容就可知道。
    This story is unmistakably by a woman; it savors of the pan.
  • 正色的关于、具有或精确复造出自的色彩的
    Of, having, or accurately reproducing the colors of nature.