  • 它还能减轻化不良,缓解关节炎和风湿病,花可用于制造咳嗽糖浆。
    It also alleviates indigestion, soothes arthritis and rheumatism, and the flower can be used in cough syrup.
  • 通过酶的作用而人工的部分化。
    artificially partially digested as by enzymatic action.
  • 靠的乃是纤维的粘性,或内聚力,这是自然界中的一种力,我们能参照其他机械力精确地测定它,并能弄清立足够抵或抗衡多大的机械力。
    By the tenacity, or force of cohesion, of the fibres: which is one of the forces in nature, and which we can measure exactly against other mechanical forces, and ascertain how much of any of them it suffices to neutralize or counterbalance.
  • 无菌工作区;过毒的外科器械;无菌外科手术法。
    a sterile operating area; aseptic surgical instruments; aseptic surgical techniques.
  • 她灰白的脸显示出那息使她多麽震惊。
    Her ashen face show how much the news have shocked her.
  • 她听到这一悲惨息,脸都白了。
    She listened to the tragic news ashen-faced.
  • 一种失了的文化的遗迹
    The ashes of a lost culture.
  • 息使 我们放心了。
    The news assured us.
  • 用移动的磁铁和无向的线圈的排列来除地球磁场的作用的仪器。
    has a moving magnet and astatic coils arranged to cancel the effect of the Earth's magnetic field.
  • 像散的像散的,用于复合透镜,其中分隔部分抵了每一个透镜的散光效果
    Free from astigmatism. Used of a compound lens in which the separate components compensate for the astigmatic effects of each lens.
  • 女王到访的息轰动全城。
    News of the Queen's visit set the whole town astir.
  • 镇上因这个息而哄动。
    The town was astir with the news.
  • 因为这条息而全城哄动。
    The whole town was astir with the news.
  • "敌人将恢复轰炸的息传来,整个社区都骚动起来。"
    The whole community was astir when the news came that the enemy bombing would be restored.
  • 敌人将恢复轰炸的息传来,整个社区都骚动起来。
    The whole community was astir when the news came that the enemy bombing would is restored.
  • 听到他逃之夭夭的息,我感到惊讶。
    I was astonished at the news of his escape.
  • 息使人人感到惊讶。
    The news astonished everybody.
  • 息着实让我吃了一惊。
    I was astonished at the news.
  • 息使大家感到惊讶.
    The news astonished everyone.
  • 息使她感到惊讶。
    She was astonished at the news.
  • 你对这个息感到惊讶。
    You look astonished at the news.
  • 她突然去世的息使我们震惊。
    We are astonished at the news of her sudden death.
  • 她突然去世的息使我们震惊。
    We is astonished at the news of her sudden death.
  • 当这位父亲计算出自己的儿子上个月花在遣上的费用达6,000英镑时,感到非常吃惊。
    The father was astonished when he computed his son’s expenditure on entertainment at about six thousand pounds last month.
  • 不成想,听到这个息以后,她竟非常高兴。
    To my astonishment, she was delighted.
  • 使我惊讶的是,它失得无影无踪了。
    To my astonishment it had completely disappeared.
  • 3~4世纪起源于德国,木柱象征异教徒和邪恶,天主教徒认为在教堂走廊上滚石头击倒木柱,就可以赎罪、灾。
    The stakes symbol-ized pagans and devil. The Romanists believed that rolling stones strik-ing down the stakes in the corridors of the churches would atone for their crimes and ward off calamities.
  • 耗病,痨病以身体或身体的一部分萎缩或蚀为特点的一种疾病
    A disease characterized by the wasting away or atrophy of the body or a part of the body.
  • 解脱从无知中解放出来,并除了所有的业力
    Emancipation from ignorance and the extinction of all attachment.
  • 猫将阁楼上的老鼠全灭掉了。
    The cat made away with the mice in the attic.
  • 我抱消极态度。
    I take a passive attitude.
  • …的律师资格取(辩护律师)法律公务行动或程序的常规工作
    To expel(an attorney) from the practice of law by official action or procedure.